Whats the eye action when there is bright light? |
- The radial muscles of the iris relax.
- The circular muscles contract.
- The pupil gets smaller.
- Less light enters the eye.
- The delicate retina is protected from damage.
Whats the eye action when there is dim light? |
- The radial muscles of the iris contract.
- The circular muscles of the iris relax.
- The pupil gets bigger.
- More light enters the eye.
- It's easier to form an image when there's not much light around.
Whats the difference between seeing nearby and distant objects? |
Seeing Nearby objects:
- The ciliary muscles contract.
- The lens become rounded and fatter.
- The ciliary body becomes a smaller circle.
- The suspensory ligaments slacken.
- Light refracts more.
Seeing Distant objects:
- The ciliary muscles relax.
- The ciliary body becomes a larger circle.
- The suspensory ligaments pull on the lens.
- The lens is stretched into its thin shape.
- Light refracts less.
Describe the fuction of the following parts of the eye and be able to recognise them. |
- Retina: contains light receptor cells.
- Cornea: light refracts through this.
- Optic nerve: it has sensory neurones that carry nervous impulses to the brain.
- Lens: it refracts the light passing through it.
- Scelera: is the tough outer surface of the eyeball.
- Iris: made of muscles that control the size of the pupil.
- Pupil: light passes through this hole into the eye.
- Suspensory ligaments: these holds the lens in its position and either contract or relax in the right occasion.
- Ciliary muscle: it contracts when looking at near objects and it relaxes when looking at distant objects.