Idenitify 1-5
Name fascia covering left side of picture |
1 external jugular vv 2 transverse cervical (C2,3) 3 great auricular (C2, 3) 4 supraclavicular (C3, 4) 5 Brachial plexus
Deep investing layer of cerfical fascia |
Identify 1-6
Which layer is the "roof" of the posterior triangle?
the "carpet"? (ie which layer is directly above the scalene muscles)
3 nerves
1 artery
that lie directly beneath #5 but above the scalene muscles (ie between "carpet" and "floor" of posterior triangle) |
1 investing layer of deep cervical fascia 2 infrahyoid fascia 3 coratid sheeth 4 visceral fascia 5 prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
investing layer of deep cervical fascia
prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
dorsal scapular nerve (C5) long thoracic nerve (C5-7) phrenic nerve (C3-5) subclavian artery brachial plexus |
idenitfy 1-8
Which nerve innervates the structure 7?
what nerve would lie on the anterior surface of structure 5?
what nerve structure lies directly below the middle portion of structure 7?
what innverates structure 6?
name 2 arteries that lie directly superficial to structure 5
which structures constitute the boarder of the posterior triangle?
review: what nerve innervates the trapezius muscle? |
1 platysma muscle 2 levatator scpulae 3 posterior scalene 4 middle scalene 5 anterior scalene 6 omohyoid muscle (inf/sup bellies) 7 sternocleiodmastoid 8 splenius
spinal accesory nerve (CN XI)
phrenic nerve
cervical plexus
ansa cervicalis
transverse cervical and suprascapular arteries
poserior border of SCM anterior border of trapezius clavicle
review: CN XI |
identify 1-8
review: what does structure 5 innverate?
which two muscles lie on either side of the structure depicted in this diagram? |
1a-e C5,C6, C6, C7, C8, T1 2a-c superior, middle, inferior trunks 3a-c lateral, posteior, medial cords 4 dorsal scapular nerve (C5) 5 phrenic nerve (C3-5) 6 never to subclavius nerve (C5,6) 7 Suprascapular nerve (C5-6) 8 Long thoracic nerve (C5-7)
review: diaphgram and pleura of lung
middle and posterior scalene muscles |
1 suprascapular nerve 2 dorsal scapular nerve 3 phrenic nerve 4 transverse cervical artery 5 suprascapular artery |
Identify 1-8
which artery will replace structure 2 if it is not present?
structure 5 enters the vertebral column at what level and through which structure?
which artery (traveling inferiorly) comes from structure 1 and is hideny by the external jugalar vein/sublcavian vein? |
1 subclavian 2 dorsal scapular 3 suprascapular artery 4 thorocervicle trunk 5 vertebral artery 6 inferior thyroid artery 7 ascending cervical artery 8 transverse cervical artery
deep branch of the transverse cervicle artery
at CV6 through the transverse foramen
internal thoracic artery |
Identify 1-2
what branches arise from structure 1? |
1 costocervical trunk 2 internal thoracic artery
deep cervical and highest intercostal arteries |