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The New Deal
Undergraduate 2

Additional History Flashcards






social welfare



The liberal idea during the New Deal during the 1930's also in the Great Society in the 1960's

It uses the financial and bureaucratic resources of the state and federal gov. to provide economic and soical security to individual citizens etc.

Social welfare programs included, old aged pensions, unemployed compenstation subsides to farmers, mortgage guarantees and tax breaks for corporations 


The Emergency Banking Act



stock market crashed, bank failures had to cut into people savings

dozens of states closed there banks

permitted banks to reopen if a treasury Department inspection showed they had sufficient cash reserves

FDR reassured citizens that their depoists would be safe

March 13 reopened, and there were more depoists then withdrawals

resored stability to one of the nations prime financial institutions


The Agricultural Adjustment Act



a measure jointly developed by administration officials and major farm organizations, represented a new level of government involvement in the famr economy

ideas were to solve the problem of over production--- lower prices for farm crops

set up an allotment system for 7 major commodities

the act provided cash subsides to farmers who cut their production 

to pay for this they imposed a tax on the processors of these commodities

which got passed to the consumers

stabilized the farm economy

subsidies went primarily to the owners of lg and med sized farms 

in the south, this cut a lot of black people off lands


The Nation Recovery Act



established a system of self-government in more then 600 industries

there was a need for approve for prices and production quotes, child labor, minimum wage, and maximum hours for adult workers

also were able to organize and bargain collectively


The Wagner Act

upheld the right of industrial workers to join unions

outlawed many practices used by employers to squelch unions, such as firing workers for organizing activities

established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)-- a federal agency with the authority to protect workers from employer coercion, supervise elections for union representation and guarantee the process of collective bargaining

The Social Security Act


provided old-age pensions for most privately employed workers and established a joint federal-state system of compensation for unemployed workers

(not for farm workers, and domestic servents)

not funded by general tax but by mandatory contributions paid by workers and their employers

The Dust Bowl

a lot of people from the mid-west went to Cali

it was a serve drought caused by human creation

pushed nature beyond its limits

by stripping it of its natural veggetation

after rain dried up the wind came and nothing remained to hold on the soil

ruined a lot of farmers lives, because of low wages and poor living conditions


Lend Lease Act



lease, lend or other wise dispose of arms and other equipment to any country whose defense was considered vital to the security of the United States

started with just Great Britian then extended it to the Soviets

Altanic Charter

involved FDR, Winston Churchill, Stalin

provided the ideological foundation of the Western cuase

called for economic collaboration and guarantees of political stability after the war to ensure that all men in all the lands may live out their lives in freaddom from fear and want

supported free trade, national self-determination, and the prinicple of collective security

Pearl Harbor

The US invaded Indochina to restrict trade to Japan wanted to less Japans aggression

In september of 1941 the Japan gov. was preparing to attack the US

Decemember 7, 1941 Japanese bombers attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii killing 2,400 Americans

destoryed or heavily damaged 8 battleships, 3 cruisers, 3 destroyers, and almost 200 airplanes

then asked to declare war against Japan (approved)

Germany and Italy then declared war on the US

The Truman Doctrine

support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures

large scale assitance in Greece and Turkey

300 million for Greece 

100 million for Turkey

The Marshall Plan

A massive infusion of American capital to help get the European economy back on its feet

work out a comprehensive recovery program, then ask for US help

contribuated 13 billion dollars that was highly successful

The Berlin Crisis

Germany had to pay heavy reparations and be permanently demilitarized

divided into four zones of occupation controled by the Soviets, US, Britain and France

Soviets instead blockade the US and Britian out of the area

the US dropped food and supplies to the american people in the town and the citizens so they did not strave

then in 1949 Stalin lifted the blockade


North Atantic Treaty Organization

the US, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, and Iceland

any armed attack in Europe or North America it is an attack on all of them

all agreed to the creation of Federal Republic of Germany (west germany) then joined NATO

Then the Soviets in responsed set up German Demoratic Republic (East Germany)

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