123 male undergraduates Deception - participants believed it was a vision test Each group had 1 participants and 6-8 confederates Naive participant always seated last Two large white cards, one with a single line, one with 3 varying lines Confederates made purposefully wrong answers 12 out of 18 times Naive participants were debriefed (Additional Procedures) Group size varied from 1-15 people (Additional Procedures) A confederate starts giving correct answers but then leaves the study halfway through |
(contextual study) Jenness and counting beans in a jar
(contextual study) Sherif and the autokinetic effect
Asche thought these were flawed because of the ambigious situations
Asche aimed to study conformity's effect in unambiguous situations |
During critical trials, naive participants were wrong 36.8% of the time During control trials, naive participants were wrong <1% of the time 1/4 of participants never gave a wrong answer 75% conformed at least once
(Additional Findings) When the size of the group was reduced, participants were right more often, when it was increased, they were wrong more often
(Additional Findings) If the confederate who left halfway through had a good reason, the participant was less swayed by others, but more swayed if the confederate had a bad reason |
Main Conclusion: There is a strong tendency to go with the majority when an answer is unclear
The effect of conformity increases with increased unanimousity in a group 2/3 gave the right answer which means we're clearly able to resist conforming |
Lab environment Line Comparison Task Sample of male college students Active and passive deception |
Perrin and Spencer thought Asche's results were due to McCarthyism in the USA at the time
Gender Bias; women are more conformist than men -Neto
US student sample - individualist Berns et al found the brain areas of perception change when going through the asche test The Asche effect is an unpredictable phenomenon |