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Theatre History 3 Jyovonne
Edward Gordon Craig to Impressionism
Undergraduate 2

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Edward Gordon Craig
-designed the perfect abstract theatre with the actor as a 'super puppet'
- lived 1872 till 1966, son of Ellen Terry
-book entitled 'The Art of Theatre' 1905
-produced lots of shows including some of Stanislavski's productions
-utilized height and vertical nature of sets
-set design embodied symbolic abstraction
-integrated all elements of a production
Donald Oenslager
-lived 1902 till 1975
-American set designer started as an actor in Greenwich Village
- won a Tony for Best Scenic Design in 1959 for the Leonard Spigelgass play 'A Majority of One'
-emphasised symbolism over realism in American theatre
Max Reinhardt
-lived 1873 till 1943
-Austrian Jew (later naturalized American)
-successful theatre manager and director in Germany
-later emigrated to London, then US
-established Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna and Reinhardt School of the Theatre in Hollywood
-great stage director, tried to transfer it directly to film therefore his films were unsuccessful
August Strindberg
-Swedish, born in poverty
-Served as a bridge between naturalism and expressionism
-saw life as a battle between the sexes for power; women are the enemy
-first plays flopped
-major plays include 'Miss Julie' and 'The Highway'
-later plays including 'The Highway' dealt with scripture and seeing Christ in nature
-plays very concerned with his idea of justice
Miss Julie
-Miss Julie: count's daughter
-Jean: servant, very loyal to his master
-Christine: Jean's fiance

-Miss Julie invites Jean out to dance, he goes with her when they return they talk about their dreams of love and the social class that separates them, they exit to Jean's bedroom and it is implied that they have sex. They walk out fighting over 'who's on top' in order to escape their class separation. She discusses how her mom wanted to be liberated and how she, Julie, hates men. She is humiliated and Jean gives her a razor to kill herself. Her dad gets back and she walks out to kill herself.
The Ghost Sonata
-written by Strindberg in 1907
-one of his Chamber Plays for the Intimate Theatre in Stockholm
-Man saved a child from a burning building and goes to wash off in a fountain where he sees a milk maid who vanishes. The fountain is in front of a house in mourning where he sees a beautiful statue in the window. In the house lives a mummy, a spooky cook, old people who play cards, and a man in a wheelchair who tells the man to go in the house. The old man has revenge in store for the members of that house. All of the members of the house were involved in affairs, sins, and murders, and they all play cards at night. There is also a beautiful girl in the house who the man falls in love with, but the sinful power of the house causes her to die.
The Great Highway
-written by Strinderg in 1909
-symbolic play about the journey of the soul out of guilt and crime to God
-the soul, Hunter, meets an old Japanese traveler, Hiroshima, who wants to die because he is burdened with guilt. At the end, Hunter is struggling like Jacob with the Angel of God, trying to cope with the suffering of life and the redemption brought by religion, Christianity and Buddhism.
Ernst Toller
-playwright of the post war period
-1922 staging of his play 'Man and the Masses' was considered expressionistic in its use of space light and choreography
-artist conveys what the senses present to him, the impression that the outside world makes on him
-opposite of impressionism
-art is a projection of the psyche of the artist
-not an impression of the sensible world but rather a n expression of what that world means to the artist
-usually distorts reality
-first used by Herve in 1901
-strongest adherents in Germany pre WWI
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