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World Politics Test 3
world politics
Political Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional Political Studies Flashcards





Less Developed Countries


countries with low average incomes relative to industrialized states, a reliance on primary product exports, limited technology, and few social services.


                  EX: Africas global exports have declined to less than 2% by 2004 and has remained that low


EX:Realists and other theorists will argue that developed states will take advantage of the LDC’s         to increase their own wealth and power. 


Newly Industrialized Countries


social and economic classification recognizing states’ industrialization but placing them on the development continuum somewhat below the most advanced industrialized states and above LDC’s.

                  EX: South Koreaàproduced textiles and machinery in 1930’sàcritical standard of development

                  EX: China à ranks among LDCs in terms of standard of living, among NIC’s industrial growth,   and among most powerful countries in terms of economic influence


Washington Consensus:


List of 10 recommendations John Williamist thought were most commonly offered by American and Bretton Woods institutions; came to be used as shorthand for a broader liberal economic philosophy.

EX: suggest that free trade and liberalization are tides that create development opportunities for states

EX: Globalization has opened doors and facilitated development in places that otherwise would have had fewer opportunities


Debt Burden:


 Multilateral debts, occurs when a government borrows from IMF, other govs, or foreign banks

                  EX: 25% of US debt is held abroad making US liable for external interest transfers.

                  EX:When debt is held externally, it may also cause a depreciation in the exchange rate and hence a worsening of the terms of trade. (imports more expensive)


Demographic transition: 


Changes in the characteristics of human populations, including rate of growth, average age, literacy, etc.

                  EX:Between 1750 and 1975 England experienced the transition from high levels of both           mortality and fertility, to low levels. A major factor was the sharp decline in the death rate for          infectious diseases

                  EX:In the 1980s and 1990s Russia underwent a unique demographic transition; observers call it         a "demographic catastrophe": the number of deaths exceeded the number of births, life        expectancy fell sharply (especially for males) and the number of suicides increased.


Freedom House: 


Non-partisan, non profit organization promoting worldwide freedom and democracy

                  EX: The number of free countries grew from 27% of all countries to 46%

                  EX:Nigeria got a "5" and a "4," earning it the designation of "partly free,"in political rights


Terms of trade:


The ratio of export prices to import prices

                  EX:DIversified economies. Economies based on several products, trades, and services.Raises a high ration of export. postive terms of trade.

                  EX:Dependancy theory. THis argues that adventagous terms of trade further and poverishes the LDCs.


Diversified Economies:


Economies based on several, if not many, products, industries, ad services

                  EX: Kuwait is not a diversified economy because it is solely dependent on oil

                  EX:  Brazil is a deiversified economy


Import-Substitution Industrialization:


 is a trade and economic policy that advocates replacing foreign imports with domestic production.

                  EX: ISI was most successful in countries with large populations and income levels which allowed                            for the consumption of locally produced products.

                  EX: Import substitution policies were adopted by most nations in Latin America from the 1930s             until the late 1980s.


Export-led Industrialization:


is a trade and economic policy aiming to speed up the industrialization process of a country by exporting goods for which the nation has a comparative advantage.

                  EX:Export-oriented industrialization was particularly characteristic of the development of the              national economies of the Asian Tigers: Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore in the                            post-World War II period.

                  EX:is partially responsible for the damage done by the 1998 economic crisis to the economies              of countries who used export-oriented industrialization.


Structural Adjustment Policies: 


Application, often under some duress from IMF, World Bank, or US, of strict economic reforms rooted in liberal assumptions of the requirements of development.

                  EX: LDCS applied on set up to facilitate development

                  EX: debt burden 

ex. Applicable to Modernization Theory, in that MDC's provide aid to LDC's and is essential to their development. 


Institutional Corruption: 


Kleptocracy, entire system is based upon stealing from others

                  EX: Russia àOver 50% of Russians polled listed corruption as the main impediment to                development

                  EX: You can pay off cops in Mexico when they pull you over


Social Corruption:


Patronageà The person in power and all of that leaders close friends and acquaintances get the money in the country.          

                  Ex: Columbiaà Warlord Salvatore asserted that is paramilitary controlled 35% of Columbia’s                 national congress

                  EX: Nigeria


Individual Corruption: 


developed world storyàrule of law catches you

                  EX: Martha Stuart was convicted of charges related to the ImClone insider trading affair

                  EX: Indonesias Mohamed Suharto embezzled between 15-35 billion 


Human Development Index: 


introduced a new way of measuring development by combining indicators of life expectancy, educational attainment and income into a composite human development index, the HDI.

                  EX: China is top 1 or 2 in HDI

                  EX: Its different from GDP because it focuses more on the individual and not the economy


Millennium development Goals


which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015

                  EX: Each goal represents a form of development in itself, but also reps a requirement for           broader development



Replacement level fertility


Two parents are replaced by two children which is an international goal to reduce overall population growth.

                  EX> One child policy

                  EX: Aims to illuminate problems of demographic transition. Not too many old, or young people. 




cities with more than 10 million people.

Ex: Urbanization causes these megacities. Leads to lower standard of living but necessary for development of a country.

Ex: LD’C/ NIC’s 




: People who are displaced from their own countries.

                  EX: Internally displaced. The opposite.

                  EX: Israelites to the U.S. and Jewish to Israel.  


Internally displace people


People who are displaced within their own country.

                  EX: Refugees, The opposite.

                  EX: Afghanistan’s moved to different parts of the country to avoid war zones during the

 Afghanistan War.


World Health Organization: 


A humanitarian organization est. in 1948 under the ECO SOC umbrella of the U.N. Aids in development of national health administrations and provides advisory services.

                  EX> Counteract NTD like Aids and HIV

                  EX: Millennium goals in combating diseases.

                  EX: Prevelant in LDC


Neglected tropical diseases:  


Diseases that affect people in the poorest parts of the world in which housing sanitation and water supplies are deficient.

                  EX:  WHO

                  EX: Malaria, Aids

                  EX: Prevalent in LDC’s 




A severe form of pneumonia. A virus that causes breathing difficulty and sometimes death.

                  EX: Hit China Taiwan and Singapore very hard.

                  EX: China quarantined 27,000 Taiwan 12,000

                  EX: Prevalent in LDC’s

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