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Undergraduate 1

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defined as the body of those having common or equal rights or rank as distinguished from the privileged classes, notion of community as the body of commerce. This definition dates to 1380 AD.
Urban means pertaining to a certain city or town. A city in its original usage means a town or other inhabited place. Specifically, a city means or refers to a title ranking
public works project
In 1656 in New Haven, town officials said that all residents between the ages of 16 and 60 had to work for 6 days to deepen a city ditch. Town authorities could use this power to achieve economic goals. In Newark in the 17th century, the city leaders felt that they needed a corn mill for the city so the town leaders tried to encourage the building of a corn mill by offering anybody who could build one- 3 days of labor from the town.
watch duty
The possibility of attack or hostile actions from rival colonial powers. Sailors, transient laborers, criminals. Eventually, the city went from volunteer patrols to a task of having to perform watch duty at night on a rotating basis. In practice, wealthy residents avoided being members of the watch by opting not to serve and paying the fine, or hire someone else to substitute for their watch duty.
fire protection
wooden buildings always in danger. Residents of these cities brought expectations from Europe (community responsibility laws) that required property holders to respond to a fire signal in case of a fire. As towns grew larger these became ineffective. That’s when fire companies came in.
The money was used for the poor, the city, etc. In these poorhouses, the poor would receive food and lodging. When it came to taking care of the poor, some cities sponsored programs where the needy would be hired as indentured servants.
Puritanism: Central Tenets
The people who settled in the Mass. Bay Company were puritans. The connection between the ideas of Puritanism and the social order that took place in places like Boston. Puritan community life-The towns and villages of Puritan city, New England derived from a particular vision that at the beginning of the Mass. Bay Colony, this vision was shared by almost all people
political capitals
In the colonial era, British officials maintained political offices in these cities. These British affairs monitored the activities of the colonies. They also regulated trade from these centers. Local merchants were constantly trying to secure commercial privileges and to make sure at the same time that they could comply with British regulations.
financial centers
Sites of lending money, extending credit, raising capital for various business enterprises. Currency was difficult especially with money from England, France, and Spain floating around. Accountants were important in these cities. The financial role of these cities was limited within the British Empire.
transport nodes
Centers where the collection of commodities coming from hinterland were sent to geographically dispersed markets. Philadelphia and NY continued to get more trade. As transport nodes, the commercial cities of colonial America were connected to this wider world of Atlantic trade. Barrels, ships, ship stores had to be craft manufactured
the walking city
Horses tended to be used for movement and transformation. City lots were about 40 ft. across. Houses shot in the very front of the lot. No sewage systems, streets typically reaked of garbage.. one visitor to Boston 1760 said “I had reason to think that the city was unhealthy as there were funerals every night”. By 1736, burials were exceeding births in Boston. Other colonial cities experienced epidemics too. Their status as seaports contributed to the problem. The functions of the urban city dictated
The elect constituted the membership of the church. Those who had not arrived at the stage of assurance were still the members of the congregation.
enumerated goods
taxation without representation. The Navigation Act said that certain enumerated goods could be shipped our of colonial ports, only to another English port. These were made to raise revenue. In the first decades after the first Nav. Act was passed, enforcement was lax. The beginning of tight enforcement of nav acts began the time of imperialism
The Stamp Act (1765)
Required revenue stamps to be put on newspapers books almanacs. The stamp act hit urban lawyers very directly because their professions had an extensive view of documents. Generally, the stamp act hit the cities much harder than rural areas.
Industrial Production
a phenomenon that emerged at different times at different places. In the US, industrial production began to emerge by the early 19th century. We can say that industrial production is characterized by mass production and mass distribution of goods.
as a form of production is generally characterized by greater concentrations of capital man labor. Companies involved in industrialism involve a lot more capitalism. Industrialism differs from different forms in the past in many ways- (shopkeeper’s millennium) merchant capitalism, the home and the workplace were increasingly separated by the 1830s.
mill towns
settlement that developed around one or more mills or factories (usually cotton mills or factories producing textiles). Slater set up these mill villages at places were there was sufficient water power to run the mills. The work forces in these early textile mills generally came from the surrounding countryside. These mill villages would draw on landless agrarian workers or farming families that would split their time between working and working in textile mills. \
Samuel Slater
was a superintendent at a cotton mill and was familiar enough with the technology required to build a water powered textile machine. Using this knowledge, Slater set up his first textile mill in 1793 in Hawtucket. Slater founded a mill village called Slatersville in RI in 1805.
Francis Cabot Lowell
American business man for whom the city of Lowell, Massachusetts, United States is named. To raise capital for their mills, Lowell and partners pioneered a basic tool of modern corporate finance by selling $1000 shares of stock to the public. This form of shareholder corporation quickly became the method of choice for structuring new American businesses, and endures to this day in the well-known form of public stock offerings.
Boston Manufacturing Company (Lowell Associates)
In 1814, the Boston Manufacturing Company built its first mill beside the Charles River in Waltham, housing an integrated set of technologies that converted raw cotton all the way to finished cloth. This Waltham mill was thus the forerunner of the 19th century American factory. Lowell also pioneered the employment of women, from the age of 15-35 from New England farming families, as textile workers, in what became known as the Lowell system. He paid these "mill girls" lower wages than men, but offered attractive benefits including in well-run company boardinghouses with chaperones, cash wages, and benevolent religious and educational activities.
Hiring Out System
a master who owned more slaves than he needed to use.”using slaves in urban settings. The person hiring the slave’has agreed to a price for the slave service. Usually for a period of 1 year. The slave was expected to bring a sum of money every week/moth.
Living Out
allowing for slaves to live outside of the masters’ home, in rented rooms. City gov’t in the south generally frowned upon this. A number of southern cities adopted regulations pertaining to this practice. Charleston law said that no slave or slaves within the city should have hold occupy or sleep in any place other than his or her own masters. The practice of living out became more important.
urban revolution
This event or founding of the first human cities involved the more or less simultaneous emergence of both cities themselves and writing. In some context this urban revolution is associated with the rise of agriculture. Food surpluses have been said to be one of the vital steps of revolution. The emergence of agriculture did not necessarily lead to the beginning of urbanization.
Just east of Illinois along the Mississippi River. Occupied from 1700 AD to about 1400. Constructed by Indians belonging to a group from the “Mississippian Culture” they were referred to as mound builders. Archaeologists suspect that the mounds were topped by residential homes, religious rituals. In addition, the central portion of the city was surrounded by a wooded palace that incorporated guard towers at regular intervals. The purpose of the city of Cahokia is not entirely understood but what available evidence suggests is that the city seemed to have relied on agricultural production, the farm life surrounding the city. Archaeologists also suggest that Cahokia holds some ritual importance. Furthermore, evidence also suggest that the habitants of Cahokia were involved in trade.
Chaco Canyon
American Southwest. At about the time that Cahokia reached its height, Indians in the American S. West. The Anasazi created a society based on farming and trade. The heart of this civilization was in Chaco Canyon in NW NMexico. Here, they made number of important structures. The largest and most important of the structures is now known as Pueblo Bonito. What most scholars agree on is that these structures played an important role both in trade, and ritual.. We see features that we associate with urbanization: increased level of population density, some patterns of exchange and trade, the gathering of goods from outlying agricultural areas towards a central point.
rural nonfarm population
The first three decades of the 20th century- the number of people in rural areas who were not engaged in farming began to increase, they used the low real estate rates as a reason to purchase second, or vacationing homes in rural areas.
commercial hub whose economic livelihood depended on its dominance of trade networks. Over time Boston continued to gain control over this trade that connect the colonies to the larger World. All of these cities had some measure of self government
proprietary colonies
- the crown granted territory to an individual or small group rather than to a chartered company like Mass. Or Virginia.’s joint stock companies) The proprietor got not only territory but also gubernatorial control over the colony. Great control over the affairs of the colony.
covenant of grace
an agreement among Puritan believers and God. Supposedly, God promised salvation for faith in God. Puritans believed that nothing a man or woman did could grant him or her salvation, and that salvation was pre-destined. The puritans believed that living a godly life was a sign that a person had been granted faith by God. They also believed that those who had faith would pass through a conversion process. In this ordeal, a Puritan believer would arrive at a state of assurance. This was where a Puritan became convinced that God gave them saving faith.
Navigation Act
The biggest power in the 17th century was the Dutch. The navigation act dictated that goods couldn’t be shipped into or out of English colonies except in English or colonial colonies because of the ship. Ships that were owned or operated by either Englishmen or English men from the colonies.
Integrated Household labor system
those who labor for a craftsman would receive part of their compensation in the way of room and board (living in their masters’ home). By the end of the 18th century, this system started to break down in some urban places.
Frederick Douglass
Slaves had opportunities to meet free blacks and other whites. Might visit with acquaintances, or tavern. Prohibited by law from selling alcohol to slaves but they often did. Cities were a good place for slaves to develop literacy. The opportunity to mingle made literacy more attainable to the slaves. Some free blacks set up secretive schools. Frederick Douglass learned to read by enlisting the aid.
Gradual manumission Act
law gradually outlawing slavery. It created a period of indentured servitude at the end of the 18th century
Sons of Liberty
Small merchants and artisans who directly felt the impact of the Stamp Act
2nd Great Awakening
started by Charles Finney in Rochester. He believed if Christians united they could convert the world.
Imperial Wars
caused the change of colonial sentiment towards the Navigation Acts.
-about territorial gain
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