Qsurf = (Rday - Ia)2 / (Rday - Ia + S)
Qsurf = (Rday - 0.2S )2 / (Rday + 0.8S)
Ia = includes surface storage, interception, and infiltration prior to runoff = (0.2S)
S = retention parameter = 25.4[(100/CN) - 10]
Lumps canopy interception in Ia
SCS CN is a function of the soil's permeability, land use, and antecedent soil water conditions (approp. for ~5% slope)
CN is modified based on antecedent soil moisture condition
wilting point : minimal point of soil moisture the plant requires not to wilt
field capacity: amount of soil moisture or water content held in soil after excess water has drained away around 2-3 days after a rain
CN modification always modifies CN for moisture condition II :
pg. 5 Table 2:1-2 for CN tables
Retention parameter (S) -- 2 methods
1.) Based on soil profile water content
S=25.4[(100/CN) - 10]
CN = 25400/(S+254)
Qsurf = (Rday - 0.2S)2 / (Rday + 0.8S)
**this method predicts too much runoff in shallow soils. most commonly used
2. Based on Plant ET
S = 0.9Smax [see pg 6 for full formula]
CN & Qsurf are the same
Slope adjustments
see pg 7 for equation. will need pg 5 or CNs
CN for moisture cond II are approp. for 5% slopes. Equation adjusts CN to a different slope.