Shared Flashcard Set


TCM Herbs 1
Clearing Wind-Heat
Undergraduate 1

Additional Medical Flashcards




薄荷 bo he
Properties: Pungent and cool
Meridian: Lung and Liver
Actions: Disperse wind-heat, clear head and eyes, soothe throat, promote eruption, soothe liver and regulate Qi
Clinical: To dispel wind and heat, To clear the head, eyes, throat, To let out rashes---rashes in the early stage, To help conducting Liver qi
牛蒡子 niu bang zi
Properties: Pungent, Bitter and cold
Meridians: Lung and stomach
Actions: Disperse wind-heat, ventilate lung, resolve phlegm, promote eruption, sooth the throat, relieve toxicity and resolve swelling.
Clinical: Similar to Bo he, stronger in clearing heat---toxic heat: sore throat, mumps, parotitis, acute febrile maculopapular rashes, erysipelas (dan du)
蝉蜕 chan tui
Properties: Sweet and cold
Meridians: Lung and Liver
Actions: Disperse wind-heat, soothe throat, restore voice, promote eruption, stop itching, improve vision, remove nubula, extinguish wind, wand stop spasm.
Clinical: To dispel wind and heat, To let out rashes--- itching or rashes in the early stage, To relieve spasms and convulsions---tetanus, convulsion from fever,Crying
桑叶 sang ye
Properties: Sweet, Bitter and Cold
Meridians: Lung and Liver
Actions: Dispel wind-heat, clear lung, moisten dryness, pacify liver and subdue Yang, clear liver and improve vision.
Clinical: To dispel wind and heat ---exterior wind-heat syndrome: headache, To clear heat from the Liver ---red eyes, To calm the Liver Yang---hyperactivity or the Liver yang hypertension
菊花 ju hua
Properties: Sweet, Bitter and Slightly Cold.
Meridians: Lung and Liver
Actions: Dispel wind-heat, pacify liver, subdue Yang, clear liver, improve vision, clear heat, and relieve toxicity.
Clinical: better in calming the Liver---hyperactivity of the Liver yang:
dizzy, headache, Better in clearing heat ---heat toxin (infectious/inflammatory), The white---prefers to calm the Liver, The yellow---prefers to clear heat
柴胡 chai hu
Properties: Bitter and slightly Cold
Meridians: Liver and Gallbladder
Actions: Harmonize the exterior and interior, soothe liver, relieve depression, raise Yang Qi.
Clinical: To reduce fever ---fever in exterior syndromes (unprepared) Alternating chills and fever, To spread Liver qi---Liver and gallbladder qi, To lift up the Spleen qi---Spleen deficiency caused diarrhea, prolapse of inner organs stagnation(vinegar prepared)
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