Shared Flashcard Set


The Progressive movement Reforms
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





Victorious Canidadates used the sopils system to give government positions to friends and supporters. But many of these people lacked the qualifications necessary for doing a good job.
More and More government jobs were filled using the civil service system or merit system. Persons had to prove they were qualified for a job by passing a civil service test
Candidates running for office were usually chosen by a samll group of party leaders. Voters had no say in who the candidates would be
The direct primary was used to select candidates for office
Political leaders often lined up voters who were willing to be bought and gace them ballots on easily identifiable colored paper. counterfitting ballots, stuffing ballot boxes, and other illegal practices were widespread
The australian ballot or secret ballot was introduced.
In new york city and other large urban areas party bosses controlled strong political machines. Favors were done for people in return for their botes. Bribes were regularly accepted.
the initiative enabled citizens to propose laws; referendum allows them to vote for or against laws already passed by state legislatures; a recall let them vote to remove corrupt politians
In spite of the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act, railroad rates remained excessively high. Railroad companies found ways to avoid paying lower rates set by the Interstate Commerce Commission
Congress passed the Hepern Act. This law gave more power to the Interstate Commerce Commission. The result was a vroad reduction in railroad rates.
Workers, including women and children, were frequently on the job 12 to 14 hours a day, six or seven days a week. Wages were terribly low. Bad working conditions often caused illness and accidents.
Laws were passed requiring saftey precautions. Some states passed minimum wage laws. Working hours were shortened. Workman's compensationslaws required employers to carry insurance on their workers. Many states passed restricted child labor.
Many big busineisses became monoploes or trusts. One company, or several companies working together, gained control of an industry, such as oil. They charged high prices because there was no comptition to hold the prices down.
The clayton act gace the government additional power to break up monopolies during wilson's administration.
Terrible conditions existed in the food processing industry.
The meat inspection act and the pure food and drug act gace the gocernment power to take action against companies whose products were impure, unsafe, or wrongly labled.
Wilderness areas were being ruined. Great buffalo herds disappeared, the passenger pigeon became extinct. and other forms of wildlife were threatened, Gocernment land and mineral resources were either sold cheaply or given away.
The forest reserve act set aside wilderness areas. Congress establish the nation park service to run existing natioonal parks and start new ones.
Taxes were usually based on the amount of property a person owned but many wealthy people hid some of their property from the gocernment. Consequently they did not pay their fair share of the taxees being collected.
The 16th amendment gave the federal government the power to collect "income taxes" the more money a person earned the more taxes he paid
The two senators that eacch state sent to congress were chosen by the members of the various state legislatures.
The 17th amendment provided for the direct election of senators by the boters of each state.
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