1. Some neurons that form the peripheral nervous system (PNS) have myelinated axons
or dendrites.
a) Peripheral nerves exit/attach to the brain or spinal cord, which make up the
central nervous system (CNS).
b) Nerves are composed of fascicles (latin for bundles) of axons and or dendrites.
(1) Each neuron is separated from another neuron by a layer of connective
tissue known as the endoneurium--connective tissue is not excitable and so
prevents the impulse conduction from one axon to another.
(2) Bundles of axons/dendrites form fascicles surrounded by still more
connective tissue called the perineurium
(3) The fascicles form the nerve, which is encapsulated in still more
connective tissue called the epineurium.
(4) The epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium are continuous with one
2. Myelinated peripheral nerves have specialized glial cells, called Schwann cells that
associate with an axon or dendrite as it grows.
3. The Schwann cells attach to a dendrite or axon and grow around it in a spiral fashion,
covering the neurilemma (neuron cell membrane), and generating several layers of
Schwann cell plasma membranes around the axon.
a) Imagine wrapping electrician’s tape around a wire--the wire is an axon, and the
tape is a Schwann cell growing around the axon.
b) You end up with several layers of tape around the wire, representing several
layers of Schwann cell membranes around the axon.
4. The Schwann cell membranes have large quantities of a white, fatty substance called
5. Myelin prevents Na and K ion channels from functioning.
6. Gaps between Schwann cells, called Nodes of Ranvier, expose the neurilemma, and
these gaps have extremely high concentrations of Na and K voltage gated channel
7. How do these factors lead to saltatory conduction that is faster than normal impulses?
a) When Na ions flood into the cytoplasm in depolarization they repel other
positively charged ions creating magnetic flux.
b) This flux passes through cytoplasm to the next node of Ranvier.
c) This flux opens the highly concentrated Na voltage gated channel proteins at a
node of Ranvier.
d) An action potential is generated at the node, creating another cytoplasmic
magnetic flux, which affects the Na voltage gated channel proteins at the next
node, triggering an action potential at that node, and so on, and so on.
e) The impulse “jumps” from node to node for two reasons:
(1) Myelin prevents impulse conduction along the membrane--axon potentials
can occur only at exposed neurilemma sites, i.e. the nodes of Ranvier.
(2) The highly concentrated voltage gated channel proteins create a stronger
cytoplasmic flux than is generated in a normal neurilemma.
f) The cytoplasmic flux proceeds more rapidly than does an impulse moving along
a normal neuron membrane.
g) This brings up an important question and answer.
(1) Question: Why doesn’t the cytoplasmic flux generated in a normal
impulse affect voltage channels ahead of the impulse making it just as
fast? 19
(2) Answer: The voltage gated channel protein density is not so concentrated
as to produce a cytoplasmic flux strong enough to induce action potentials
ahead of the impulse.