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WWII And The Start To The Cold War
WWII history
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler a German dictator and part of the Nazi party during WWII
n German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945) Synonyms: Der Fuhrer, Hitler Example of: dictator, potentate. a ruler who is unconstrained by law. German Nazi, Nazi. a German member of Adolf Hitler's political party.
Allies of WWII were US, UK, ETC.
two or more individuals, organizations, or countries who are working together toward the same purpose as a result of a mutual agreement.
many of the countries gave into Hitlers demand, this resulted in appeasement
the action or process of appeasing:pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.
Atlantic Charter
Atlantic charter an agreement between america
The Atlantic Charter was a pivotal policy statement issued during World War II on 14 August 1941, which defined the Allied goals for the post war world. The leaders of the United Kingdom and the United States drafted the work and all the Allies of World War II later confirmed it.
Attack on Guernica
the attack on guernica was bombing on a spanish town the people who hid in teh bunker all came out alive
The bombing of Guernica (Spanish pronunciation: [ger'nika]) (26 April 1937) was an aerial bombing of the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. ... The attack gained controversy because it involved the bombing of civilians by a military air force.
the axis of powers were germany-japan-italy
Axis powers. noun. a group of countries that opposed the Allied powers in World War II, including Germany, Italy, and Japan as well as Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Yugoslavia. The Axis powers were led by Nazi Germany.
Bataan Death March
a large group of people walking to their deaths, the events of the bataan death march
The Bataan Death March was the forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of 60,000–80,000 Filipino and American prisoners of war from Saysain Point, Bagac, Bataan and Mariveles to Camp O'Donnel
Battle of Iwo Jima
Battle of Iwo Jima was on japanese soil
The Battle of Iwo Jima was a major battle in which the United States Marine Corps landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II
Battle of Midway
battle of midway was a decisive battle in the oacific theatre
n naval battle of World War II (June 1942); American planes based on land and on carriers decisively defeated a Japanese fleet on its way to invade the Midway Islands. Synonyms: Midway Example of: naval battle.
Battle of Okinawa
operation Ice Berg was fought in the pacific on the island of Okinawa
The Battle of Okinawa, codenamed Operation Iceberg, was a major battle of the Pacific War fought on the island of Okinawa by United States Marine and Army forces against the Imperial Japanese Army.
Battle of The Bulge
battle of the bulge was the germans last major offensive
The Battle of the Bulge was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II.
Benito Mussolini
benito mussolini the dictator of italy
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist who was the leader of the National Fascist Party.
Big Three
the big three consist of US, UK, and The Soviet Union
In Teheran, Iran, the first meeting of the 'Big Three.' From Left: Soviet Union leader Josef Stalin; U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt; and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
the blitzkrieg of germany was successful for a time
A German term for “lightning war,” blitzkrieg is a military tactic designed to create disorganization among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower. Its successful execution results in short military campaigns, which preserves human lives and limits the expenditure of artillery.
Cold War
the state of political hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led Western powers from 1945 to 1990.
The Cold War was a state of geopolitical tension after World War II between powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union and its satellite states) and powers in the Western Bloc (the United States, its NATO allies and others).
D-day occurred in normandy
In the military, D-Day is the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. The best known D-Day is during World War II, on June 6, 1944—the day of the Normandy landings—initiating the Western Allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi Germany.
Emperor Hirohito
hirohito planned the bombing on pearl harbour
Hirohito was the 124th Emperor of Japan according to the traditional order of succession, reigning from 25 December 1926, until his death. He was succeeded by his eldest son, Akihito
Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco the Communist Spain Dictator
Francisco Franco Bahamonde (/ˈfræŋkoʊ/; Spanish: [fɾanˈθisko ˈfɾaŋko βa.aˈmonde]; 4 December 1892 – 20 November 1975) was a Spanish general who ruled over Spain as a military dictator from 1939, after the Nationalist victory in the Spanish Civil War, until his death in 1975.
General Hideki Tojo
Gnl. Hideki Tojo the gerneral of the Imperial japanese army
· info); December 30, 1884 – December 23, 1948) was a general of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA), the leader of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association, and the 27th Prime Minister of Japan during much of World War II, from October 17, 1941, to July 22, 1944.
Haile Selassie
Haile selassie the Leader of Ethiopia at the time
On 5 May 1941, Haile Selassie entered Addis Ababa and personally addressed the Ethiopian people, five years to the day since his 1936 exile: Today is the day on which we defeated our enemy. ... After World War II, Ethiopia became a charter member of the United Nations
Hiroshima was the first location the US dropped the atomic bomb
A city of southwest Honshu, Japan, on the Inland Sea west of Osaka. The city was destroyed in World War II when an American airplane dropped the first atomic bomb ever used in warfare (August 6, 1945).
Island Hopping
Island hopping is a strategic way of gaining land
Leapfrogging, also known as island hopping, was a military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War against Japan and the Axis powers during World War II.
Jseph Stalin
Joseph stalin the communist dicatator of Russia
Image result for Joseph Stalin definition ww2
The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as the two world superpowers, and a period of tensions began between the Soviet-backed Eastern Bloc and U.S.-backed Western Bloc known as the Cold War. Stalin led his country through its post-war reconstruction, during which it developed a nuclear weapon in 1949.
Kamikaze Pilots
Kamikaze Pilotes were Suicide pilots only mission was to crash their aircraft
Definition of kamikaze. 1 : a member of a Japanese air attack corps in World War II assigned to make a suicidal crash on a target (such as a ship) 2 : an airplane containing explosives to be flown in a suicide crash on a target.
League Of Nations
the league of nation is an international orginization
League of Nations definition. An international organization established after World War I under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. The League, the forerunner of the United Nations, brought about much international cooperation on health, labor problems, refugee affairs, and the like.
Lend Lease Act
The material and supllies supplied by the US
1. the matériel and services supplied by the U.S. to its allies during World War II under an act of Congress (Lend-Lease Act) passed in 1941: such aid was to be repaid in kind after the war. 2. the two-way transfer of ideas, styles, etc.
Munich Conference
Munich conference was between Germany and Britain
Munich Pact definition. An agreement between Britain and Germany in 1938, under which Germany was allowed to extend its territory into parts of Czechoslovakia in which German-speaking peoples lived. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain negotiated on behalf of Britain, and Chancellor Adolf Hitler on behalf of Germany.
The Second major City hit with on of the US's Atomic Bombs
Nagasaki. A city of western Kyushu, Japan, on Nagasaki Bay, an inlet of the East China Sea. The first Japanese port to be opened to foreign trade in the 1500s, Nagasaki was devastated by the second atomic bomb used in World War II (August 9, 1945).x.
North Atlantic Treaty Orginization
NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a military alliance of European and North American democracies founded after World War II to strengthen international ties between member states—especially the United States and Europe—and to serve as a counter-balance to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.
Nazi-Soviet Pact
(Nonagression pact)
Nazi socie pact was between Germany and Russia
On August 23, 1939–shortly before World War II (1939-45) broke out in Europe–enemies Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years.
Pearl Harbour
Pearl harbour an island in hawaii
Pearl Harbor. An inlet of the Pacific Ocean on the southern coast of Oahu, Hawaii, west of Honolulu. It became the site of a naval base after the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898. On Sunday, December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the base, and the United States entered World War II the following day.
Potsdam Conderence
Between roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin
The Potsdam Conference, 1945. The Big Three—Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (replaced on July 26 by Prime Minister Clement Attlee), and U.S. President Harry Truman—met in Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2, 1945, to negotiate terms for the end of World War II.
Funds to fund the damaged and the wounded from the vanquished to the victors
War reparations are payments made after a war by the vanquished to the victors. They are intended to cover damage or injury inflicted during a war. Generally, the term war reparations refers to money or goods changing hands, but not to the annexation of land.
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
The Axis Powers
The Axis powers, also known as the Axis and the Rome–Berlin–Tokyo Axis, were the nations that fought in World War II against the Allied forces.
Largest confrontation in the world
The Battle of Stalingrad was the largest confrontation of World War II in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia.
Treay of Versailles
Harsh treaty to make Germany pay most of its resources to france
The Treaty of Versailles (1919) was a document signed between Germany and the Allied Powers following World War I that officially ended that war. and led to roughly treating Germany.
VE Day
Vintory in european day
Victory in Europe Day, generally known as V-E Day, VE Day or simply V Day, celebrated on May 8 or May 9, 1945 to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces
Warsaw Pact
military allinance of cummunist
Warsaw Pact definition. A military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe. Organized in 1955 in answer to NATO, the Warsaw Pact included Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union.
Weiemer Republic
ubofficial government during the years after the first world war
The Weimar Republic (German: Weimarer Republik [ˈvaɪmaʁɐ ʁepuˈbliːk] ( listen)) is an unofficial, historical designation for the German state during the years 1919 to 1933. The name derives from the city of Weimar, where its constitutional assembly first took place.
Winston Churchill
prime minister of Britain
Winston Churchill was one of the best-known, and some say one of the greatest, statesmen of the 20th century. Though he was born into a life of privilege, he dedicated himself to public service.
Yalta Conference
Second conference of the BIG THREE
The February 1945 Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. During the conference, the three leaders agreed to demand Germany's unconditional surrender and began plans for a post-war world.
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