Shared Flashcard Set


The Nature of Sci & Biology
typical questions about biology
10th Grade

Additional Biology Flashcards




Name the special molecule that sets living things apart from the nonliving world and be able to explain why this molecule is important.
DNA & RNA: physical carrier of inheritance & genetic info
Be able to arrange in order, from smallest to largest, the levels of organization that occur in nature and to write a brief description of each.
molecules/atoms/subatomic particles, organelle, cell tissue, organ, organ system, individuals, populations (species in certain area), species (similar individuals who mate), community (relationships btw diff grps of species), ecosystem (relationships btw groups of organisms & environment), biosphere (all ecos)
What does the term metabolism mean to the cell and the organism.
It’s all the chemical reactions that occur in living things in order to maintain life.
Organisms use a molecule known as ATP to transfer chemical energy from one molecule to another. Why is this essential for living things to exist.
All living things acquire energy and store it as ATP. ATP gives us the energy to do things; it’s like our battery.
How are DNA and cellular reproduction linked in the process of inheritance?
DNA carries inheritance information and in order for that to be passed on people reproduce. And to make another human cells have to reproduce.
List the five kingdoms of life that are currently recognized by most scientists; tell generally what kinds of organisms are classified in each kingdom, and discuss the new ideas about Domains and how they may alter the five kingdom approach.
Monera: bacteria, methanogens/ Protista: plakton, algae, protozoa, euglenoids/ Fungi: mushrooms, yeast/ Plantae: lettuce, flowers/ Animalia: humans, dogs
Instead of having 5 kingdoms, the Monera kingdom is going to be split into the Archae and Eubacteria because the two are so different. So now there will be 6 kingdoms.
Explain what the term biological diversity means to you, and speculate about what caused the great diversity of life on Earth.
Biological diversity is the variation organisms we have on Earth. Over the past billion years organisms have evolved into a lot of other different organisms. And natural selection has allowed the capable animals to keep producing so they don’t die out.
Define natural selection and briefly describe what is occurring when a population is said to evolve.
Natural selection is like “survival of the fittest”. It actually relies more with the reproductive success of an organism not on its strength and speed. But normally if something is strong and fast it can defend it self so it can reproduce. When species change so they can better adapt to their environment.
Outline a set of steps that might be used in the scientific method of investigating a problem.
Observe and decide on a problem you wish to explain. Then, think of a few possible answers or hypothesis. Experiment with a control group. Then form a conclusion. After this the hypothesis is either modified/rejected. Repeat.
Define what is meant by a theory; cite an actual example that is significant to biology.
A theory is a hypothesis that’s is proven right many times. Like, the Cell Theory, but we would have to test everything in the universe to make that a Law. Gene Theory, Homeostasis, Theroy Evolution by NS.
The purpose of a control in a scientific experiment is to ___.
provide a basis of comparison between experimental and nonexperimental
The scientist(s) credited with developing the theory of evolution by natural selection were
Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace
According to science, the Earth is ___ years old.
4.5 billion
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