Organ Systems
This is a subject which is too grand to take up in a short lecture or paper, but the main point is that we want to understand how the entire organ system works, not just the parts in their isolated molecular glory. Thus, for instance, we want to know that a lack of saliva and dry mouth will be associated with poor secretion in the stomach, tension, food sitting and rotting, gas, intestinal colic, poor digestion, and weight loss. If the urine is concentrated and dark we think of coolants and relaxants, if copious and pale, we think of astringents and sometimes stimulants. We do not think of the specific pathways in the liver, but of the general function of detoxification and rebuilding of food/toxins, and so we use metabolic stimulants or alteratives – the Greek word for metabolism was “alteration.”
To give an example of differentiation in the treatment of a single organ: we do not just understand high blood pressure in isolation, but in relationship to general wrongs in the organism. Thus, the BP associated with beta-blockers calls for relaxants to the nervous system. When associated with ACE inhibitors and diuretics we need salt-balancing remedies that retain potassium and strengthen the kidneys. When statins are prescribed there is an indication, not only need for exercise and dietary restraint, but for better oils, prostaglandins, and herbal blood thinners.
The following is just a short list of organ-affinities:
Brain (wood betony) Neck and spine (blue vervain, black cohosh) Throat glands/lymphatics (cleavers, calendula, scrophularia, poke, ceanothus) Ears (lady’s mantle, ground ivy, pulsatilla) Eyes (eyebright, goldenrod, pulsatilla) Throat passages (marshmallow, elecampane, sage, propolis) Trachea (calamus) Bronchial tubes (garlic, Easter lily, elecampane) Lungs (elecampane, coltsfoot, mullein, pine, usnea, white hoarhound) Heart (hawthorn, cayenne, linden flower) Vasculature (collinsonia, horse chestnut, oak bark, black walnut) Blood (cayenne, sassafras, yarrow) Stomach (meadowsweet, wood betony, lemon balm) Intestines (yellow dock root, rhubarb, plantain, butternut) Kidneys (sumach, pipsissewa, nettles, string beans) Bladder (monarda, corn silk, yarrow, buchu) Adrenal cortex (burdock, licorice, Siberian ginseng, spikenard) Thyroid (lemon balm, black walnut, cleavers, chickweed) Pituitary (pulsatilla, vitex) Sex glands and hormones (white peony, black cohosh, angelica, shepherd’s purse, blue vervain, raspberry, mitchella, blessed thistle, mugwort, Easter lily, white hoarhound) Nerves (lemon balm, oatseed, skullcap) Muscles (lady’s mantle, shepherd’s purse) Connective tissue (true and false Solomon’s seal, horsetail) Bone (boneset, comfrey, true Solomon’s seal, nettles, horsetail)