Describe the process to Mount an NFS Datastore |
Go to the host's configuration tab and click 'Add storage'. Select 'NFS' as the storage type. Enter the NFS Server Name or IP, the mount point and a desired name for the datastore. If the volume has been exported as read only, be sure to select Mount NFS Read only. |
Describe the process to unmount an NFS Datastore |
Right click the datastore and select unmount! |
Explain why you may have multiple VMFS/NFS datastores because you have separate spindles |
Having different spindles can help with performance. If multiple VMs, especially I/O intensive VMs are all sitting on the same datastore, there could be latency and performance issues. |
Explain why separate RAID groups may lead to multiple VMFS/NFS datastores |
For certain applications, such as critical applications, you may require a different RAID configuration. E.g. you may use a different RAID configuration for the disks that logs sit on an a DB sits on for SQL server |
Explain why you might end up with multiple NFS/VMFS datastores for redundancy |
If you are doing any sort of replication, you would want your replicated VMs to sit on different disks than your production VMs in the case of failure of production storage |
Explain why Tiered Storage may lead to multiple NFS/VMFS datastores |
You may have a use case to have storage formatted in different arrays to service different tier applications. |