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Test 2 Chapter 10
Questions from study guide. There are a lot of questions from this chapter so read carefully.
Undergraduate 1

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Describe arranged marriages.

In most cultures, the parents of the bride and groom selected the future spouse and made the most of the arrangements for the marriage ceremony.

Parent- Arranged Marriage - are based on the principle that the elders in the community have the wisdom to select the appropriate spouse.

Advantages of arranged marriages - usually very stable, divorce is virtually un heard of, there is virtually no risk of being rejected or of losing one's ture love, and one does not have to determine wheter on'es parterner is committed to the relationship.

List and define the limitations of dating (Table 10.1)
  • Dating leads to intimacy but not necessarily to commitment.
  • Dating tends to skip friendship, which should be the foundation of a stable relationship.
  • Dating focuses on romantic attraction, so it lasts only as long as the romantic feelings remain.
  • Dating focuses on enjoying love and romance solely for their recreational value.
  • Dating often mistakes a physical relationship for love. 
  • Dating often isolates a couple from other vital relationships, leaving important friendships in despair.
  • Dating takes a lot of time and energy, which can distract young adults from their primary responsibility of preparing for the future.
  • Dating creates and artificial environment for evaluating another person's character.
What are some cultural variations in dating/mate selection process?

In developing countries that are moving away from arranged marriages, the influence of cultural tradition may be combined with modern sensibilities.  

China - there has been a dramatic change in mate selection from parent-arranged marriage to love-based marriage. 

Japan - one of the current industrial giants of the Pacific, has generally moved from arranges marriages to love-based marriage.

Scandinavian - parent-arranged marriages disappeared decades ago and cohabitation has become the most common type of relationship until after the birth of a child. 

Hooking up (see Table 10.2) survey of female college students.
  • Marriage is a major life goal for the majority of college women.
  • Most women would like to meet a spouse while at college.
  • Relationships between college women and college men are often characterized by either too little commitment or too much.
  • "Hooking up" is a distinctive sex-without-commitment interaction between college students and has many levels ranging from only kissing to oral sex and intercourse.
  • The ambiguity of the phrase "hooking up" is part of the reason for its popular appeal.
  • "Hooking up" is widespread on most campuses.
  • Dating carries multiple meanings from hanging out (being together) to a high level of commitment.
  • It is rare for college men to ask women out on dates or to acknowledge when they have become a couple.
  • In areas such as marriage aspirations, getting advice from parents, and "hooking up," college women from divorced families differ significantly from women who grew up in intact families. 
Describe older daters.
  • Date, fall in love, and behave romaantically in ways similar to the young.
  • "The sweaty-palm syndrome"  
  • "Physiological and psychological somersaults" 
  • Saw romance as candlelight dinners, long walks in the park, exchanging flowers and candy.
  • "Far more varied and creative"
  • Passionate love = have learned through their marriages the value of companionate love "the steady, buring fire: that endures and deepens over time. 
  • Face a number of delemmas and difficulties in dating. Such as marriage and family
Describe younger daters.
  • "The sweaty-palm syndrome"  
  • "Physiological and psychological somersaults" 
  • Saw romance as candlelight dinners, long walks in the park, exchanging flowers and candy.
  • Passionate love = tend to equate passionate love with real love; once intensity faides, they think love is gone. 
  • Face a number of delemmas and difficulties in dating. Such as marriage and family
Describe characteristics of physical attractiveness (pay attention to study and Buss Study).
One of the most important components of mate selection. Over time, physical attraction becomes less important for both sexes.  Personal charateristics that grew in importance were wheter the partner was dependable and had emotional stablitiy and a pleasing disposition. Mutual attraction and love became more important.
Describe the characteristics of age and finding a mate.

Mating Gradient - the tendency of women to marry men who are better educated or more successful than they are. 

Sex Ratio - indicates the relationship between the number of men and the number of woment of a given age. 

What is homogamy? What does the research support?
The tendency to marry someone of the same ethnic group, educational level, socioeconomic status, religion, and values.
What is complementary needs theory? What does the research support?
The suppositon that people are attracted to partners whose personalities differ from but complement their own.
Know the basic concepts/terms and stages/processes of Murstein: Stimulus - Value -Role Theory.
People are attracted to each other initially by a particular stimulus, such as an attractive physique or popularity.  Each person evaluates how attractive the prospecitve partner is and how attractive he or she perceives herself or himself to be.
Know the basic concepts/terms and stages/processes of Murstein: Stimulus - Value -Role Theory.
After a successful exchange during the stimulus stage of attraction,  the partners begin to advance to the value stage of the relationship, in which they assess the compatibility of their basic beliefs and values.
Know the basic concepts/terms and stages/processes of Murstein: Stimulus - Value -Role Theory.
While comparing value complementarity, the partners also begin assessing role complentarity, or the exent to which they can establish a coperative role relationship.
Know the basic concepts/terms and stages/processes of Murstein: Reiss's Theory of Love.

Rapport - refers to the procsess of communication in which two people develop understanding and a sense of closeness.

Self- Revelation - which is the disclosing of personal information about oneself.

Mutual Dependency - a relationship in which each person wants and needs the other person.

Intimacy Need Fulfillment - the satisfaction one receives from having personal needs fulfilled, which leads to greather intimacy.

Describe cohabitation.
The sharing of living quarters by unrelated and unmarried heterosexual or same-sex adults who have an emotional and sexual relationship.
Desecribe and define conflict and violence in dating.

The incidence of reported violence is 25% for women and 10% for men in dating relationships. 

Jealously and differences in level of commitment are only two of numerous causes for conflict between dating partners. 

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