Shared Flashcard Set


study guide for unit 1
10th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Where were the Indus River valley, Egypt, and Mesopotamia located and how did they farm?
Mesopotamia was in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley. They irrigated water to crops and used ox-drawn plows.
Egypt was on both side of the Nile River. They irrigated water and used the floods for grain agriculture.
The Indus River valley is exactly where it says it is. Floods makes 2 crops a year possible.
What’s the affect of the Neolithic revolution on gender roles?
Women gathered food and cooked it while men hunted so when the Neolithic revolution “began” women lost a lot of their power because farming was a man’s job.
What technology increased in Agricultural production?
Irrigation, copper, writing (cuneiform/hieroglyphics), stone tools to bronze tools, base 60 number system, papyrus, chemistry (mummification), medicine, and ships.
What are the religions in early civilization?
Mesopotamia believed in humanly gods that embodied the forces of nature. Mean gods (flood).
Egyptian religion evoked the landscape of the Nile Valley and the vision of the cosmic order. Kings were very religion. They believed in an afterlife. Supportive gods (flood).
How did early civilizations used metal?
Mesopotamia combined a form of copper with tin and arsenic to make bronze for better tools.
Since the Indus River Valley had lots of metals, tools and other useful objects outweighed decorative objects like jewelry. They varied metals for max hardness.
What are the gender roles in Ancient Persia and Greece?
Spartan women were encouraged to exercise, socialize, and was outspoken which shocked other Greek women. Athenian women were confined and suppressed. An Athenian wife had no political rights, limited legal protection, (think father daughter relationship).
What is the Greek Democracy?
This let all free adult males have political power (10-15% of the population)
What is the Greek Democracy?
This let all free adult males have political power (10-15% of the population)
What are the Greek and Persian cultures like?
Zoroastrianism is from Persia. In Greece regions that had little contact made distinctive pottery and crafts styles. Greece believed in sky gods and they sacrificed a lot to them.
What made Aristotle and Plato different?
Plato is drawn to mysticism and metaphysical speculation. Aristotle tried to categorize a vast amount of knowledge.
How did the Fall of the Roman Republic happen?
The Roman republic had vast expanses that they couldn’t control. When farmers were on military service, their land was stolen. These thieves decided to graze and make wine because that made money instead of growing wheat. These farmers got poor and couldn’t serve the army since they didn’t have enough land to.
Describe the Rome and Han “Urban” Empire
Rome was administrated by a network of towns and cities. The upper class lived in elegant towns while the poor lived in crowded slums. Each settlement was a mini capital.
Intense agriculture fed the capitals. Between agricultural tasks, men donated a month of labor a year to public works projects. They expanded but practiced the “original” agriculture.
What happened at the fall of Han and Rome?
Han/Rome Empire both fell because aggressive neighbors attacked their borders that was really far from the administrative center. The cost of defending themselves made the empires poor. Civilians lost their loyalty since the government continued to demand more taxes and military service.
How was Christianity spread?
Jesus was a rabbi/teacher who believed in personal faith/spirituality and that the world was going to end so god could take us to a better place. He died and Paul/Constantinople spread Christianity.
What changed Hinduism?
The Vedic religion with Dravidian factors became Hinduism.
Who is Ashoka?
Ashoka extended the Mauryan’s borders with force where hundreds of thousands of people were hurt but he soon converted to Buddhism and preached nonviolence.
How was the leadership of the Mauryan and Gupta different?
Chandragupta Marurya gained control of the Magadha kingdom and expanded it to the Mauryan Empire. He taxed the people by taking 25% of their harvest; using that money for networks of roads and towns.
“Chandra Gupta” organized another empire just like the Mauryan but the administration powers weren’t as powerful so the army practically ruined the empire.
What are the gender roles of women in India?
Women lost their right to own/inherit property and they were barred from studying sacred texts/being in sacrificial rituals. Women were expected to obey the men in her life and they were married young to their husbands. Widows were expected to cremate herself at her husband’s funeral.
Describe the Bantu migration.
Bantu languages spread north and south of the equator.
What was Sub-Saharan culture like?
It was made of great traditions (alphabet, common legal/belief systems, ethical codes) and small traditions (local customs and beliefs). Africa is home to 2,000 languages, and distinctive rituals/cosmologies.
How did Africa use metal?
The migrants used iron axes/hoes to clear forests and plant crops.
What was the culture like along the Silk Road?
Turks and Iranians build homes decorated with brightly colored wall painting of people wearing Chinese silks and riding clothed horses and camels. Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity, Manichaeism, and Zoroastrianism also spread along communities. Military warfare such as chariot warfare, mounted bowmen, and stirrups became people too.
What are the locations and basic features of major world belief systems?
Jainism came from India. It’s about how the life force is very holy. They practiced strict nonviolence like wearing masks to prevent inhaling bugs. The extreme ones practiced nudity, ate only what was given by others, and eventually starved to death.
Buddhism came from India too. You follow the 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path and you take vows of celibacy/nonviolence/poverty. (now practiced in SE Asia)
Christianity came from Judaea (Israel). Jesus believed in personal faith/spirituality and that God would end this world to take us to a better place. (now located in N/S America, S. Africa, Europe, and Australia.)
Daoism came from China where they were all into nature and the path of nature. They were also nonviolent and take the minimal action necessary for a task.
Confucianism teaches nonviolence, justice,, loyalty, respect and dignity.
Hinduism came from India where they have just about a deity for everything and karma/reincarnation. (now located in India)
What are the pros and cons of a hunter/gathering society and farming societies?
Hunting/gathering societies worked less than their farmers. Farmers were shorter on average than forages. Contagious diseases could be passed through farming settlements. Farmers always had a dependable supply of food that can be stored so eventually farmers outnumbered foragers. Foragers would get pissed off when the places they hunter were cleared by farmers to farm more land.
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