Dieting should be easy and short term. |
The only way to lose weight permanently is to learn dieting skills and practice them every day. Then dieting will get easier and easier. |
This is too much work. I don't feel like learning all these skills. I don't feel like following my eating plan. |
I'm choosing to say NO CHOICE. If I want to lose weight, I have to do what I need to do, not what I feel like doing. |
It isn't fair. Other people eat whatever they want. |
When dieting seems unfair, remind myself that I'm not alone. This is how all successful dieters and maintainers eat. I do have a choice. I can let a sense of unfairness overwhelm me, cheat on my diet and gain weight. OR, I can accept that this is what I have to do if I want all of the benefits of permanent weight loss. |
I am worthless because I am so fat. |
My weight isn't who I am. It isn't a measure of my worth. It's just a number that gives me important information. |
I have to eat every bite slowly while sitting down, so I can fully enjoy it. |
It's worth developing this lifetime habit so that I can have a lifetime of being thinner. |
I don't want exercise. I don't like feeling sweaty. |
Exercise is not negotiable for good health. I need to make be a daily lifetime habit. The hardest part is getting started. I'll feel so much better when I'm done. So get started! |
If I can't workout for an hour, there is no point in exercising at all. |
Remember that 5 minutes of exercise is better than zero minutes. |
Small successes are not worth fighting for. |
I really do deserve credit for breaking old habits, and it's essential for building my confidence. Once my confidence grows, everything will become so much easier. |
I am not making progress. |
I deserve credit when I: Work on this book Read Response Cards Weigh myself Read my Advantages Deck Arrange my schedule to make time to practice these skills Check off my Success Skills Sheet Contact my Diet Buddy Eat slowly, while sitting down, enjoying every bite. Resist engaging in unhelpful behaviors. Serve myself reasonable portions. Refrain from taking second helpings. Ignore baked good and sweets. Limit my consumtion of unhealthy foods. |
Hunger is never an emergency. It's only mildly uncomfortable. I can tolerate it. It will come and go. |
I feel hungrier after I eat. This wasn't enough food. |
If I feel hungry after a meal, I'll feel full within 20 minutes. I don't need to eat more, and I always feel so much better when I don't overeat. |
I want to eat more than I had planned. |
Even though I feel like eating more, it's worth it to me to stop now. I really want all the advantages in my Advantages Deck to come true. Besides, the desire will go away once I get involved in something else. |
I should not waste food by throwing it away. |
Extra food will always go to waste, either in the trash or in my body. |
I really want to eat ___xx___. |
This is just a craving. I don't have to pay attention to it. It will pass. |
I want to eat because I am angry, or lonely, or depressed or feeling bad in some other way. |
Emotions are not an emergency. I don't have to eat. I can tolerate this feeling. Eating won't solve this problem. It will only make things worse because then I'll have two problems: the original one, plus feeling weak, guilty, discouraged and worried that I may have gained weight. |
One little bite won't hurt. |
This little bit won't hurt, I don't care that much about my food plan right this minute. |
It is true that I don't care at this very moment. But if I eat this unplanned food I am going to care quite a lot in just a few minutes. I know I will feel really bad if I give in, but I will feel terrific if I resist. I need to go do something else! |
"I don't want to" is just my adolescent rebellion talking. I'm not going to pay attention to it. |
My weight isn't who I am. |
It isn't a measure of my worth. It's just a number that tells me important information. |