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US HIstory Clep 1
Clep Exam US History 1
Undergraduate 4

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Several Native American cultures achieved all of the following before contact with the Europeans EXCEPT?

A. Conducting successful ocean voyages of discovery

B. Establishing large commerical centers

C. Creating accurate astronomical observatories

D. Studying mathmatics

E. Establishing long-range trade systems

Native American cultures in Central and South America were relatively sizable and sophisticated due to:

A. the influence of Spanish control

B. a hunting and gathering lifestyle

C. the adaption of European technology

D. the development of a strong agricultural system

E. influences adapted from early settlers from the South Pacific

One factor that allowed the Spanish to conquer Native Americans with ease was:

A. the pacifist religion of the Native Americans

B. the settled agricultural societies of the Native Americans

C. the absense of hgih density populations or modern nation-states in the Americas

D. the immidiate acceptance by Indians of feudalism

e. all of the above

The Iroquois Confederacy resisted encroachments of both Native American and European neighbors because of:

A. its military alliance with the Aztecs and Incas

B. their immunity to European diseases

C. their possession of the horse

D. their scattered pattern of settlement, which made it difficult for enemies to defeat them

E. its internal military alliance, marked by political and organizational skills

Medieval Christian crusaders indirectly contributed to the discovery of the Americas because they:

A. defeated the Muslims

B. Returned with news of valuable Far Eastern spices, drugs and silk

C. returned with detailed maps showing the Americas

D. Returned to Europe with trade goods from the Americas

E. sought a new home to avoid embarrassment after failing to defeat the Muslims

Europeans searched for other, more direct routes to Asia:

A. to break the Muslim monopoly on Asian trade

B. to gain the high profits the Muslim merchants were making

C. to lower the cost of Asian goods

D. because European monarchs provided financial backing

E. all of the above

As a result of his first voyage, Columbus believed he had:

A. discovered a new continent

B. failed in his mission

C. circumnavigated the world

D. reached the edge of the East Indies

E. devastated native society by introducing new diseases. 

The introduction of American plants around the world due ot the Great Biological exchange resulted in:

A. a marked increase associated with food-borne illnesses

B. widespread death associated with food-borne illnesses

C. a population decline in Asia

D. a population decline in Africa

E. very little change

Contact between Native Americans and Europeans led to:

A. the exportation of the horse to England

B. the exportation of potatoes, tomatoes, and maize to Americas

C. the death of millions of Native Americans, due to disease

The establishment of encomienda:

A. led some groups of natives to enslave others

B. brought about widespread marriage between natives and Europeans

C. ended the practice of Indian slavery
D. directly led to the importation of Africans as slaves

E. allowed natives to be given to colonists if they promised to Christianize the Indians

Conquistadores were motivated by which of the following factors?

A. spreading Christianity to native peoples

B. gaining wealth they believed the New World offered

C. escaping their dubious past

D. seeking adventure and glory, as past explorers had

E. all of the above

Identify the mismatched explorer with the area explored:

A. Pizarro - Peru

B. Cortes - Mexico

C. Balboa - Panama

D. Ponce de Leon - Mississippi River

E. Coronado - New Mexico & Arizona

The Pueblo Revolt or Pope's Rebellion, led to:

A. the introduction of Protestant Christianity to New Mexico

B. the destruction of all Catholic churches in New Mexico

C.  warfare between tribes of the southwest

D. the complete destruction of the Pueblo Indians

E. a migration of the Pueblo east of the Mississippi

The Black Legend is the belief that:

A. Spaniard explorers treated their Portuguese counterparts cruelly

B. Spaniards are responsible for bringing African slavery to New Mexico

C. Native Indians treated the outnumber Spaniard explorers cruelly

D. Spaniards stole from, tortured, and killed Native Americans

E. the Portuguese treated the Spaniards cruelly

Jacques Cartier's exploration led to:

A. the discovery of a water route around South America

B. the establishment of New France in Canada

C. unfriendly relations between the French and Native Americans

D. the discovery of the Northwest Passage

E. English settlement along the St. Lawrence River

The primary cause for the decline in Indian population after the arrival of Europeans was:

A. the introduction of new diseases, combined with a lack of Indian immunity

B. the expansion of intertribal warfare

C. the introduction of guns and cannon to warfare in the Americas

D. the decline in birthrates due to slavery

E. encomienda officially discouraged large families

The Treaty of Tordesillas:

A. divided colonization of the world between Spain and Portugal

B. ended the wars of religion in Europe

C. granted North America to the British and the French

D. decreed that profits from all explorations would be shared equally with the Catholic Church

E. Failed to achieve peace and led to open war between Spain and Portugal

One significant difference between Indians and Europeans in conducting war was:

A. Indians waged war for total conquest, viewing women and children as targets

B. Europeans never targeted civilians

C. Indians intentionally used biological warfare (disease) to target the enemy

D. Indians waged war primarily to take captives

E. warfare was virtually non-existent prior to the arrival of Europeans

The Navigation Acts

A. established the laws of the sea

B. were passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses

C. enforced the economic policy of mercantilism

D. ended French trade in North America

E. established free trade among the British, French and Spanish

The explorations of Balboa led to:

A. Spanish exploration of the Pacific Ocean

B. the division of the New World between Spain and Portugal

C. Spain's claim to the Mississippi River Valley

D. the defeat of the Inca

E. Spain's abandonment of a search for a Northwest Passage

England's defeat of the Spanish Armada led to:

A. Spain's surrender of all its New World Colonies to England

B. the Treaty of Tordesilas

C. the establishment of the Atlantic slave trade

D. a strong sens of English nationalism and expanded exploration

E. the founding of the Church of England

Jamestown's early years wre marked by:

A. a constant fear of Spanish and French attacks

B. economic development and prosperiety

C. successful adaption to the environment and geography of Virginia

D. religious toleration of dissident Europeans

E. disease, starvation, and Indian raids

John Smith's role at Jamestown was marked by:

A. establishing long-term peaceful relations with the Native Americans

B. saving the colony from collapse by imposing military-like organization

C. persuading the colonists to continue their search for gold

D. abandoning the colony in favor of a return to England

E. seeing an alliance wiht the Spanish to provide protection

Representative government in British North America was first introduced in:

A. Virginia

B. Maryland

C. North Carolina

D. Massachusetts

E. Pennsylvania

The British North American colonies supported the policy of mercantilism because:

A. they provided strong land forces for use in European wars

B. They possessed abundant raw materials that England needed

C. they imported large amounts of raw materials from foreign nations

D. they provided space to build new factories

E. they could send large amounts of enumerated articles to Spain and France

The importance of The Virginia House of Burgesses to colonial American was that it:

A. rejected the British system of mercantilism

B. became the first organization to call for an end to African slavery

C. granted social and political equality to indentured servants

D. was the first representative assembly in America

E. called for Virginia to ally itself with Spain for protection

One important difference between colonial Maryland and Virginia was that:

A. Virginia depended on tobacco to provide income, Maryland developed a manufacturing base

B. Virginia depended on slave labor before 1676, Maryland relied on indentured servants

C. Virginia was a prosperity colony; Maryland was a restoration colony

D. Virginia prospered economically; Maryland failed and was taken over by Pennsylvania

E. Virginia was founded for economic reasons; Maryland was a religious haven for Roman Catholics

John Winthrop proposed that the Massachusetts Bay Colony:

A. admit all peole, regardless of religious affiliation, to form a Holy Experiment

B. set an example as a "City on a Hill" for other colonies to follow

C. serve as a haven for Jews and Catholics

D. seperate the functions of church and state

E. form a close alliance with their southern Anglican neighbor

The Puritans in America firmly believed:

A. Elizabeth I and Henry VIII had adequately reformed the Church of England

B. only "visible saints" were true members of the church

C. local congregations should stay closely tied to the Church of England's toleration

D. other religiuos groups with different practices should be granted toleration

E. they should completely seperate from the Church of England

The Massachusetts Bay Colony possessed all the following advantages EXCEPT:

A. solid financial support

B. many families emigrated, providing the bases for growth

C. most Puritans coming to the New World settled there

D. many immigrants were relatively well-educated and prosperous

E. beginning on a larger scale than other colonies

Roger Williams was kicked out of Massachusetts due to his belief that:

A. the Puritan church was not adequately disciplining its membership

B. the Indians should be forcibly removed from the colony

C. Christianity was a false religion

D. indentured servants should be imported

E. church and state ought to be seperated

Anne Hutchinson was considered a dissenter in Massachusetts due to her belief that:

A. those who were truly saved need not follow established church rules

B. women had no role to play in the church

C. antinomianism was heresy

D. church meetings should never occur in private homes

E. direct revelation from God never occured

The headright system in colonial Virginia:

A. led to the importation of indentured servants and slaves

B. gave land grants to those who sponsored other immigrants

C. led to the establishment of the plantation system

D. was supported by the aristocracy

E. all of the above

King Phillip's War signified:

A. the beginnings of the revoluntionary movement in America

B. the end of large scale Indian efforts to stop English settlement in New England

C. very little since it was a relatively minor conflict

D. the establishment of peaceful means to solve British-French disputes

E. a trade alliance between the American colonists and Spain

The Dominion of New England:

A. attempted to unify all New England colonies

B. attempted to strengthen colonial defenses

C. was designed to improve governmental adminsitration of the colonies

D. came to an end after the Glorious Revolution in England

E. all of the above

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut stands out in colonial history because it:

A. marked the official end of King Phillip's war

B. was the first colonial document to officially establish seperation of church and state

C. was the first true colonial constitution, setting up a relatively democratic government

D. set up a military alliance between the New England colonies

E. established more permanent ties with the English crown

The Dutch colony of New Netherland was marked by:

A. a lack of democratic practices, compared to English colonies
B. its open acceptance of Quakers from Pennsylvania

C. admitting only Dutch immigrants

D. a lack of conflict with indigenous Indian tribes

E. all of the above

The middle colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware:

A.  depended entirely on industry rather than agriculture for their prosperity

B. stood out for the harsh suppression of religious dissenters

C. relied heavily on slave labor for agricultural and industrial development

D. had more ethnic diversity than New England or the South

E. were ordered by the King to unite into the Dominion of New York

One reason the Quakers were unpopular in England and sought refuge in America was:

A. the strict hierarchal organization that goverened their church

B. their staunch support of African slavery

C. their revolutionary stance against the monarchy

D. their refusal to accept democratic change in the aristocracy

E. their refusal to serve in the military

Maryland was established as a colony primarily to:

A. provide a haven for Catholics
B. provide a haven for convicts in debtors' prisons

C. create a buffer between the English colonies and Spanish Florida

D. provide a safe haven for the Dutch evicted from New Netherland

E. provide a safe haven for Jews fleeing persecution in Europe

The primary motivation behind the Maryland Act of Toleration in 1649 was:

A. to create a "city on hill" based on the success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

B. to provide protection for persecuted Protestants

C. to provide continued protection for Catholics who were soon outnumbered by Protestants

D. to welcome Dutch, Spanish, and French colonists to the New World

E. to create a solid trade relationship between the English colonists and Indians

A majority of the white settlers who arrived early in North Carolina were:

A. Catholics seeking religious freedom

B. impoverished whites fleeing aristracitc Virginia and religious dissenters

C. English philantropists seeking to establish a penal colony

D. rich young men looing for quick wealth through US 

South Carolina's prosperity resulted from:

A. a lack of any attacks from Indians

B. its complete tolerance of all religious beliefs

C. its successful enslavement of the nearby Indian tribes

D. Developing strong trade partnerships with the British West Indies

North Carolina and Rhode Island proved similar in that they:

A. established strong aristocratic systems

B. were the two most democratic colonies

The Puritan efforts to convert Indians to Christianity were:

A. highly successful in establishing large, widespread communities

B. the beginning of the Great Awakening

C. weak and mostly unsuccessful

After 1676, African slavery became the main form of labor when:

A. Planters became convinced they could not rely on indentured servants

The slave culture that developed in North America was:

A. based almost exclusively on the example of white masters

B. based mainly on the traditions of south Africa

C. a combination of several African and American cultures

D. very similar to Indian tribal life

E. no different than slave cultures in South America

Bacon's Rebellion was caused primarily by:

A. Governor Berkeley's harsh treatment of the Indians

B. the refusal of masters to grant freedom to servants when their contracts expired

C. persecution by the monarchy

D. poverty and the discontent of many single young men unable to acquire land

Puritan lawmakers prevented married women from having property rights because:

A. they believed that property should be held by towns, not private citizens

B. they feared too much property would fall into the control of the numerous widows

C. they feared that seperate property rights for women would undercut the unity of married couples

Elementary education in New England:

A. had to be provided in any town with more than 50 families

B. failed in providing literacy skills to the population

C. was less popular than in the South

D. was completely seperated from religious training

E. was only considered appropriate for young girls 

The "Half-Way Covenant" provided:

A. partial participation in the political arena to those who were not church members

B. partial church membership for women

C. partial church membership for Indians

D. land ownership for new immigrants to Massachussetts

E. partial church membership to people who had not had a conversion experience

The residents accused of being witches in Salem were usually:

A. from the poorer and uneducated segments of the town

B. notorious for their deviation from the moral norms of the community

C. outspoken opponents of the clergy

D. associated with Salem's prosperous merchant elite

E. members of non-Puritan religious groups

New England's Congregational Church contributed to:

A. the strict hierarchy that goverened life in MA

B. social harmony and tolerance for dissenters

C. a growing women's rights movement

D. the development of basic democracy, illustrated by the town meeting

E. a recognition of the need for equal treatment of Indian tribes 

Compared to those in the Chesapeake Bay region, New England colonies:

A. had fewer women and more men in their populations

B. had shorted life expectancies

C. enjoyed longer lives and more stable families

D. experienced little conflict with local Indian tribes

E. were less religiously motivated

Among the many important results of the Great Awakening, one was that it:

A. broke down sectional boundaries and created a greater sense of common American identity

B. contributed to greater religious tolerance in the churches

C. caused a decline in colonist's concern for education

D. unified American's views on religion

E. led to the emancipation of slaves across the South

New France, compared to the English colonies, was:

A. more wealthy and successful

B. less concerned with economic profit

C. more heavily populated

D. more split by religious divisions

E. less democratically governed

The original cause of the French and Indian War was:

A. conflict in Europe between Britian and France

B. British evacuation of the French Acadians from Nova Scotia

C. competition between French and English colonials for the Ohio River valley

The French & Indian War became part of a larger conflict known as:

A. The 7 year war

William Pitt's strategy to defeat New France proved successful because:

A. he was able to arouse more support for the war effort from the colonists

B. he gave full support to General Braddock as commander of the British forces

C. he concentrated British forces on attacking the vital strong points of Quebec and Montreal

D. he was able to gain the support of the British aristrocracy for the war effort

E. he focues on winning in Europe before North America

The French and Indian War weakened interior Indian tribes like the Iroquois and Creeks by:

A. establishing new American settlements in their territory

B. eliminating their most effective leaders

C. ending their hopes for diplomatic recognition in Europe

D. forcing the tribes to move west of the Mississippi

E.removing their European allies from Florida and Canada

Pontiac's Rebellion led to:

A. the end of good American Indian relations on the frontier

B. a revival of French hopes for a new war

C. a continued British military presence in the colonies



The Proclamation of 1763:

A. was welcomed by a vast majority of American colonists

B. angered colonists who felt betrayed after winning the territory from France




The French and Indian War created conflict between the British and the American military because:

A. the American soldiers had failed to support British military efforts

B. the British regulars has borne the brunt of most of the fighting

C. British officers treated colonial soldiers with contempt

The effect on the colonists of the French departure from North America:

A. an increased respect of Britian for defending them during the war

B. the creation of new threats from Spain and the Indians

C. a reduction of colonists' reliance on Britian and an increased sense of independence

Ben Franklin's "Join or Die" snake drawing created in 1754 was intended to convince the colonists to:

A. form the Albany Plan of Union in light of French and Indian threats

B. unite against the British in light of trade restrictions

C. form one established church throughout all the colonies

D. reject the trade and navigation laws

E. reject traditional religious beliefs in favor of Enlightment beliefs 

The majority of African slaves coming to the New World:

A. went to English North America

B. were delivered to South America and the West Indies

C. came to New England

D. were brought by Dutch

E. came as free workers

The "headright" system, whcih made some people very wealthy, entailed:

A. using Indians as forced labor

B. giving land to indentured servants to get them to come to the New World

C. giving the right to acquire 50 acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America

D. discouraging the importation of indentured servants to America

E. providing property rights for women who were the heads of households

It was typical of colonial New England adults to:

A. marry early and have several children
B. be unable to write and read

C. arrive in New England unmarried

D. die before becoming grandparents


A key reason France needed to control the Ohio Valley was to:

A. stop Spain from extending its empire

B. help win the War of Jenkin's Ear

C. stop the Indian attacks on its outposts

D. link its Canadian holdings with those of the lower Mississippi Valley

E. provide a refuge for Protestant dissenters

The long-range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to:

A. achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French threat

B. propose independence of the colonies from Britain

C. declare war on the Iroquois tribe

D. prohibit New England and New York from trading with the French West Indies

E. delcare independence from England

One consequence of the British and American victory in the French and Indian War was:

A. the American colonies grew closer to Britain

B. American now feared the Spanish

C. a new spirit of independence arose, as the French threat disappeared

D. the Indians were stopped from ever again launching a deadly attack against whites

E. the Americans adopted several French customs

Parliament's repeal of the Stamp Act:

A. was carried out at King George's request

B. convinced the colonists that Parliament could be forced to yield to boycotts and mob action

C. ended its right to tax the colonists

D. led to a collapse of parliamentary power and a revival of the monarchy

E. all of the above


Colonists reacted to the passage of the Tea Act by:

A. rejoicing that Parliament had seemingly accepted the American definition of representation

B. suspecting that it was a trick to get them to violate their principle of "No taxation without representation"

C. immediately calling the First Continental Congress into session

D. avoiding the tax on tea by buying their tea directly from the British East India Company

E. voluntarily closing all ports to foreign trade

The Boston Tea Part of 1773 was:

A. an isolated incident

B. directed only at the British East India Company

C. one of several similar protests to occur

D. supported by friends of America in Britain

E. carried out by colonists' Indian allies

The Quebec Act:

A. outlawed Catholicism in British Quebec

B. denied Quebec a representative assembly

C. restricted Quebec's boundaries to the area north of the Great Lakes

D. was generally ignored by the 13 seaboard colonies becuse it had little effect on their relations with Britain

E. led to large numbers of French Canadians being relocated to Louisiana

The Quebec Act proved especially unpopular in the colonies because it accomplished all of the following EXCEPT:

A. turn an extensive amount of territory over to Catholic control

B. apply to all colonies, not just Massachusetts

C. deny the French the right to retain many of their old customs

D. alarm land speculators, who saw a huge area snatched from their grasp

E. convince the colonists their rights as British subjects were at risk

The passage of the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act:

A. led many colonists to believe that the British were expanding colonial freedom

B. were both accepted by colonists as legitimate laws under mercantilism

C. resulted in fewer laws being passed by Parliament regarding the colonies

D. exemplified to many colonists the ability of Parliament to correct itself

E. convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their historic liberty

The relationship between British and its American colonies fundamentally changed in 1763 when ___________ assumed charge of colonial policy.

A. Charles Townsend

B. George Hanover

C. Lord North

D. William Pitt

E. George Greenville

Unlike the ___________ Act, the __________ Act and the ___________ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports.

A. Townshend, Stamp, and Sugar

B. Stamp, Sugar, Townshend

C. Stamp, Quartering, Townshend

D. Declaratory, Stamp, Sugar

E. Quebec, Declaratory, Townshend

The following image by Paul Revere illustrates: (red coats shooting and fighting against colonists in the streets in front of Independence Hall)

A. the British perspective of the Boston Massacre

B. the American perspective of teh Boston Massacre

C. the Battle of Bunker Hill

D. the Stamp Act riots

E. the violence that followed the Boston Tea Party

When the British argued in favor of virtual representation, they meant that:

A. practically all British subjects were represented in Parliament

B. each elected member of Parliament represented all British subjects

C. Parliament could pass virtually every type of law except trade reservations

D. colonial legislatures' laws would hold the same power as Parliament's laws

E. colonists would be able to elect representatives to Parliament

Mercantilism harmed the colonists in which of the following ways?

A. By forcing Virginia tobacco planters to sell their product only in Britain

B. By prohibiting colonial merchants from owning and operating their own ships

C. By preventing the creation of paper currency and banking in the colonies

D. By forcing the colonists to fall into debt through credit purchases from England

E. By forcing all the colonists to rely on slave labor

The implementation of nonimportation actions in protest of the Stamp Act was important politically because:

A. the French began to support the American cause

B. it stimulated colonial manufacturing

C. it showed the world the American's commitment to nonviolence

D. it aroused revolutionary sentiments among ordinary men and women

E. it convinced Parliament it could not tax the colonies without their consent

The British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre had been sent to the colonies because of:

A. violent protests against the Stamp Act

B. resistence to the Quebec Act

C. colonial protests against the Proclamation of 1763

D. demands in England to send more troops to the colonies

E. colonial resistance to the Townsend Act taxes on tea and other products

The Boston Tea Party cause the British to:

A. Close the Boston harbor until the damages were paid for and order restored

B. pass the Quebec to expand Catholicism in the colonies

C. allow only the British East India Company to sell tea in America

D. ship all colonial protesters to England for trial

E. forbid all newspapers to issue new editions

American colonies strongly resented the Townshend Acts because:

A. they established the Anglican church as the official religion in all colonies

B. the taxes imposed in American would be far heavier than taxes in England

C. for the first time Britain would impose direct taxes on the colonies

D. the revenues would pay salaries for British judges and officials in America
E. Parliament had promised never to impse such taxes on the colonies

The most significant action taken by the First Continental Congress to protest the Intolerable Acts was:

A. forming The Association to enforce a boycott of British goods
B. arming the colonial militia  to drive Redcoats out of Boston

C. sending petitions to Parliament to repeal the act

D. sending petitions to King George III to reign in Parliament

E. agreeing to meet again in one year if the situation did not improve

Which of the following events directly led to the first real military conflict between the colonists and Redcoats?

A. Boston Tea Party

B. colonists' refusal to follow the Quebec Act

C. the Intolerable Acts

D. the Boston Massacre

E. the British attempt to seize colonial leaders and supplies at Lexington and Concord

The British government was especially concerned about rebellion in America because they also feared:

A. losing control of the seas to America

B. losing trade as America's industrial base rapidly grew

C. war with France and a potential revolt in Ireland

D. maintaining control of India

E. war with Russia


One advantage the colonists enjoyed over Britain as conflict broke out was:

A. an effective, well-organized government

B. adequate financial resources to conduct a war

C. nearly complete unity among the colonies

D. fighting defensively on a large, mostly self-sufficient continent

E. superior officers

In Common Sense, Thomas Paine argued:

A. England should rule America

B. America would be better off as a French colony

C. the only way America could win a war with England was to ally with Indian tribes

D. economic boycotts made the most sense in protesting English actions

E. an island should not rule a continent


The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to:

A. consider ways of redressing colonial grievances

B. become a legislative body

C. write the Declaration of Independence

D. decide which of Parliament's taxes the colonies would and would not pay

E. eliminate pro-revolutionary activity

As the War for Independence began, Britain had the advantage of:

A. political and diplomatic unity throughout Europe

B. an alliance with Spain and Holland

C. a well-organized and united home government and population

D. first-rate generals and a well-supplied professional army in North America

E. overwhelming national wealth and naval power

As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of:

A. highly reliable and well-supplied troops

B. potential aid from France and Spain

C. a well-organized, strongly committed, and united population

D. many outstanding civil and military leaders

E. an alliance with Canada


The colonists faced all of the following weaknesses in the War for Independence EXCEPT:


A. poor organization

B. sectional jealousy, which constantly interfered with the appointment of military leaders

C. great difficulties in raising money to support the army

D. the use of numerous European officers

E. a strong Loyalists population in some states

African Americans during the Revolutionary War:

A. fought for both the Americans and the British

B. fought only for the British

C. fought only for the Americans

D. supported neither side, as both enslaved them

E. formed wide-scale alliances with Indian groups

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following EXCEPT:

A. invoke the natural rights of humankind to justify revolt

B. catalog the tyrannical actions of King George III

C. argue that royal tyranny justified revolt

D. fail to blame George III for slavery

E. blame the colonists' problems on the British Parliament

Britain's generous terms to America in the Treaty of Paris (1783) can best be explained by the fact that Britian:

A. realized that they had been beaten badly

B. wanted to help Spain as well

C. had changed from Whig to Tory

D. were trying to persuade America to abandon its alliance with France

E. no longer desired to maintain a new world empire

Concerning the provisions of the Treay of Paris (1783), which formally ended the Revolution:

A. America faithfully adhered to each one

B. France was pleased with the results

C. America broke the assurances regarding treatment of the Loyalists

D. Spain gained all it wanted

E. America gave England more than it received in return

France failed to provide open assistance to America until after the Battle of Saratoga because the French:

A. had a new government in power that favored assistance

B had nothing to give the colonists before that time

C. thought the colonists' chances of winning slim before the victory

D. had previously considered an alliance with Britian

E. were forced to wait for Spain's approval

After the Americans scored a significant win at Yorktown:

A. the fighting continued for more than a year
B. the war ended within a month

C. the French withdrew their assitance as it was no longer needed

D. King George III decided to end the struggle

E. the French decided to provide military aid for the first time

The Franco-American alliance allowed the new nation to:

A. gain access to large sums of money

B. double the size of their fighting forces

C. avail themselves of French naval strength

D. improve the morale of the Continental Army

E. all of the above

The most significant result of the Revolution for white women was that they:

A. permanently gained the right to vote

B. were allowed to serve in the national legislature

C. were elevated to a newly prestigious role as special keepers of the nation's conscience

D. finally gained fully equal status with white males

E. were allowed to serve in several state legislatures

Shay's Rebellion led many of the Founding Fathers to believe the nation needed:

A. lower taxes

B. granting long-delayed bonuses to Revolutionary War veterans

C. a vigilante effort by westerners to halt the Indian threat

D. a stronger central government

E. the vote for women

The relationship between the 13 states under the Articles of Confederation:

A. completely unified the states

B. was good economically but poor politically

C. led a single currency for all states

D. led to frequent political and economic disputes

E. ended trade disputes

One of the intial sparks that caused Shay's Rebellion was:

A. fear that the Articles of Confederation government was too strong

B. efforts by wealthy merchants to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution

C. a quarrel over the boundary between Massachusetts and Maine

D. foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers in rural Massachusetts

E. a need for more protection against Indian attacks on the frontier

The egalitarian nature of the American Revolution accomplished all of the following EXCEPT:

A. the reduction of property qualifications for voting by most states

B. the growth of trade organizations for artisans and laborers

C. the establishment of the world's first antislavery society

D. full equality between white men and women

E. the end of established churches in several states

The debate between the proponents and opponents of the Articles of Confederation focused on how to:

A. balance states' rights and strong national government

B. provide equality for new states entering the Union

C. abolish slavery yet preserve national unity

D. balance the power of legislative and executive branches of government

E. limit the power of the national judiciary

One of the most enlightened provisions of teh Northwest Ordinance of 1787:

A. set aside a section of each township for education

B. abolished slavery in all of the US

C. prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest

D. kept power in the national government

E. established the concept of judicial review

Unanimous approval of the Articles of Confederatin was achieved when:

A. a compromise on slavery was reached

B. states gave up their right to establish tariffs

C. all states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national government

D. the states gave up their power to print money

E. three co-equal branches of government were established

Major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation included:

A. the lack of an effective executive branch

B. the lack of a national judiciary

C. the inability to raise taxes

D. the inability to raise an army

E. all of the above

The Constitutional Convention was called to:

A. write a completely new constitution

B. allow the most radical Revolutionary leaders to write their ideas into law

C. weaken the power of the central government

D. evaluate a closer relationship with England

E. revise the Articles of Confederation

The delegate whose contributions to the Philadelphia Convention were so notable that he has been called the "Father of the Constitution" was:

A. George Washington

B. Benjamin Franklin

C. James Madison

In which branch of the central government did Antifederalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided?

A. executive

B. legislative

One of the key arguments of The Federalist #10 proposed that it was:

A. impossible to safeguard the rights of states from the power of a strong central government

B. possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention provided a system under which the new Constitution was ratified by:

A. state conventions

C. popular referendum

D. state legislatures


Most of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention could best be labeled:

A. state's rightists

B. Antifederalists

C. nationalists

The Great Compromise resolved the complicated issue of:

A. regulating commerce

B. taxation

C. congressional representation

Under the Constitution, the president of the US was to be elected by a majority vote of the:

A. general public

B. Senate

C. Electoral Collage

The delegates to the Constitutional Convetion shared common beliefs in all of the following EXCEPT:

A. government by the consent of the governed

B. checks and balances in government

C. universal manhood suffrage

Thomas Jefferson favored a political system in which:

A. the central government possessed most of the power

B. cities were the primary focus of political activity

C. a large standing army ensured peace

D. the states retained the majority of political power

Alexander Hamilton's proposed National Bank was:

A. rejected by Senate

B. supported by Thomas Jefferson

C. rejected by George Washington

D. based on the "necessary and proper," or "elastic," clause in the Constitution

The new Constitution did not specifically provide for the creation of a(n):

A. Electoral Collage

B. vice president

C. Supreme Court

D. cabinet

Hamiltonian Federalists supported:

A. government interference in private enterprise

B. strong central government

Alexander Hamilton thought a national debt:

A. would do great damage the nation's economy

B. would lead to military weakness

C. would permanently damage the credit of the US

D. was a "blessing" because people to whom the government owed money would ensure the nation's success

Under the provisions of Jay's Treaty, the British government:

A. pledged to stop seizing American ships

B. released Americans from their pre-Revolutionary War debt obligations to British merchants

C. promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest

D. refused to pay damages for seizures of American ships

Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from:

A. sales taxes and licensing fees

B. custom duties and excise tax

Alexander Hamilton's financial plan for strengthening the economy and bolstering national credit proposed all of the following EXCEPT:

A. funding the national debt

B. assuming state debts

C. abolishing tarriffs

Britain challenged the United States' neutrality in the 1790s by:

A. granting America numerous trade privileges

B. seizing American merchant ships in the West Indies

Hamilton believed that together his feeling and assumption programs would:

A. gain the monetary and moral support of the wealthy class for the federal government

B. restore the principles of state sovereignty

C. be the quickest way to pay off the national debt

D. guarantee the fairest treatment of the original holders of government bonds

E. bring immediate support from the French government

Jefferson and Madison wrote the Virginia and Kentucky resolution in response to:

A. the XYZ affair

B. Thomas Jefferson's presidential candidacy in 1800

C. the Alien and Sedition Acts

The primary purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to:

A. capture French and British spies

B. control the Federalists

C. silence and punish critics of the Federalists

The Spanish provided favorable terms in the Pinckney Treaty dealing with:

A. the purchase of land in Louisiana

B. ceding land in Spanish Florida

C. the right of navigation on the Mississippi River

President Adams sought a peaceful solution to the undeclared war with France in order to:

A. ensure his changes of re-election in 1800

B. align himself wiht the Hamiltonian wing of the Federalist party

C. save the Franco-American alliance of 1778

D. prevent the outbreak of full-scale war

Jeffersonian opposition to Hamilton's financial plan led to:

A. the formation of permanent political parties

B. Hamilton's dismissal from the cabinet by George Washington

C. politics drifting too far out of kilter with the wishes of the people

D. the rejection of Hamilton's plan by Washington

E. the Quasi-War

In his Farewell Address, President Washington:

A. warmly endorsed the appearance of two contending political parties in America

B. warned against the dangers of permament foreign alliances and political parties

it himself to a joint session of Congress

D. proposed a two-term limitation on the presidency

E. actively campaigned for the election of John Adams as President

During the War of 1812, the New England states:

A. fully supported the US' war effort

B. lent more money and sent more food to the British army than to the American army




While serving as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall's rulings helped ensure:

A. states rights were protected

B. the programs of Alexander Hamilton were overturned

C. the political and economic systems were based on a strong central government

The War of 1812 received the strongest support in America from:

A. practically all Americans

B. New England and the seaboard states

C. very few people

D. the West and Southwest

In the election of 1800, the presidency went to Jefferson as a result of a vote by the:

A. state legislatures

B. Electoral Collage

C. House of Representatives

The "Revolution of 1800" is significant because it:

A. weakened America's democratic ideals

B. marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties

Thomas Jefferson was selected president by the House of Representatives when:

A. John Adams withdrew from the race

B. Aaron Burr withdrew from the race

C. Jefferson agreed to appoint John Marshall to the Supreme Court

D. the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of Jefferson

E. Hamilton urged several Federalists members of the House not to oppose him

Napoleon decided to sell Louisiana to the United States because he:

A. had suffered setbacks in Santo Domingo

B. hoped that the territory one day would help America thwart the ambitions of the British

C. did not want to form an alliance with the British

D. needed money for his European wars

E. all of the above

One of the main causes of the weakening of the Federalist Party was its:

A. inability or unwillingness to appeal to the common people

Thomas Jefferson had serious reservations about his role in the Louisiana Purchase because:

A. the Federalists supported his action

B. he believed that the purchase was unconstitutional




The Jeffersonians opposed Adams' midnight judges because:

A. the men appointed were not qualified to serve on the federal bench

B. they believed that the appointments were unconstitutional

C. they did not want a showdown with the Congress

D. the appointment was an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself in the government

When the Jeffersonians gained power in Congress, they immediately repealed:
The excise tax on whiskey
Lewis & Clark demonstrated the viability of:

A. travel across the isthmus of Panama

B. an overland trail to the Pacific




Thomas Jefferson began to support a stronger navy when the:
Pasha of Tripoli declared war on the United States
Macon's Bill No. 2:
Forbade American trade with Britain and France but promised to open trade with either country if it would cease its violations of American neutrality rights.
The Battle of New Orleans:
Saw British troops defeated by Andrew Jackson's soldiers.
Marbury v. Madison revolved around the issue of who had the right to:
Declare an act of Congress unconstitional
To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, Thomas Jefferson:
Hastily enacted an embargo (restriction on trade)
The outcome of the War of 1812 was:
A stimulus to patriotic nationalism in the US
In diplomatic and economic terms, the War of 1812:
Could be considered the Second War for American Independence
The Hartford Convention adopted resolution that included a call for:
A Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote in Congress before war was declared
One of the most important products of the War of 1812 was:
A heightened spirit of nationalism
The War of 1812 was one of the worst fought wars in American history for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that:

There was no militia to draw on to supplement the regular army

The Hartford Convention resolutions:
Helped to cause the death of the Federalist party.
America's Canadian campaign in the War of 1812 was:
A complete failure
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