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Standing postures

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Arda Chandrasana/Half Moon Posture


Standing with the feet together, inhale arms up overhead, interlace the fingers, thumbs crossed, first fingers up. The arms are straight and strong. Shoulders are relaxe away from the ears. Chin lifts up from the chest. eyes are focused straight ahead. Lift the torso up and out of the pelvis. Take a deep breath in and on the exhale drop the torso to the right. Lift and lengthen the rib cage as you press out through the left hip. keep the head straight and chin lifted. release on the inhale. Repeat on the other side.

Arda Chandrasana counter pose



From Arda Chandrasana inhale back up to center and exhale. lift the torso up and out of the lower spine. the crown of the head reaches to the ceiling

exhale drop the head back and press the hips and thighs forward. go back, fall back. push up through the arms. Dont sink into the lower back. keep the chest lifted. push, push push!! Inhale lift the chest up. Exhale, press back on the arms and use your eyes to look behind you. its okay to bend your knees. make sure youre not holding onto your breath. all your weight should be in your heels. Inhale up to release. 


Padaghusthasana/Forward Fold



From mountain, take a breath in and exhale as you forward fold. Step the feet six inches apart (hips width) Slide the first two fingers between the big and second toe, wrapping around the the big toes. For the yogi toe grip. Press down the insides of the feet at the base of the big toe and the inside of the heels

Inhale the spine halfway up. Straighten the arms and press out throught the tail bone and the crown of the head. Exhalke forward fold, pulling the elbows/arms out to the side like elephant ears. Shoulders relax down the back. Legs press straight. knees and quads lift.


Padahastasana/hands to feet pose



From a standing posture exhale forward fold. Step the feet into the hands so that they press into the wrists. this is a wonderful counter stretch, for the wrist movement for downward dog.

Inhale tail up exhale forward fold, once again shoulders away from the ears. On each inhale lengthen the spine. On each exhale, press the ribs to the thighs, the face to the shins, pulling the arms out to the side. Press the toes into the wrists and let your weight come onto the toes to the point where you will feel like falling over. use your arms to engage fold activating the legs


Utkatasana/Fierce/awkward/chair pose A:


From mountain, let the arms seperate to shoulder width and drop down to shoulder height. Inhale. Exhale sitting down into the chair. The thighs are parallel to the ground. The knees squeeze together. tailbone tucks under. ribs lift and seperate as you attempt to bring the torso upright. You are strengthening your ankles, your knees, and your abdomen. Allow your weight to settle down through your heels and down through your sits bones. Breath normally sitting deeper, breath, sitting deeper...
Utkatasana B:
Take another breath in and come up onto your tippy toes. exhale sitting the thighs once again parallel to the ground, as if the body is pressed up against a pane of glass. not tipping forward or backward. Sitting deeper and pressing the heels higher. The crown of the head lifts to the ceiling. Inhale up. Exhale heels to the ground
Utkatasana C:

Inhale back up onto the toes ever so slightly. Squeeze the knees and thighs together as if you are holding onto a million dollar bill. The hips sit down to the heels Drop the knees so that the thighs are parallel to the ground. The arms are parallel to the ground. 

Knees and thighs continue to squeeze. Shoulders relax. On the next inhale, keep the legs squeezed tight as you rise up to standing. Exhale the heels to the ground and the arms to the sides. Keep eyes focused. take a breath in and a breath out. 

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