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World Civ II Final
World Civ II Final
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards





Berlin Conference
-By the late 19th century, Berlin realized the only piece of land left that they needed to grab was Africa.
-They didn't want to start anymore wars so they called a conference with countries to distribute parts of Africa.
-The countries that were present were Germany, Portugal, Britain, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, USA and the Ottoman Empire
-Berlin and France got most of the land out of the conference
-Before the conference, 80% of Africa was still independent and by the end, Liberia and Ethiopia were the only countries left that were independent.
-Out of this conference, King Leopold got his own property and he ruled it as if it was only his and he ruled it terribly and was very corrupt.
Indirect Rule
-1 of the 3 main types of colonialism in Africa.
-It was a British system that was created by a man by the name of Lord Lugar.
-The Idea was that "We are going to try and work within existing structures and not completely change"
Parasitic Rule
-1 of the 3 main types of colonialism in Africa.
-It was a system used by Portugal and Belgium.
-One of the best examples was Belgium Congo
-King Leopold was the biggest enforcer of this system.
-The idea was "We are just going to take what we can, as quickly as we can".
Triple Entente
-A name that was given to the alliance that occurred between Great Britain, France and Russia after the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente in 1907.
-The alliance of the three powers constituted a powerful counterweight to the triple alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
Trench Warfare
-a form of occupied fighting lines, consisting largely of trenches, in which troops are largely immune to the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery.
-A common type of warfare during WWI
-The strategy was mainly to defend oneself from fire, but at the same time try and breakthrough to the rear of the enemies
-during WWI both sides constructed elaborate trench and dugout systems opposing each other along a front, protected from assault by barbed wire.
Schlieffen Plan
-Created by a man by the name of Alfred von Schlieffen
-It was Germany's key war plan for invading France at the start of World War 1. It involved marching through Belgium in order to knock France out of the war quickly.
-It was almost successful in 1914, but France quickly caught on and stopped it from happening
-A British ocean liner
-During WWI, as Germany waged submarine warfare on Britain, Lusitania was identified and torpedoed by the German U-boat U-20 on May 7, 1915
-The sinking caused many countries to turn against Germany.
-This event contributed to America's entry into WWI and became an iconic symbol in military recruiting campaigns of why the war was being fought
Sussex Accords
Shell Shock
-A big diagnosis for WW1 that was found mostly in soldiers that were on the front line during battles
-People didnt really know or understand the disorder and when someone was affected by it, they refused to do orders
-When the brain cant function because of the intensity of the trauma, people want back on the front line because its all people know and it also causes a strong bond between soldiers
Versailles Treaty
-This was one of the harshest treaties of WWI and was signed with Germany.
-This caused the Germany navy and air force seize to exist and the army was limited to 100,000 men.
-Germany and Austria were no longer aloud to join a political union ever again
-Germany had to take the sole responsibility for WWI and were forced to pay for most of the war debt
League of Nations
-It was established to maintain world peace
-Every country who signed a treaty after WWI had to join
-The two major flaws with this was that it was meant to arbitrate between two nations in conflict and that they relied very heavily on collective security.
-The League pretty much died after Italy invaded Ethiopia
February Revolution
-The revolution occurred when the Romanov Dynasty, which had ruled for the past 300 years in Russia, ended in the spring of 1917.
-The power was shifted to a provisional government that was led by a man by the name of Kerenski. (Not All the power was in the government hands, but it was also in a group known as the Soviets)
-The government was the people in the business suits and the Soviets were the people on the streets running the city.
-Throughout 1917, the Soviets got more radical and caused a tense and heated relationship with the Provisional Government.
-Was living in Switzerland at the time of WWI due to being exiled by the Russian government because of his obsession of communism and wanting to enforce it
-Was a lawyer at one time, but stopped being one to study Karl Marx and political philosophy
-In the summer of 1917 he arrived back in Russia
-The Germans were the ones who smuggled him back into Russia
-He took over the Bolshevik party, who eventually took over the soviets
-He called for a revolution for the Provisional Government to be overthrown and Russia be taken over by the Soviets
-He called for Russia to get out of WWI
-He created and followed his on form of Marxism known as Lenin-Marxism
New Economic Policy
-Was established to restore the economy
-The state owned the large business and the small business were privately owned and free of state rule.
-This started to modernize Russia and established a use of electricity and tech schools were established for engineers
John Maynard Keynes
-Argued that the reason for the Great Depression was not due to our excessive amount of supply, but because we had an inadequate amount of demand.
-The government should have been increasing spending, so demand would be increased as well.
-He thought that interest rates should be cut and we should create public works to provide jobs and we should redistribute income through tax policy.
New Deal
-Created by FDR
-Wanted to create a minimum wage
-Give workers the right to organize in the trade union
-Created the social security system
-Created many work programs for people to have something to do
-The fundamental premise of this was that the federal government was justified in intervening to protect the social and economic welfare of the citizens
Nazi Ideology
-Advocated a strong, central government under the Führer, for defending Germany and the Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans), against communism and Jewish subversion.
-A unique variety of fascism that involved biological racism and antisemitism.
-It presented itself as politically syncretic, incorporating policies, tactics and philosophies from right- and left-wing ideologies
-In practice, Nazism was a far right form of politics
-believed in the supremacy of an Aryan master race and claimed that Germans represent the most pure Aryan nation.
-They considered Jews a threat to the German nation and thought they were a parasitic race that attached itself to various ideologies and movements to secure its self-preservation.
Munich Agreement
-It was an agreement permitting the Nazi German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.
-It was officially introduced by Mussolini
-The agreement was negotiated at a conference held in Munich, Germany, among the major powers of Europe without the presence of Czechoslovakia.
-The Agreement was signed on September 30, 1938
-The agreement was signed by Nazi Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy
-The settlement gave Germany the Sudetenland starting 10 October, and de facto control over the rest of Czechoslovakia as long as Hitler promised to go no further.
Battle of Stalingrad
-Major battle during WWII between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union
-Battle for the control of the city of Stalingrad
-Occurred between August 23, 1942 and February 2, 1943
-One of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare
-The estimated combined casualties between both sides amounted to nearly two million deaths.
-The Soviets overcame Germanys large army and claimed a victory for this war.
-This was a major turning point in the war, making a Germany victory in the East pretty much impossible
Battle of Midway
-Began on June 4, 1942
-It was an attack on an American base that was midway between Asia and America
-It was the first major naval battle in WWII between the USA and Japan
-The Japanese attacked in hope of destroying the American Fleet.
-America got lucky with this battle when a squadron of American bombers accidentally ran across a Japanese fleet and destroyed them.
-It was a key city for the shipping of military supplies to the Japanese out fighting
-The first city in history to be destroyed by a nuclear weapon when America dropped an atomic bomb on it on August 6, 1945, near the end of WWII
-This bomb directly killed an estimated 80,000 people.
-By the end of the year, injury and radiation brought total casualties to 90,000-140,000.
-Approximately 69% of the cities buildings were completely destroyed, and about 7% were severely damaged
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