Shared Flashcard Set


the theme of light in religion
revision notes
Religious Studies
6th Grade

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards




why do you think relgious festivals of light take place during the autumn and winter
because it is cold and dark and people need something to brighten up their lives
what do you think the light and darkness represent in terms of humna nature
the light is good and pure
the darkness is evil
why is light an important theme in religion
all religions have rules about how poeple should live and that they should be a good example to others. the light is a symbol to remind them to follow the path of good.
what do you think Jesus meant when he said I am the light of the world
he meant that people should follow him - the light - and if they did he could show them the was to good and pure life. he would lead them away from the path of evil.
in some places of worship, a person might light a candle to remember someone who is very ill or who has died. why do you think this ritual is important for some people.
by lighting the candle they remember their loved ones. as they light the candle they can say a prayer for them.
ou think of three people who have been shining examples fo others - people who have brought light into the world
mother tereasa of calcutta - she was a nun who spent her life helping the poor and sick of india
francis of assissi - he lived during the crusades and turned his back of wealth to help others
oscar romero - a priest who was assasinated in el salvador - where he spoke out against the governemnt and mis-treatment of people
Lord Shaftesbury - he was a english politician who got laws passed to help the condition of the poor, especially poor children
what is a chistingle
an object used in the advent service (christian festival of light) - which is held at christmas time to celebrate the birth of christ
is is like a round ball with a candle in it
what is on the christingle and what do they mean
The Christingle consists of:

* an orange representing the world;
* a red ribbon around it representing the blood of Jesus;
* dolly mixtures, dried fruits or sweets skewered on cocktail sticks pushed into the orange, representing the fruits of the earth and the four seasons and
* a lit candle pushed into the centre of the orange, representing Jesus Christ as the light of the world
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