Shared Flashcard Set


Unit One Power Point Slides 9-12
Linguistics of ASL What is Language?
Undergraduate 2

Additional Communication Flashcards




Features of Language...
  • Language is a system; symbols are organized and used systematically.
  • Symmetry Condition: DRAMA, MAYBE.
  • Two heanded sign wityh both hands having the same shape and movement.
  • Some movements are at the same time, some movements are alternating.
  • Dominance Condition: WORD, MONEY.
  • Two handed sign with both hands having different shape and movements with only the active had moving and the passive hand serving as a base and does not move.
  • Passive hand tends to have one of the following handshapes:
  • B, A, S, O, C, 1 (or G) or 5
  • If the sign is done in the opposite way it looks/feels funny!
Features of Language...
  • Symbols may be arbitrary or iconic...
  • Arbitary means that the actual form of the symbol does not reflect the form of the thing it symbolized (wrong, lousy).
  • Iconic means that the form of the symbol is an icon or picture of some aspect of the thing or activity (girl, man)The arbitrary nature of ASL had to be emphasized to prove that ASL had to be emphasized to prove that ASL is a real language and not just a collection of "pictures in the air".
  • A visual resemblance between the sign and the thing it represents.
  • CAT - whiskers on face (Blue P.2).
  • STUDENT - Figure 3 (Blue p.6).
  • Applies to other Sign Languages as well.
  • When communicationg with alingual/monolingual Deaf we see a high level of iconic signing being used.


  • ASL is not iconic enough for a person who doesn't know the language to watch it and understand what is meant.
  • The sign does not resemble the thing it represents.
  • Continuum (Green pp. 37 - 38).
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