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World History: 1914 - Present
Unit 5 from Bulliet World History book - 1914 through the present day vocab words.
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Triple Alliance
Def: Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Sig: Otto von Bismarck of Germany creates the alliance to defend itself from France
Ana: Spurs the Franco-Russo alliance and Triple Entente
Triple Entente
Def: Alliance between British, French, and Russians prior to WWI
Sig: Makes the second major alliance between European superpowers
Ana: Creates the future two fronts of the war by holing in Germany on both sides.
Schlieffen Plan
Def: German plan to attack France through neutral Belgium
Sig: Plan was unknown to Belgians until the Germans invaded the area to get to France
Ana: Holds up Germans for nearly a month, allowing the French to gather troops at their border.
Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Def: Archduke of Austria-Hungary
Sig: Was assassinated in Sarajevo in Bosnia in 1914
Ana: Leads to multiple declarations of war upon the nations of the the two major alliances due to the alliances with Serbia, who Austria-Hungary declared war on.
Zimmerman telegram
Def: Telegram sent by German diplomats to Mexico
Sig: Telegram suggests that Mexico should become allies with the Germans to help them regain territory lost to the U.S. in 1846.
Ana: After being intercepted by the United States, Wilson declares war on the Central Powers, which eventually turns the tide to the Allied victory.
Treaty of Versailles
Def: Treaty that brings end to WWI
Sig: Was very harsh against Germans, forced to pay war reparations, territory, and lost military power in the treaty as well.
Ana: Treaty doesn't force Germany to back down forever, rather causing economic problems that lead to the rise of Nazism.
League of Nations
Def: Group of nations proposed by Wilson to help promote peace throughout the world.
Sig: Most of the other Allies thought that suppressing Germany would be a much more effective method at peace
Ana: The U.S. itself refuses to join the League of Nations, so ultimately the plan is a failure and embarrassment.
Czar Nicholas
Def: Leader of Russia up until 1917
Sig: Was forced to abdicate his throne when the Russian army was faced with huge losses in the war.
Ana: Leads to rift between provisional government and soviets when provisional government wants to keep fighting the Germans, leading to the Russian Revolution.
Vladimir Lenin
Def: Marxist leader of the Bolsheviks, the socialist party leading the soviets.
Sig: Mobilizes the Revolution to scale
Ana: Ends up taking control of the government within 6 months of his revolt.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Def: Armistice between the Soviets and Germans
Sig: Cedes a huge section of west Russia to Germany
Ana: Causes Russia to drop out of WWI, considered not part of the Treaty of Versailles.
Red Army
Def: Army created by the Bolsheviks to keep down counterrevolutions
Sig: Put under command of Leon Trotsky, and becomes a sizable force soon.
Ana: Creates instability throughout the empire by giving the Bolsheviks a huge army to have to themselves.
Def: Country formed from the last bits remaining of the Ottoman Empire
Sig: Created when Mustafa Kemal overthrew the sultan in 1923
Ana: Puts the "sick man of Europe" out of its misery and forms a nation quickly adapting to modern western culture.
New Economic Policy
Def: Policy implemented by Vladimir Lenin in the early 1920s
Sig: Was one of the first times Soviets could focus on themselves after the war and revolutions were over
Ana: Used some capitalist methods in agriculture, which proved to be a great success, but the program is ditched when Lenin dies and Stalin takes over.
Joseph Stalin
Def: New leader of Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin
Sig: Removes the NEP in favor of the Five Year Plans, which takes over the private farms into the government's hands.
Ana: Ends up killing thousands who tried to defend their farms and starved due to unequal distribution of food among the people.
Great Depression
Def: Series of economic fallouts that affect the entire world
Sig: Caused massive unemployment and debts in nearly all of the industrialized nations of the world.
Ana: Economic disasters in nations with sprouting political systems causes the rise of fascism.
Adolf Hitler
Def: Ruler of the Nazi party in Germany
Sig: Fought for a very nationalist Germany, which gave him the power to eventually attempt to destroy all of the Jewish population
Ana: Basically goes on a power trip, and sets his eyes on taking over all of Europe.
Anti-Comintern Pact
Def: Pact with Germany forming an alliance
Sig: Formed the pact after needing an alliance after the dissolution of the League of Nations
Ana: Forms the preliminary alliance that will prove fatal during WWII.
Rape of Nanjing
Def: Pillaging of the city of Nanjing in 1937
Sig: Japanese kill nearly 250,000 Chinese in a matter of weeks
Ana: Puts desire in Chinese to fight against Japanese in WWII.
Battle of Britain
Def: Massive air battle between British and Germans
Sig: Small Royal Air Force holds off the massive German attack to keep the island
Ana: Keeps Britain in the game as the only Ally besides the Soviet Union still fighting.
Manhattan Project
Def: Codename for the development of atomic bombs
Sig: Worked on developing new weapons in order to end war when needed.
Ana: Would eventually end war in Far East with dropping of atomic bombs in Japan.
Marshall Plan
Def: Plan by U.S. to give countries billions of dollars in order for their business
Sig: Works and pays for itself through products
Ana: Gets most nations back on their feet in a decade.
Great Leap Forward
Def: Another name for the Second Five Year Plan in China
Sig: Created huge communes in order to create a huge Marxist state
Ana: Could not meet quotas, so the communes essentially failed, and caused nearly 30 million deaths due to starvation.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Def: Act of Soviets supplying Cuba with missiles to defend itself from the U.S. capitalists
Sig: U.S. immediately blocks off any Soviet supplies to Cuba for three months.
Ana: Soviets agree to take the missiles away, as long as the U.S. does not invade Cuba.
Def: Restructuring of the Soviet economy.
Sig: Proposed by Mikhail Gorbachev, the plan tries to restructure the weak Soviet economy to add elements of private enterprise.
Ana: Essentially, the economy collapses and the Soviet Union goes down with it.
Mahatma Gandhi
Def: Peace-keeper in India
Sig: Gandhi eventually gains India independence through his nonviolent protests that caught on contagiously.
Ana: Eventually leads to the end of imperialism, and the formation of the nation of Pakistan.
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