Shared Flashcard Set


UGA, ARHI 2300, Kemling, Week 9
Images from Week 9, Spring 2011
Art History
Undergraduate 3

Additional Art History Flashcards





Abbey Church of St. Michael's

c. 1001-1031 CE

Ottonian, Early Medieval Period

Hildesheim, Germany

--Combo of columns and piers establish quadratic schematism

--Quadratic Schematism = proportionate to crossing; reflective of importance of crossing

--Westwork = "western entrance structure"; the facade and towers at western end of medieval church

--3 bays; bay = space between two columns, or one unite in the nave arcade of a church; also, passageway in an arcuated gate

--CHOIR = space reserved for clergy and singers in church, usually east of transept, but sometimes extending into nave


Bronze Doors of Bishop Bernward

c. 1015 CE

Ottonian Period

From St. Michael's, Commissioned by Bishop Berward

--Bronze = associated with Ancient Rome (part of revival of the classical styles)

--Dilettante = non professional (metalwork)

--Each door = made from single bronze piece

--1. Carve wax 2. Cover in sand 3. Heat-melt wax 4. Pour bronze 5. Clear of sand

--Left side = Old Testament, Right Side = New Testament (Prophecy/fulfillment again)


Creation of Eve

From Bronze Doors

--Doors started here because this is where the idea of sin enters the world

--Story of humans = making narrative relateable

--In tree: 2 branches from same trunk intertwining; this shape of a heart not known in Ottonian Period


Temptation of Adam and Eve

From Bronze Doors

--Vegetation starting to wilt


Fall of Adam and Eve

From Bronze Doors

--God the Father points at Eve in accusation

--Eve points at Devil (salamander) in accusation


The Crucifixion

From Bronze Doors

--Shows price of Eve's sin

--Idea of sacrifice


Christ Before Pilate

From Bronze Doors

--Ethereal Authority = God

--Spiritual Authority = Pilate (man)


Cathedral of St Sernin

1070-1120 CE

French, Romanesque Period

Toulouse, France

-- Burial site for St. Saturninus

--Built for pilgrimage = aisle goes through transept

--Quadratic Schematism = No Atrium, one big apse with smaller apses

--Apsidial Chapel = smaller apses within apse

--In Central Vessel = stone-vaulted ceiling; BARREL VAULT = arch that is stretched; Roman style arch

Buttress = massive material against wall as structural support; needs support because of windows (the more windows added, the less architecturally sound the building is)


Maiestas Domini (South Portal)

c. 1120-1135 CE

From Church of St. Pierre

French, Romanesque Period

Moissac, France

--Tympanum = main circular arch about doors

--Trumeau = middle between doors

--Lintel = wheel motif from book of Ezekiel

--Maiestas Domini = "Christ in Majesty"; 2nd book of Revelation (written by John)

--NOT scene of final judgment; this is Christ's 2nd coming

--4 Tetramorphs (winged man, lion, ox, eagle)

--Rationality given to an irrational moment

--Further away figures are from Christ, higher the anxiety rises

--Garment symbolic in psychological presence in Christ; hemline is scattered and fluttered as Christ's mind would have been when he resurrects all souls and judges them in an instant

--Scalloping = columns on sides


Abbey Church of St. Denis

c. 1135-1140 CE

French, Gothic

--Critics of Saint-Denis called it "barbaric" like the Goths; thus style became known as "Gothic"

--Pointed Arches = Gothic trademark

--Visionary behind church = Abbot Suger

--Emphasis on light being a symbol for God (hence the windows)

--Pointed Arches = drives pressure downwards instead of out; these, ribbed vaults and flying buttresses are all used as support


Cathedral of Notre Dame

c. 1258-1265 CE

French, Gothic

Paris, France

--Dedicated to Virgin Mary (means "Our Lady")

--Crowned with gargoyles

--Cathedrals said to have been built using "hidden mathematical code from the Bible"


Amiens Cathedral

c. 1220-1288 CE

French, Gothic

Amiens, France

--Trying to be largest Cathedral in France, so stability was compromised for height


Notre Dame de Chartres Cathedral

1194-1220 CE

French, High Gothic Period

Chartres, France

--1134 = 1st fire, 2nd fire in 1194; everything destroyed except WESTWORK

--Saw 2nd fire as message from Virgin that she wants a bigger church

--"Cult of Carts" = entire community helped build church; similar to how Parthenon was built

--Introduction of SPIRE; Spire = idea is to look up and it seems to go on all the way to Heaven




Pilgrimage Church


--Ambulatory = much larger

--Apsidial/Radiating chapels

Interior of Notre Dame de Chartres

--Side entrances and exits flanking transepts (for use by pilgrims)

--Choir = 2 bays; dictated by QUADRATIC SCHEMITISM

--Crossing, piers, and westwork; collapsing of atrium and narthex

--Interior = moving out of Romanesque

--Colonnade = made of piers, not columns

--Arcade = pointed arch, not Roman rounded

--Triforium = has balcony so you can read images

--Clerestory = stained glass

--Ribbed Goth Vault = barrel vaults intersecting

--Flying Buttresses = used for openness and LIGHT (God as light); doesn't cast shadows on stained glass




Royal Portal, West Facade, Chartres Cathedral


1145-1155 CE

French, High Gothic


--Where royalty enters; carved with representations of kings and queens from the Old Testaments

--Tri-partite Portal = 3 parts (theological message); like Triumphal Arches




Right Tympanum, Royal Portal



--Seated on Throne of Holy Wisdom with Christ-child in lap and angels on either side

--Representations of liberal arts on surrounding arch

--knowledge, how to understand God/this world in God's terms, juxtaposition of throne and liberal art representations




Left Tympanum, Royal Portal


--Ascension marks end of Christ's existence on Earth; notion of recording earthly time

--Moment of Resurrection = representations of Zodiac and Labors of the Month

--Zodiac = Astrological/Heavenly Calendar; Labors of the Month = Earthly Calendar

--Zodiac = constellations, pagan reference; Labors of the Month = What you do each month to sustain life on Earth




Center Tympanum, Royal Portal


--Maiestas Domini = "Christ in Majesty"

--Mandorla = almond-shaped burst of light surrounding Christ (more naturalistic than St. Pierre which is more stylized)

--In vaults = 24 elders

--Rationalizes/Simplifies 2nd coming of Christ

--Strange draping = Robe around arm not flowing naturally; "subtle detail transforming entire intent of image"

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