Shared Flashcard Set


The Outsiders Study Guide
Outsiders study guide
Not Applicable

Additional English Flashcards





State two ways Socs and Greasers are alike.


  1. The two groups are similar because they both enjoy fighting in a rumble.
  2. The two groups are similar because they both enjoy illegal activities.

State two ways Socs and Greasers are different.


  1. The two groups are different because Greasers are poor while Socs are wealthy.
  2. The two groups are different because of their style and dress.

State three ways Ponyboy and his brothers are different from other hoods or Greasers.

  1. They stay out of trouble, as to not get separated.
  2. They are a close knit family of Greasers.
  3. They have jobs or go to school.

Define the term "simile." State the two unlike objects in the following simile: Soda attracted girls like honey draws flies. What is the effect of this comparison?


Simile: a figure of speech in which two unlike objects are being compared using like or as.

Soda is being compared to honey.  The simile on the test may be different. Create your own example related to the novel.




  1. The comparison makes the writing more descriptive and it allows the reader to better visualize what is happening in the novel.



Define the term Point of View. State and define the two types of Point of View discussed in the handout. State three reasons the author may have chosen this Point of View.

Point of View: in fiction, the person telling or narrating the story.

First person: when the main character is the narrator of the story.

Third person: when the author narrates the story.

So the reader understands Ponyboy's feelings

 Because Ponyboy is the youngest member of the Greasers

Because Ponyboy is unlike most Greasers.


Define the term Peer. Do you believe young children, teenagers, or adults are more affected by Peer Pressure? State three reasons for your choice.


Peer: Someone who is equal to another in age, background, and social status. 

Choice: Teenagers.

Three reasons:

They may face peer pressure to take drugs, smoke, and/or drink.

They may face peer pressure to get a car and a driver's license.

They may face peer pressure to get good grades to get into a good college.


Define the literary term Flashback. Explain the purpose of a Flashback in a novel.


Flashback is a device that an author uses to interrupt a story in order to relate an event that happened at an earlier time. 


Purpose of a flashback: in order to provide background information to the reader.


State five characteristics of gangs.

1: Violent

2: Specific Dress/Style

3: Poor

4: Territories

5: Broken Homes

Define the term Slang.

A vocabulary peculiar to a particular group class or profession that can make a story seem more authentic/realistic.


State the six reading strategies:

1: Visualize

2: Predict

3: Question

4: Connect

5: Clarify

6: Evaluate

Very Penguin-like Quackers Chomp Crocodiles. Ew!


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