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World War 1
World War 1
12th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Treaty of Versailles
Peace Treaty that ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. Signed at the french royal palace at Versailles in the Hall of Mirros. It took six months of negotiating to actually end the fighting and sign the treaty... biggest part of the conference was that Germany was crippled with debts to the allies in form of reparations.. this sets the impetus for Hitler to come to power

Trench warfare
This new method of war, which created a network of ditches on both of fighting sides and a No-Man's Land in between, left European military generals unprepared. Life in the trenches proved dirty and dangerous for the soldiers therein, and storming across No-Man's Land was also disastrous, as soldiers could be mowed down easily by automatic weapons firing up from the ground.

Bolsheviks (MS)
A faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party founded by Vladimir Lenin that split from the Mensheviks. They came to power during the October Revolution and founded the Soviet Union in which they later became the Communist Party. The Bolsheviks considered themselves the revolutionary working class of Russia.
The Black Hand by Chris Pillion
The Black Hand was a military secret society founded in serbia and responsible for the assassination in Sarajevo of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, thus triggering World War One. This group was part of the Pan-Slavist movement which wanted to unify all slavic peoples. It was similar to the People's Will in Russia and like the anarchists, used assassination as their key weapon of terror and to achieve their political or ideological goals.

The Triple Alliance was made up of?


Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy that lasted from 1882 until the start of World War I in 1914. Each member promised mutual support in the event of an attack by any two other great powers. Shortly after renewing the Alliance in June 1902, Italy secretly extended a similar guarantee to France. Italy then switched over to the Triple Entente and was then replaced by the Ottoman Empire.
Triple Entente (BE)
Alliance between Russia, GB, and France, originating with GB and France. Italy later joins because they wanted the ancient lands that originally belonged to them, when they were the Roman Empire. The Triple Entente went into battle against the Triple Alliance.
Schlieffen Plan (CR)
The Schlieffen Plan was the German General Staff's early 20th century strategic plan for overall victory in a possible future war where it might find itself fighting on two fronts: France to the west and Russia to the east. The First World War later became such a war with both a Western Front and an Eastern Front.

In short, it was the German plan to avoid a two-front war by concentrating their troops in the west, quickly defeating the French and then, if necessary, rushing those troops by rail to the east to face the Russians before they had time to mobilize fully.

The Schlieffen Plan was created by Count Alfred von Schlieffen and modified by Helmuth von Moltke the Younger after Schlieffen's retirement. It was Moltke who actually put the plan into action, despite initial reservations about it.
Women Activist Groups during WWI (AI)
Woman's Peace Party was a small but active group in the counter war effort. They wanted peace and saw the war as a meaningless battle (much like Quakers and some Socialists)and meaningless blood shed. Leaders of this group then created the National American Woman Suffrage Association which was the largest women's organization in American History (to that date). This group did support the war, and presented themselves as a patriotic organization that advanced the war effort. They callled for women's suffrage as a war measure. They argued that women's work was essential in the war effort, and thus they needed to feel like a full part of the nation.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand (MG)
While visiting Sarajevo, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was shot and killed in a open-topped car in a motorcade in Sarajevo. This event exposed the tensions between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and was a main precursor for WWI.
Brest-Litovsk (SM)
Lenin's promise of peace to the Russian people did not come without strings attached. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed by the new communist Russia and Germany, and it awarded Germany eastern Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic provinces. Lenin argued that it was not problematic because the spread of socialist revolutions throughout Europe would make the treaty pointless. The peace that he promised never developed and Russia fell into civil war.
Dreadnought (AV)
name given to a new breed of ship in the British navy. The first of these new super-large battleships was launched in 1906 and lead to a naval race between Britain and Germany. This naval race was one of the long term causes of World War One.
Fourteen Points-LA
Speech given by Woodrow Wilson in January of 1918 to a session of congress to assure the country that WWI was being fought for a moral cause, that of European peace. It also outlined the president's proposal for a post-world war peace.
Gustav Stresemann CR
Gustav Stresemann was a German liberal politician and statesman who served as Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic. He was co-laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926.

On August 13, 1923, in the midst of the Ruhr Crisis, he was appointed Chancellor and Foreign Minister of a grand coalition government. As Chancellor, Stresemann went a long way towards resolving the crisis. In the so-called year of crises (1923) he showed strength by calling-off the popular passive resistance at the Ruhr. Since Germany was no longer able to pay the striking workers, more and more money was printed, which finally led to hyperinflation.

Stresemann's decision to end passive resistance was motivated by his view that Germany had to at least make a good faith effort to fulfill the terms of Versailles. He, like virtually every German, felt Versailles sullied the nation's honor. However, he felt that by trying to fulfill Versailles' terms, Germany could demonstrate that the reparations bill was truly beyond its capacity.

As Foreign Minister, Stresemann had numerous achievements. His first notable achievement was the Dawes Plan of 1924, which reduced Germany's overall reparations commitment and reorganized the Reichsbank.

His second success was the Locarno Treaties with Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium, signed in October 1925 at Locarno. Germany officially recognized the post World War I western border for the first time, and was guaranteed peace with France, and promised admission to the League of Nations and evacuation of the last Allied occupation troops from the Rhineland. Germany's eastern borders were guaranteed to Poland only by France, not by a general agreement.
War Guilt Clause (NL)
Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, blaming Germany and Austria for the world war, as well as insisting upon German reparitions to the Entente powers as a result of the slaughter "imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies."
Aryanism (MG)
Aryanism is a propaganda technique used by the Nazi party in the 20th century to encourage a "master race" and racism. They stated that Aryan peoples were superior to all others in the practice of government and development of society, eventually leading to the ideas of extermination acted on by the Nazi Party.
Illusions and Misconseptions  MU
1. Many believed that the war would be over in a matter of weeks. Since many wars since 1815 were shortlived, people believed the same for this war (this was obviously not the case).

2. Many believed that in an age of modern industry war could not go on for more than a few months without destroying the economy (again, it lasted for years).

3. People were attracted to the war because it was a release from a "world grown old and cold and weary." To some, war was a glorius adventure-many young men were enthusiastic about fighting. Others believed that the war would have a redemptive effect with millions of people abandoning their preoccupations (their would be a natural rebirth based on self-sacrifice, heroism, and nobility).

Of course, these illusions all died on the battlefields due to the horrors and hardship that were endured.
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