Herbs are exogenous agents. They do not mimic the bodies’ own functions. Instead, they cause the body to react to them. They do not mimic, inhibit, or block digestion, absorption, circulation, metabolism and excretion the way that drugs tend to. Instead, they stimulate these functions by their very presence in the body. Their very complexity is also their grace, if you know how to take advantage of that
Tonics are not meant to directly treat disorders, but to strengthen the person according to his or her nature
These archetypes of constitution are meant to enable you to evaluate how that particular person has made accommodations for hereditary and lifestyle factors and which accommodationshave become excessive for their health. Herbs can then be used to strengthen the PERSON who is sick, not necessarily deal directly and specifically with their illness.
A basic premise of stress is that once a pattern of chronic weakness has been set up, any stress increases the imbalance. Homeostasis means being in balance, locally and throughout the body. This is accomplished by controlling our internal and external environment through nerves, hormones, fluid transport, a selfadjusting energy template. In a way we only lose homeostasis when we die.
In setting up patterns of excess and deficiency, the starting point is the primary physiologic function of the organ system. Herbs effect absorption, metabolism, fluid transport and excretion; the important aspect here is function (physiology) not structure (anatomy). In an energetic support of chronic imbalances, you want to strengthen the function of systems in order to avoid impairment of structure.
EXCESS means that that organ system is over functioning, usually from hormonal or neurologic causes.
To suppress an excess function often entails some form of drug effect.
Medical approaches often suppress excesses as a pDEFICIENCY in an organ system is often the main focus of my approach. Most such weaknesses derive from the necessary diverting of energy to other organs or functions. This may result from the lifelong accommodations between inherited organ strengths and weaknesses.
e the first symptom of metabolic imbalance is usually increased central nervous system irritability.
another basic premise to keep in mind when you are undertaking an organ system evaluation is: don't try to judge the system involved in the main complaint. An acute disease or a chronic one with acute episodes will put special stresses on the affected organ or tissues that are defensive, inflammatory or regenerative, and will have little bearing on how the organ or tissues normally relate constitutionally with the rest of the body.
Upper Intestinal Tract :
UPPER GI DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are a dry mouth, usually with a history of gum and teeth problems. The person has a coated tongue and bad breath first thing in the morning, and seldom eats breakfast. He/she often does not
finish meals or may intentionally eat to calm down, often has indigestion or a sense of excess fullness after eating and has trouble with evening meals. The stomach, like the mouth, has deficient or slow secretions, with erratic tone and peristalsis, and sometimes there is difficulty in swallowing. The slow evacuation of the stomach results in poor coordination of pancreatic and gall-bladder secretion, which in turn results in poor digestion of fats and inhibition of subsequent stomach evacuations. This induces an extended retention of food in the stomach with resultant fermentation, smelly burps, and frequent problems with food sensitivities and food combinations. They don’t like too many proteins and fats, and if dietaware, may (understandably) have a rigid and articulate approach to what they can/can 't eat. Heavy, long term use of alcohol can induce deficiency symptoms, and some cigarette smokers instinctively picked up the habit in the first place because it helped stimulate upper GI functions they forgot were weak...until they quit smoking. ••HERBS TO STIMULATE either excite by reflex as a bitter tonic taken just before meals, increasing both mouth and gastric juices to encourage better function, or stimulate function by exciting membrane secretions or increasing blood supply to the mouth, stomach and pancreas.
UPPER GI EXCESS SYMPTOMS are a moist mouth and oversecreting stomach in the presence of food, often with a pointy, red-tipped tongue (even to the extent of a sore tip), and an exaggerated and rapid evacuation of the stomach and bowels in the morning. The person can (seemingly) eat anything, often preferring high protein and fat foods. If the person has any tendency to chronic nausea, it is in the mornings or just before a delayed meal. ••HERBS TO COOL are astringent (acting locally as a vasoconstrictor, decreasing inflammation), protectant (coating the mucosa) or anesthetic to the muscle coats and mucosa. Generally, a difficult imbalance to modify directly with herbs (except in gastric ulcers). It is easier to accidentally overstimulate, so avoid using other tonic herbs with the side effect of strong upper GI stimulus. It is a reactive condition. Low doses of Rheum (Rhubarb) work as well as anything.
LOWER GI DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are characterized by either simple constipation, with poor stimulation of colon function, dehydration of feces, extended transit time and the long-term tendency to overlook the defecation reflex (usually of short duration and not repeated for several hours), or the more complex syndrome of fat malabsorption with episodes of steatorrhea. Like the first, the latter is the result of upper GI deficiency, but usually in persons that chronically consume fats in excess of their digestive capacity. The lipids are poorly emulsified in the stomach and duodenum, and the fat particles remain larger than normal, with less surface area for pancreatic lipases to act upon. The diminished amount of adequately digested lipids is absorbed into the lymph system, much more is left to be taken into the liver (thickening the portal blood and slowing its passage through the liver), with the undigested and poorly emulsified fractions passing raw into the cecum. Intestinal flora reflects the stuff its fed. Lipid-digesting bacteria, rare in the normal cecum, proliferate with undigested fats. The small intestine is nearly sterile, the cecum is a stomach-like culturing tank that inoculates used food with friendly (and controllable) flora, and the juncture of the two is heavily protected with lymph nodes and specialized defense organs...the appendix in the cecum and the Peyer's Patches of the lower ileum. With the shift to an abnormal balance of flora, the whole area becomes moderately inflamed and the selective absorption (B12, fatty vitamins etc.) becomes impaired. The specialized endothelial cells that line the inner surface of the lower ileum depend on their impermeable mutual protein bonds to block any substances from passing out of the ileum except THROUGH them (that way completely controlling what gets into the body). Both the distension of inflammation and the tattering of these bonds by excited leukocytes as they move in and out of the ileum between these cells result in the leaking of solutes past the endothelium. This results in the loss of selective absorption that the ileum specializes in. Fat is sometimes excreted in the feces and in some persons the deficiency may vacillate between constipation and loose stools (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
LOWER GI EXCESS SYMPTOMS are rapid transit of food through the GI tract (usually 20 hours or less) with dark soft stools and heightened defecation reflex (eat a meal, get the urge shortly after). The beginning of a bowel movement is formed, the major part is semi-formed, and the whole process is quick (no magazine reading here). This is seldom of major constitutional importance, since it is either an acute condition that needs specific treatment or it is a secondary effect in a well-formed stress imbalance. ••HERBS TO COOL sedate plexus nerves in the smooth muscle walls, suppress parasympathetic excess, cool the thyroid, or act as simple astringents
LIVER:LIVER DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are dry skin and mucosa; atopic allergies of the skin, sinuses and bronchial mucosa; generally poor fat and protein metabolism and appetite. There is a tendency for labile blood sugar levels and an overall catabolic-leaning homeostasis, with yinny sweet foods preferred to yangy fats and proteins. Most folks with blood sugar problems, allergies and constipation are liver deficient. It can be acquired later in life from viral hepatitis, heavy drinking and extended contact with solvents. ••HERBS TO STIMULATE increase liver metabolism by exciting hepatocyte enzyme production, increasing bile synthesis and liver cleansing, improving fat absorption into the lymph and taking the lipid load off the portal blood and liver, or increasing blood supply by dilating the hepatic artery
LIVER EXCESS SYMPTOMS are moist, oily skin; fat and protein cravings with general anabolic excess, that, in middle age tends to elevated cholesterols, hyperuricemia and essential hypertension; rapid defense response with quick fever and sweating. The usual causes are adrenocortical stress, with elevated testosterone and progesterone, but also may be caused by thyroid stress, in which case there is general tachycardia and disruption of sleep patterns. ••HERBS TO COOL tend to increase blood buffering of nitrogen compounds with electrolytes, increase bile secretion without stimulating liver metabolism, or aid in sodium loss/potassium retention. In reality, diet is the most important approach, decreasing proteins and fats, and increasing those green and red crisp things hated by liver excess folks. A trip to a salad bar by a liver excess is an excuse to eat blue cheese dressing. Hard people to change.
LIVER EXCESS SYMPTOMS are moist, oily skin; fat and protein cravings with general anabolic excess, that, in middle age tends to elevated cholesterols, hyperuricemia and essential hypertension; rapid defense response with quick fever and sweating. The usual causes are adrenocortical stress, with elevated testosterone and progesterone, but also may be caused by thyroid stress, in which case there is general tachycardia and disruption of sleep patterns. ••HERBS TO COOL tend to increase blood buffering of nitrogen compounds with electrolytes, increase bile secretion without stimulating liver metabolism, or aid in sodium loss/potassium retention. In reality, diet is the most important approach, decreasing proteins and fats, and increasing those green and red crisp things hated by liver excess folks. A trip to a salad bar by a liver excess is an excuse to eat blue cheese dressing. Hard people to change.
KIDNEY DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are frequent, dilute and pale urination (often at night), flushing, thirst and the tendency for low blood pressure. Orthostatic hypotension is common...you stand up and the blood stays somewhere around your solar plexus, gradually surging up to your brain. If your kidneys and arteries fail to compensate fast enough, YOU compensate...by fainting. There is a tendency to react poorly to sudden changes in temperature and humidity, with short term water retention and headaches. Common stresses to fluid and osmosis homeostasis, such as PMS, changes in barometric pressure, high altitudes, the last trimester of pregnancy, steroid drugs and high salt intake produce exaggerated symptoms in the kidney deficient person. The urine more easily becomes neutral or alkaline, easily shifting from the normal acidity with even moderate shifts in diet. ••HERBS TO STIMULATE either strengthen or stimulate kidney nephrons, improve renal blood supply that is diminished in adrenalin stress, and improve hormonal stimulation. With kidney deficiency and increased volume of urine, there is less fluid surplus for the skin, intestines and lungs. This is further defined later.
KIDNEY EXCESS SYMPTOMS are sodium and water retention,essential hypertension (from increased blood volume), concentrated acidic urine, warm moist skin (under any circumstance), and orthostatic hypertension (you stand up quickly and it feels as if blood was trying to pound out through your ears and crown chakra). ••HERBS TO COOL either dilate renal arteries, relax the limbic system and the hypothalamus, decrease tubular reabsorption of sodium and therefore increase the volume of the urine (since water follows sodium), or decrease water reabsorption by altering osmosis in the nephrons, with sodium following. As in liver excess, food is very important here; decrease protein in the diet and increase foods high in electrolytes and minerals. The same hormonal stresses are also involved.
REPRODUCTIVE DEFICIENCY in women includes long cycles (30 days or more); erratic cycles; menses that start slowly, with cramping and spotting and that extend too long. Deficiency can also include frequent vaginal or uterine inflammation or congestion, cervical erosion with or without a history of class II or III pap smears, and herpes flare-ups around the time of menstruation. Since liver deficiency is often present, the anabolic peak of days 21-24 is poorly handled, with a sense of heaviness, malabsorption, and pelvic congestion due to portal blood engorgement. Food cravings before menses tend towards sweets and CHOCOLATE! The woman generally feels better while in an estrogenic and catecholamine-dominant mode, uncomfortable under progesterone influence. In men, deficiency is characterized by benign prostatic hypertrophy before age 45, sometimes a difficulty in maintaining erection under appropriate circumstances , and a low sperm count together with dry skin. Frequent use of alcohol, Cannabis and cocaine can induce an acquired deficiency.
••HERBS TO STIMULATE (in both sexes) increase utilization of steroids, improve pelvic circulation, or effect the hypothalamus/ pituitary relationship. In simple deficiencies, you may view Angelica sinensis (Dong Quai) as a stimulant to the primary gonadal hormones if they are low (estrogen in women, testosterone in men), and Vitex as a stimulant to the secondary (or modifying) energies (progesterone in women and the sertoli cells in men).
REPRODUCTIVE EXCESS SYMPTOMS in women are a short estrus cycle with a rapid peaking of estrogen after menses. Premenstrual food cravings tend towards proteins and fats...ranging from cheesecake to tofu cheeseburgers to fried pork rinds (depending on ethnic and/or dietary awareness). Reproductive excess women feel better during the progesterone phase, gorpy under estrogen influence, and may be especially sensitive to the brief estrogen surge just before ovulation. Excess symptoms in men include recent increases in skin and scalp oiliness in the absence of recent alcohol or solvent exposure. NOTE: Regular alcohol consumption can mimic excess in both sexes, regular Cannabis use can mimic excess in women. ••HERBS TO COOL are seldom important...as with liver excess, modifying the diet and methods of diminishing pituitary/ hypothalamic stress are more useful. Exceptions would be the peculiar energy-diminishing (and seemingly tonic) effects of Pæonia and Nuphar. In addition, Vitex is useful for reproductive excess in males...although used for reproductive deficient women.
RESPIRATORY DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are frequent lung problems, shortness of breath, dry membranes with poor expectoration, frequent yawning and noticeably labile respiration. Sometimes it is shallow and fast, other times there are deep sighs that reflect emotions...sort of respiratory non-verbal communication. Respiratory-deficient people often smoke tobacco as an instinctive response to its respiratory stimulation but usually quit after several years because it is irritating. This is in contrast to other people that continue smoking because of its stimulation of the GI tract, liver, metabolic rate...and addictiveness. ••HERBS THAT STIMULATE may induce an increase in cardio-pulmonary function or counterbalance adrenalin stress by increasing parasympathetic function. Others will increase the secretions of mucus, the activity of cilia or excite lymph and serous movement in the lungs.
RESPIRATORY EXCESS SYMPTOMS include the tendency to hyperventilate under stress, have active and excessive expectoration, or have the type of moderate cardio-pulmonary excitation associated with thyroid stress. ••HERBS TO COOL are usually not an important consideration. Cooling liver and mucus membrane functions or lessening the causes cardiovascular excess will take care of the limited secondary effects of respiratory heat. If it is part of a thyroid stress syndrome, deal with it in that context.
CARDIOVASCULAR DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are cold hands and feet, dry skin and mucosa, and a thready shallow pulse that is often quick and easily compressed. The skin flushes and blanches under environmental and emotional stimulus, and there is a general tendency towards peripheral vasoconstriction. ••HERBS TO STIMULATE either increase the force and efficiency of cardiac output, increase the resilience of arterial walls, stimulate parasympathetic energy or act as simple vasodilators.
CARDIOVASCULAR EXCESS SYMPTOMS are warm skin, bounding pulse, strong and easy secretions and excretions. This is usually concurrent with varying degrees of essential hypertension with excess blood and interstitial fluid. Blood viscosity may be high, due either to increased chylomicrons (transport fats) from the liver and lymph or a general high level of blood proteins. Simply lowering the blood pressure without decreasing either blood volume or viscosity is to suppress the effect without altering the cause. This often means working on the kidney and liver excess that is the usual cause. ••HERBS TO COOL generally support parasympathetic or cholinergic energies, sedate the heart and major arteries or act as sodium leaching diuretics.
LYMPH/IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are mainly those associated with chronic moderate
immunodeficiency; slow recuperation, slow healing of injuries and bruises, frequent low level infections in high-stress tissues such the respiratory mucosa and skin, and cold and flu symptoms that come and go for a month or more. Underlying causes can be many, ranging from a diet poor in protein to constant and subtle infections that never go away and drain immunologic energy (such as "slow" viruses, candidiasis and sinus infections). Further functional causes are emotional stresses that induce depressions and frustrations. Allergies that persist and induce hypersensitivities to other agents are also symptoms of deficiency.
••HERBS TO STIMULATE increase efficiency of lymph transport, the bone marrow proliferation of WBCs, phagocytosis by innate immunity granulocytes, and overall synthesis of blood immunoglobulins and complement protein by the liver. Some tonics stimulate liver breakdown of immune waste products as well. Most allergies have as a base an acquired immunity underpinning (antibody response to Juniper pollen, as an example) and, if the chemicals produced by the response are not removed from the blood in an orderly fashion by the liver, they induce further unneeded innate immunity reactions. LYMPH/IMMUNE EXCESS seems to have little constitutional importance... or perhaps I just don't know.
SKIN/MUCOSA DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are often caused by liver deficiency. Together with the liver symptoms, vasodilation and secretory stimulus is often inadequate . Dry flaky skin, with crack and fissures, eczema and strange rough spots are typical, as well as frequent mouth, rectal and vaginal sores or inflammation. ••HERBS THAT STIMULATE generally increase blood supply, stimulate cholinergic sympathetic and parasympathetic enervation , or support the liver (and related functions ) to make better quality proteins and fats for cell regeneration. Remember, you need to stimulate blood constituents for rebuilding, blood availability to the tissues, and excretory secretions from the skin. SKIN/MUCOSA EXCESS SYMPTOMS are greasy and oily skin, often with adolescent type acne (acne vulgaris). There is hypertrophy in often-used membranes, such as keratosis pilaris, and a tendency to ingrown hair, sebaceous cysts or hydrosis. All the skin is oily, not just the face, and all the skin is moist, not just the face, neck, hands and feet (an adrenalin-induced sweat). The person has warm, radiant heat and often a strong body scent. Mosquitoes love them, and cold-bodied lovers covet them in the winter. ••HERBS TO COOL are either sedative to skin nerves or decrease liver excitability. Skin/mucosa excess is usually dependent on reproductive, liver and kidney excess and hard to effect directly.
MUSCLE/SKELETAL DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS are subtle except for joint aches and sense of weakness in the shoulder or legs. A telling sign is very pronounced lethargy after eating. This is sometimes found in adrenalcortical stress, usually found in thyroid stress, seldom found in adrenalin stress. Those with very excessive liver and GI functions usually show deficiency in muscle-skeletal energy; those with muscle skeletal excess usually have deficiencies in liver, kidney and reproductive energy. Much chronic joint and muscle pain seems to have little constitutional implication and needs to be treated separately. ••HERBS TO STIMULATE are sympathetic and motor nerve tonics or help to increase blood flow to the muscles and joints. Frankly, other deficiencies are usually more pronounced, and this deficiency is often dealt with better by treating the stronger imbalances first. MUSCLE/SKELETAL EXCESS SYMPTOMS are tight muscles and tendons in the neck, back and legs. The person often needs massage, hot tubs and body work, since the skeletal muscles are both overstimulated when used and hypertonic and taut at rest. The most pronounced excess is in the muscles most effected by adrenalin, those of the neck, shoulders, intercostals, lower back, and legs. Other muscle excesses are caused by emotional guarding, with the brain and spinal cord defensively overstimulating some muscles that protect parts of the body that are "dangerous". This may show up as abdominal hypertonicity (guarding reproductive functions), arms and shoulder hypertonicity (guarding the head or chest), upper back hypertonicity (from a protective or submissive slump or overlarge breasts) and so forth. These are hard to treat with herbs and need therapies like rolfing or chiropractic. ••HERBS TO COOL oppose adrenergic stress, disperse blood to the viscera or act as simple muscle relaxers.
FINAL WORDS ON THE ORGAN SYSTEMS: Remember, in organ system constitutional evaluations, the herbs need to be tonic. If the herbs cause distress they are wrong, unless there is a clear healing crisis inworsening of the disease and not beneficial. Any formula that induces a new problem is WRONG. Don't try to treat imbalances that are barely evident. Don't try to use an herb for EVERYTHING (the best herbs help several systems at once). Conversely, if the primary problem is aggravated by herbs meant to strengthen everything else, you ARE on the right track, just lower the dosage or substitute less potent ones. Remember to differentiate between constitutional tendencies and pathologies.