Shared Flashcard Set


XXV. Deep Back Muscles and Muscles of Abdomen
Unit 3: Week 11
Undergraduate 2

Additional Anatomy Flashcards




Superficial Back Muscles

Extrinsic (do not belong to back itself); Produce/control LIMB movements; includes:

  • Trapezius
  • Latissimus Dorsi
  • Levator Scapulae
  • Rhomboids
Intermediate Back Muscles

Extrinsic (not part of back itself); Produce respiratory movement; Includes:

1. Serratus Posterior Superior: lies deep to rhomboids and extends downward from spines of vertebral column to Ribs 2-5.

2. Serratus Posterior Inferior: lies deep to latissimus dorsi and extends upward from lower thoracic/upper lumbar spine to lower 4 ribs (9-12)

Deep (Intrinsic) Back Muscles

Originates from back; produces vertebral column movement and maintains posture; 3 layers:

1. Superficial Intrinsic: most superficial of deep m's;

  • Splenius Capitis
  • Splenius Cervicis

2. Erector Spinae: intermediate intrinsic layer;

  • Iliocostalis
  • Longissimus
  • Spinalis

3. Transversospinal Group: Deepest intrinsic layer;

  • Semispinalis (5-7 vertebrae)
  • Multifidus (2-4 vertebrae)
  • Rotator longus/brevis (1-2 vertebrae)
Splenius Capitis and Cervicis (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep muscles of back: superficial intrinsic;

O: Ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T6

I: Mastoid process of temporal and nuchal line of occipital, transverse processes of C1-C4

N: Dorsal Rami of cervical spinal nerves

A: Bilaterally extends, or laterally rotates/flexes head to same side


Erector Spinae muscles

Deep Muscles of the Back: Intermediate Intrinsic; extends pelvis-skull; lateral to medial (I love spaghetti):

  • Iliocostalis
  • Longissimus
  • Spinalis

3 layers arranged in 3 longitudinal, parallel columns; bilaterally maintains errect posture; unilaterally flexes vertebral column to same side

Iliocostalis (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep back muscle: intermediate intrinsic (erector spinae);

O: Iliac crests (lumborum); inferior 6 ribs (thoracis); and ribs 3-6 (cervicis)

I: Angles of ribs (lumborum and thoracis), transverse processes of cervical vertebrae C6-C4 (cervicis)

N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves

A: Bilaterally extends vertebral column; ipsolaterally bends vertebral column to same side (lateral flexion)

Longissimus (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep back muscle: intermediate intrinsic (erector spinae);

O: Transverse processes of lumbar to cervical vertebrae

I: Transverse processes of thoracic through cervical vertebrae and to ribs superior to origin; capitis inserts into mastoid processes of temporal bone

N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves

A: Extends vertebral column (thoracic and cervical vertebrae together); acting on one side= bend laterally; capitis extends head and turns face toward same side


Spinalis (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep back muscle: Intermediate intrinsic (erector spinae);

has 3 parts also: thoracics, cervices, and capitis;

O: Spines of lumbar and thoracic lower vertebrae

I: Spines of upper thoracic and cervical vertebrae

N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves

A: Extends vertebral column (and possibly head)

Transversospinal Group

Deep muscles of the back; Deepest layer; 3 muscles:

  • Semispinalis
  • Multifidus
  • Rotatores

All extend from inferior lateral to superior medially from transverse processes to spinous processes

Semispinalis (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep back muscle: Deep intrinsic layer (Transversospinal group); spans to 6 vertebrae above;

O: Transverse processes of C7-T12

I: Occipital bone (capitis); spinous processes of cerical (cervicis) and thoracic vertebrae T1-T4 (thoracis)

N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves

A: Bilaterally extends head and spine; unilaterally rotates head and neck to opposite side

Multifidus (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep back muscle: Deep intrinsic layer (Transversospinal group); spans to 4 vertebrae above;

O: Posterior sacrum, L1-5 mamillary processes, T1-12 transverse processes, C4-7 articular processes

I: Spinous Processes (4 above)

N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves

A: Bilaterally extends spine; unilaterally rotates spine to opposite side

Rotatores (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Deep back muscle: Deep intrinsic layer (Transversospinal group); spans to 1-2 vertebrae above;

O: Transverse Processes

I: Spinous processes (1-2 above)

N: Dorsal Rami of spinal nerves

A: Bilaterally extends spine; unilaterally rotates spine to opposite side

Quadratus Lumborum (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Really not a back muscle; forms part of abdominal wall;

O: Iliac crest and iliolumbar fascia

I: Transverse processes of upper lumbar vertebrae and lower margin of 12th rib

N: Ventral Rami

A: Bilaterally extends spine and fix 12th rib; unilaterally flexes trunk to same side (lateral flexion)

Rectus Abdominis (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Vertical band-like muscle; paired (separated by linea alba); covered anteriorly & posteriorly by rectus sheath;

O: Pubic crest & symphysis

I: Xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7

N: Intercostal nerves

A: Flexes lumbar region of vertebral column (trunk); compresses abdomen (increase intraabdominal pressure)

External Oblique (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Flat, horizontal muscle; most superficial of 3 horizontal m's; fibers run down and inward;

O: Lower 8 ribs

I: Linea alba

N: Intercostal nerves

A: Aids rectus abdominis in flexing and rotating spine (to opposite side) and compressing abdomen


Internal Oblique (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Flat, horizontal muscle; most intermediate of 3 horizontal m's; Upper fibers run superiorly, middle fibers run horizontally, lower fibers run inferiorly;

O: Lumbodorsal fascia, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament

I: Linea alba, pubic crest, & last 3 ribs

N: Intercostal nerves

A: Flexes and rotates spine/trunk to same side; compresses abdomen

Transverse Abdominal (Origin, Insertion, Innervation, & Action)

Flat, horizontal muscle; deepest layer of 3 horizontal m's; Fibers run horizontally

O: Inguinal ligament, lumbodorsal fascia, cartilages of last 6 ribs, iliac crest

I: Linea alba, pubic crest

N: Intercostal nerves

A: Compresses abdomen

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