Shared Flashcard Set


Stomach channel Points
Point questions regarding the Stomach channel
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards





1. Where is Chengqi (Container of Tears) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Chengqi (ST 1) is located with the eyes looking straight forward, the point is directly below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge.


2.  Push the eyeball upward with the left thumb and puncture perpendicularly and slowly 0.5-1.0 inch along the infraorbital ridge.


3. Do not manipulate the needle with large amplitude.

Insert slowly without lifting, thrusting or rotating.  Immediately on withdrawal of the needle, press firmly with cotton for about a minute to prevent hematoma.  This needling method should not be attermpted by those who have not had appropriate clinical supervision.


1.  What channels does Chengqi (Container of tears) meet with?


1. Chengqi (ST 1) meets with Yang Qiao (aka Yang motility) and the Ren (Aka the Conception vessel).

1. What are Deadman's actions for Chengqi (Container of tears)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Chengqi?


1. Deadman's actions for Chengqi (ST 1) include: 

*Benefits the eyes and stops lacrimation

*Eliminates wind and clears heat.


2. CAM's indications for Chengqi (ST 1) include: Redness, swelling and pain of the eye, lacrimation, night blindness, twitching of the eyelids, facial paralysis.


1.  Where is Sibai (four whites) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Sibai (ST 2) is located directly below the pupil, in the depression at the infraorbital foramen.


2. Perpendicular 0.2-0.3 cun


3.  Deep insertion along the foramen may injure the eyeball; manipulation by lifting and thrusting is contraindicated due to the risk of damaging the infraorbital nerve which emerges from the foramen.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Sibai (Four Whites)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Sibai?


1. Deadman's actions for Sibai (ST 2) include:

*Eliminates wind, clears heat and benefits the eyes.  (Note: can through needle to LI 20 for biliary ascariasis).


2. CAM's indications for Sibai (ST 2) include: Redness, pain and itching of the eye, facial paralysis, twitching of the eye lids, pain in the face.


1. Where is Juliao (Great Crevice) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Juliao (ST 3) is located directly below the pupil, at the level of the lower border of ala nasi, on the lateral side of the nasolabial groove.


2.  Perpendicular 0.2-0.3 cun


3.  CAM says it is not advisable to puncture deeply.

1.  What channel intersects with the Stomach channel at Juliao (Great Crevice)?
1. The Yang Qiao (aka Yang Motility)

1. What are Deadman's actions for Juliao (Great Crevice)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Juliao?


1. Deadman's actions for Juliao (ST 3) include:

*Eliminates wind, disspiates swelling and alleviates pain


2. CAM's indications for Juliao include: Facial paralysis, twitching of eyelids, epistaxis, toothache, swelling of lips and cheek.


1. Where is Dicang (Earth Granary) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1.  Dicang (ST 4) is located lateral to the corner of the mouth, directly below the pupil.


2.  Subcutaneous 1-1.5 cun with the tip of the needle directed towards Jiache (ST 6)


3.  nope!

What channels meet the Stomach channel at Dicang (Earth Granary)?
Dicang (ST 4) is a meeting point of the Stomach and Large Intestine channels with the Yang Qiao and Ren channels

1. What are Deadman's actions for Dicang (Earth Granary)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for Dicang?


1. Deadman's actions for Dicang (ST 4) include:

*Eliminates wind from the face

*Activates Channel and Alleviates Pain (ACAP)


Natalie says: #1 point for Bells palsy, stroke, any type of facial paralysis!


2.  CAM's indications for Dicang include:  Deviation of the mouth, salivation, twitching of the eyelides.


1. Where is Daying (Great Welcome) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Daying (ST 5) is located anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of the attached portion of m. masseter where the pulsation of facial artery is palpable, in the groove-like depression appearing when the cheek is bulged.


2.  Oblique, 0.3-0.5 cun


3. Avoid puncturing the facial artery and vein.  Also, vigorous manipulation is contraindicated to avoid the risk of damaging the facial artery and vein.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Daying (Great Welcome)? 


2. What are CAM's indications for Daying?


1.  Deadman's actions for Daying (ST 5) include:

*Eliminates wind and reduces swelling


2.  CAM's indications for Daying include:

Facial paralysis, trismus, swelling of the cheek, pain in the face, toothache


1. Where is Jiache (Jaw Bone) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Jiache (ST 6) is located one finger-bredth (middle finger) anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible where m. masseter is prominent when the teeth are clenched and depressive when it is pressed.


2.  Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun or subcutaneously with the tip of the needle directed towards Dicang (ST 4)


3.  nope!


What special point category is Jiache (Jaw Bone) in?

Jiache (ST 6) is a Sun Si-miao Ghost point. Its alternate name is Guichuang (Ghost's Bed)


According to Deadman, Ghost points originally were used for the treatment of mania disorder and epilepsy.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Jiache (Jaw Bone)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Jiache?


1.  Deadman's actions for Jiache (ST 6) include:

*Eliminates wind and benefits the jaw and teeth

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain.


2. CAM's indications for Jiache include: Facial paralysis, toothache, swelling of the cheek and face, mumps, trismus (prolonged spasm of the jaw).


1.  Where is Xiaguan (Below the joint) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Xiaguan (ST 7) is located on the face, anterior to the ear, in the depression between the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch.  This point is located with the mouth closed.


2.  Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Nope!


What channel meets with the Stomach channel at Xiaguan (Below the joint)?



Xiaguan (Below the Joint) is the meeting point of the Stomach and Gall Bladder channels.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Xiaguan (Below the joint)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Xiaguan?


1.  Deadman's actions for Xiaguan (ST 7) include:

*Benefits the ears, jaw, and teeth



2.  CAM's indications for Xiaguan include:  Deafness, tinnitus, otorrhea, toothache, facial paralysis, pain of the face, motor impairment of the jaw.


1. Where is Touwei (Head's Binding) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Touwei (ST 8) is located on the lateral side of the head, 0.5 cun above the anterior hairline at the corner of the forehead, and 4.5 cun lateral to the midline of the head.


2.  0.5-1 cun subcutaneously


3.  Classically CI for moxa

What channels meet with the Stomach Channel at Touwei (Head's Binding)?
Touwei (ST 8) is the meeting point of the Stomach and Gall Bladder channels with the Yang Linking vessel (aka Yang Wei Mai)

1. What are Deadman's actions for Touwei (Head's Binding)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for Touwei?




1. Deadman's actions for Touwei (ST 8) include:

*Eliminates wind and alleviates pain

*Benefits the eyes


Natalie says #1 point for treating frontal headaches!


2. CAM's indications for Touwei include: Headache, blurring of vision, opthamalgia, Lacrimation


1. Where is Renying (man's welcome) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Renying (ST 9) is level with the tip of Adam's apple where the pulsation of common carotid artery is palpable, on anterior border of m. sternocleidomastoid.


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Avoid puncturing the common carotid artery.

What channel meets with the Stomach channel at Renying (Man's Welcome)?
The Gall Bladder Channel meets with the Stomach channel at Renying (ST 9)
What special point categories is Renying (Man's Welcome) in?

Renying is a point of the Window of Heaven


a Point of the Sea of Qi


(Note: the other points of Sea of Qi include: Shanzhong REN-17, Yamen DU 15, and Dazhi DU 14.  When the sea of qi is in excess, there si fullness in the chest, urgernt breathing and a red complexion.  When the sea of qi is insufficient, there is scanty energy insufficient for speech).


1. What are Deadman's actions for Renying (Man's Welcome)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Renying?


1.  Deadman's actions for Renying (ST 9) include: 

*Regulates qi and blood and lowers rebellion

*Benefits the throat and neck

*Alleviates pain


2.  CAM's indications for Renying include: Sore throat, asthma, goiter, dizziness, flushing of the face


1. Where is Shuitu (Water prominence) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Shuitu (ST 10) is located at the midpoint of the line joining Renying (ST 9) and Qishe (ST 11), on the anterior border of m. Sternocleidomastoid.


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3. Do not puncture the common carotid artery!


1. What are Deadman's actions for Shuitu (Water Prominence)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Shuitu?


1. Deadman's actions for Shuitu (ST 10) include:

*Benefits the throat and neck

*Descends Lung qi


2.  CAM's indications for Shuitu include: Sore throat, asthma, cough


1. Where is Qishe (Abode of Qi) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Qishe (ST 11) is located at the superior border of the sternal extremity of the clavicle, between the sternal head and clavicular head of m. sternocleidomastoid.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.3-0.5 cun


3. Do not angle the needle inferiorly without proper skill to avoid puncturing the lung or the subclavian artery.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Qishe (Abode of Qi)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Qishe?



1. Deadman's actions for Qishe (ST 11) include:

*Benefits the throat and neck and descends qi


2.  CAM's indications for Qishe include:

Sore throat, pain and rigidity of the neck, asthma, hiccup, goiter.


1.  Where is Quepen (Empty Basin) located?


2. What is its needle depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?



1. Quepen (ST 12) is located in the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa (SCF), 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun.  Deep puncture is not advisible!


3.  Avoid puncturing the subclavian vessels or puncture the lung.  According to Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxabustion, this point is CI during pregnancy


What channels meet with the Stomach channel at Quepen (Empty Basin)?

Quepen (ST 12) is the meeting point of the Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Sanjiao, and Gall Bladder channels.


Hint:  It is a meeting point of all of the yang channels except for the Urinary Bladder Channel.  It is where the channels dive internal to meet with the zang fu!


1. What are Deadman's actions for Quepen (Empty Basin)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Quepen?


1.  Deadman's actions for Quepen (ST 12) include:

*Descends lung qi and clears heat from the chest

*Activates the Channel and alleviates pain (ACAP)


2. CAM's indications for Quepen include: Cough, asthma, sore throat, pain in the supraclavicular fossa.

What Large Intestine Point is level with Renying (Man's Welcome) ST 9
Futu (LI 18) is level with Renying ST 9.  Both are level with the tip of the laryngeal prominence (Adam's Apple)

1. Where is Qihu (Qi Door) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Qihu (ST 13) is located at the lower border of the middle of the clavicle, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.


2.  Obliquely 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Yes. Deep or perpendicular needling carries a substantial risk of puncturing the lung or injuring the subclavian vessels.



1. What are Deadman's actions for Qihu (Qi Door)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Qihu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Qihu (ST 13) include:

*Descends rebellious qi and unbinds the chest


2.  CAM's indications for Qihu include:

Fullness in the chest, asthma, cough, hiccup, pain in the chest and hypochondrium.




1.  Where is Kufang (Storehouse) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


4. Bonus question: What point is 2 cun lateral to Kufang (ST 14)?



1.  Kufang (ST 14) is located in the first intercostal space (ICS), 4 cun lateral to the midline.


2. Oblique 0.3-.05 cun


3. YES!  Remember, ST 13 - ST 18 all pose the risk of pneumothorax (lung puncture) and must be needled oblique.  Deep or perpendicular insertion in these points = NO BUENO!!!!


4.  Lung 1 (Zhongfu) is 6 cun lateral to the midline in the 1st intercostal space!


1. What are Deadman's actions for Kufang (Storehouse)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Kufang?


1. Deadman's actions for Kufang (ST 14) include:

*Descends rebellious qi and unbinds the chest.


2.  CAM's indications for Kufang include:

Sensation of fullness and pain in the chest, cough


1.  Where is Wuyi (Room Screen) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. What Caution does Wuyi share with points

ST 13- ST 18?


1.  Wuyi (ST 15) is located in the 2nd intercostal space (ICS), 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline


2.  Oblique 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Deep or perpendicular insertion carries a substantial risk of pneumothorax!!!


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Wuyi (Storehouse)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Wuyi?


1. Deadman's actions for Wuyi (ST 15) include:

*Descends rebellious qi and unbinds the chest

*Benefits the breasts

*Alleviates pain and itching of the skin


2.  CAM's indications for Wuyi include:

Fullness and pain in the chest and costal region, cough, asthma, mastitis


1.  Where is Yingchuang (Breast Window) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1.  Yingchang (ST 16) is located in the 3rd ICS, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline


2.  Like ST13-ST18, all these points are needled obliquely 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  And like ST 13 - ST 18, all points run the risk of lung puncture (pneumothorax) if needled deep or perpendicular.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Yingchuang (Breast Window)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for YingChuang?


1. Deadman's actions for Yingchuang (ST 16) include:

*Alleviates cough and wheezing

*Benefits the breast


2.  CAM's indications for Yingchuang include: Fullness and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, cough, asthma, mastitis


1.  Where is Ruzhong (Middle of the Breast) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Ruzhong (ST 17) is located in the fourth ICS, in the center of the nipple, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.


2.  Don't needle the nipple!


3.  Yes, do not needle this point for the love of god.  Also, do not moxa this point for that matter.  This is a location point only!


1. What are Deadman's actions for Ruzhong (Middle of the breast)?


2. What are CAM's indications?


Both CAM and Deadman agree. 


Acupuncture and moxa on this point are CONTRAINDICATED!!! This point serves only as a landmark for locating points on the chest and abdomen.


1.  Where is Rugen (Root of the breast) located?


2.  What is its needle depth and indication?


3.  Any Cautions?


1. Rugen (ST 18) is located on the chest, directly below the nipple, on the lower border of the breast, in the 5th ICS, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.


2. Oblique 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Yes, like all points ST 13- ST 18, deep or perpendicular needling carries a substantial risk of puncturing the lung!!!!


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Rugen (Root of the breast)? 


2.  What are CAM's indications for Rugen?


1. Deadman's actions for Rugen (ST 18) include:

*Benefits the breast and reduces swelling

*Unbinds the chest and alleviates cough and wheezing


2.  CAM's indications for Rugen (ST 18) include:

Pain in the chest, cough, asthma, mastitis, insufficient lactation



1. Where is Burong (Not Contained) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Burong (ST 19) is located 6 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Juque (REN 14).

*NOTE:  Until ST 19, points ST

12- 18 are all 4 cun from the anterior midline.  ST-19 is the point at which the Stomach channel then moves closer in  (2 cun from anterior midline) through ST 30!!!


2. Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 cun


3. YES! Deep insertion may injure the heart on the left or the liver on the right if either of these organs are enlarged.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Burong (Not contained)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Burong?


1. Deadman's actions for Burong (ST 19) include:

*Harmonises the middle jiao and lowers rebelloin

*Descends qi and alleviates cough and wheezing.


2.  CAM's indications for Burong include: Abdominal distention, vomiting, gastric pain, anorexia.

1. How many cun from the umbilicus to the sternocostal angle?
1. 8 cun.

1.  Where is Chengman (Supporting Fullness) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Chengman (ST 20) is located 5 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Shangwan (REN 13)


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun


3. Yes!  in this subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.  Deep needling at right Chengman (ST 20) may penetrate an enlarged liver!

Which three ST channel points might puncture an enlarged liver (on the right side only!)
Stomach 19, 20, and 21
Which Stomach channel point might puncture an enlarged heart?
ST 19 (Burong) (because the heart would be NOT CONTAINED!)

1. What are Deadman's actions for Chengman (Supporting Fullness)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Chengman?


1. Deadman's actions for Chengman (ST 20) include:

*Harmonises the middle jiao

*Descends rebellion of the Lung and Stomach


2. CAM's indications for Chengman (ST 20) include:  Gastric pain, abdominal distension, vomiting, anorexia.


1.  Where is Liangmen (Beam Gate) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


1. Liangmen (ST 21) is located 4 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Zhongwan (REN 12.... note, REN 12 is the front mu point of the Stomach!!!)


2.  Perpendicular 0.8-1 cun


3.  In thin subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.  Deep needling at right Liangmen ST-21 may penetrate an enlarged liver.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Liangmen (Beam Gate)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Liangmen?


1. Deadman's actions for Liangmen (ST 21) include:

*Regulates qi and alleviates pain

*Harmonises the middle jiao and transforms stagnation

*Raises the qi and stops diarrhea.


2. CAM's indications for Liangmen include: Gastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distension, and diarrhea.


1.  Where is Guanmen (Pass Gate) located?


2.  What is its needling depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1.  Guanmen (ST 22) is located 3 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Jianli, REN 11  (Ren 11 times 2 cun lateral = ST 22!!!)


2. Pependicualr 0.8-1 cun


3.  YES! In thin subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity!


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Guanmen (Rass Gate)?


2.  What are CAM's indications for Guanmen?


1. Deadman's actions for Guanmen (ST 22) include:

*Regulates qi and alleviates pain

*Regulates the intestines and benefits urination.


2. CAM's indications for GUanmen include:

Abdominal distention and pain, anorexia, borborygmus, diarrhea, edema.


1.  Where is Taiyi (Supreme Unity) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


1.  Taiyi (ST 23) is located 2 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Xiawan (REN 10)


2.  Perpendicular 0.7-1 cun


3.  In thin subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Taiyi (Supreme Unity)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Taiyi?


1.  Deadman's actions for Taiyi (ST 23) include:

*Transforms phlegm and calms the spirit

*Harmonises the middle jiao


2.  CAM's indications for Taiyi include: Gastric pain, irritability, mania, indigestion


1. Where is Huaroumen (Slippery Flesh Gate) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


1. Huaroumen (ST 24) is located 1 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Shuifen (REN 9)


2.  Perpendicular 0.7-1 cun


3.  In thin subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Huaroumen (Slippery Flesh Gate)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Huaroumen?


1. Deadman's actions for Huaroumen (ST 24) include: 

*Transforms phlegm and calms the spirit

*Harmonises the Stomach and alleviates vomiting.


2.  CAM's indications for Huaroumen (ST 24) include:

Gastric Pain, Vomiting, mania

In addition to the Stomach and Spleen, what organ does the Stomach divergent channel connect with that may explain some of the indications for mania?
The Stomach divergent channel connects with the heart zang

1. Where is Tianshu (Heaven's Pivot) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Tianshu (ST 25) is located 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus.


2.  Perpendicular 0.7-1.2 cun


3.  In thin subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.


What special point category is Tianshu (Heaven's Pivot) in?


Tianshu (ST 25) is the Front-Mu point of the Large Intestine.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Tianshu (Heaven's Pivot)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Tianshu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Tianshu (ST 25) include:

*Regulates the intestines

*Regulates the Spleen and Stomach

*Resolves dampness

*Regulates qi and blood and eliminates stagnation


2.  CAM's indications for Tianshu (ST 25) include:

Abdominal pain and distension, borborygmus, pain around the umbilicus, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, irregular mensturation, edema.


1. Where is Wailing (Outer Mound) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Wailing (ST 26) is located 1 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Yinjiao (Ren 7)


2.  Perpendicular 0.7 - 1.2 cun


3. In this subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Wailing (Outer Mound)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Wailing?


1.  Deadman's actions for Wailing (ST 26) include:

*Regulates qi and alleviates pain


2. CAM's indications for Wailing include:

Abdominal pain, hernia, dysmenorrhea.


1.  Where is Daju (The Great) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?



1.  Daju (ST 27) is located 2 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Shimen (Ren 5 - the front mu of the SanJiao)


2.  Perpendicular, 0.7-1.2 cun


3.  In thin subjects, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Daju (The Great)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Daju?


1. Deadman's actions for Daju (ST 27) include:

*Benefits the Kidneys and firms essence

*Regulates qi and promotes urination


2.  CAM's indications for Daju include:

Lower abdominal distention, dysuria, hernia, seminal emission premature ejaculation.


1.  Where is Shuidao (Water Passage) located?


2.  What is its needle depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Shuidao (ST 28) is located 3 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Guanyuan (Ren 4 - the Front mu point of the Small Intestine)


2. Perpendicular 0.7-1.2 cun


3.  Deep insertion may penetrate the peritoneal cavity in thin patients or may penetrate a full bladder, the patient should therefore be asked to empty the bladder before needling.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Shuidao (Water Passage)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Shuidao?


1. Deadman's actions for Shuidao (ST 28) include:

*Regulates the lower jiao and dispels stagnation

*Benefits the Bladder and the uterus


2. CAM's indications for Shuidao include:

Lower abdominal distension, retention of urine, edema, herbia, dysmenorrhea, sterility.


*Note: Deadman also says that this point is especially indicated for cold congealing the uterus.


1.  Where is Guilai (Return) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Guilai (ST 29) is located 4 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Zhongji (REN 3 - the front mu of the Urinary Bladder)


2.  Perpendicular 0.7-1.2 cun


3.  Deep insertion may penetrate the peitoneal cavity in thin patients, or may penetrate a full bladder, the patient should therefore be asked to empty the bladder before needling.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Guilai (Return)


2.  What are CAM's indications for Guilai?


1.  Deadman's actions for Guilai (ST 29) include:

*Warms the lower jiao

*Regulates menstruation and benefits the genital region


2. CAM's indications for Guilai include:

Abdominal pain, hernia, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, prolapse of the uterus.


1. Where is Qichong (Rushing Qi) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?




1.  Qichong (ST 30) is located 5 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to Qugu (Ren 2)


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun


3.  In thin patients, deep insertion in a superior direction may penetrate the peritoneal cavity or a full bladder (the patient should therefore be asked to empty the bladder before needling); deep insertion in an inferior direction in the male may penetrate the spermatic cord).

What special point category is Qichong (Rushing Qi) in?
Qichong (ST 30) is a point of the Sea of Water and Grain

What channel meets with the Stomach channel at Qichong (Rushing Qi)?




The Penetrating vesel (Chong mai) meets with the Stomach channel at Qichong (ST -30)


*Bonus cool info:  At Stomach 12 (Quepen), the Stomach channel divides (1 branch goes internal, connects first with Dazhui- Du 14, then comes back around to the anterior side, and descends to connect with the Stomach and Spleen.... then another branch originates from the pyloric orifice and reemerges at ST-30.  This portion constitutes the internal branch of the Stomach meridian).  THUS, ST 30 is the point where the Stomach channels internal and external branches reunite :)  a match made in heaven!


1. What are Deadman's indications for Qichong (Rushing Qi)?


2. What are CAM's actions for Qichong?


1. Deadman's indications for Qichong (ST 30) include:

*Regulates qi in the lower jiao

*Regulates the Penetrating vessel

*Subdues Running piglet qi


2. CAM's actions for Qichong (ST 30) include:

Abdominal pain, borborygmus, hernia, swelling and pain of the external genitalia, impotence, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation.


1. Where is Biguan (Thigh gate) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Biguan (ST 31) is located on the anterior side of the thigh and on the line connecting athe ASIS and the superiolateral corner of the patella, on the level of the perineum when the thigh is fixed, in the depression lateral to the sartorius muscle.


2.  Perpendicular, 1.0-1.5 cun


3.  nope.


1. What are Deadman's indicaitons for Biguan (Thigh gate)?


2. What are CAM's actions for Biguan?


1. Deadman's indications for Biguan (St 31) include:

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain

*Dispels wind-damp


2. CAM's actions for Biguan include:

Pain in the thigh, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, numbness and pain of the lower extremities.


1. Where is Futu (Crouching Rabbit) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1.  Futu (ST 32) is located on the line connecting the ASIS and lateral border of the patella, 6 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella.


2.  Perpendicular 1.0-1.5 cun


3.  Nope


How many cun between the Prominence of the greater trochanter and the superior border of the patella?


How many cun between the Prominence of the greater trochanter and the lower border of the patella? (CAM will use this measurement in the location point of Futu)?


1.  17 cun


2. 19 cun (the patella is 2 cun!)


1. What are Deadman's indications for Futu (Crouching rabbit)?


2. What are CAM's actions for Futu?


1. Deadman's actions for Futu (ST 32) include:


*Dispels wind-damp


2.  CAM's indications for Futu include:

Pain in the lumbar and iliac region, coldness of the knee, paralysis or motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities, beriberi (avitaminosis caused by lack of thiamine - vitamin B1.  Wikipedia states: Symptoms of beriberi include severe lethargy and fatigue, together with complications affecting the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular, and gastrointestinal systems.)



1.  Where is Yinshi (Yin Market) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Yinshi (ST 33) is located with the knee flexed, 3 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella, on the line joining the laterosuperior border of the patella and the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS).


2.  Perpendicular 0.7-1.0 inch


3.  None


1. What are Deadman's actions for Yinshi (Yin Market)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Yinshi?


1.  Deadman's actions for Yinshi (ST 33) include:


*Dispels wind-damp


2. CAM's indications for Yinshi include:

Numbness, soreness, motor impairment of the leg and knee, motor impairment of the lower extremities.


1. Where is Liangqiu (Ridge Mound) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?



1. Liangqiu (ST 34) is located with the knee flexed, the point is 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella.


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 cun


3.  Nope.

1. What special point category is Liangqiu (Ridge Mound) in?

1. Liangqiu (ST 34) is the xi-cleft point of the Stomach channel.  Note: this is the only Xi cleft point of the leg channels that is above the knee. (The rest can be found below the knee, and Bladder and Kidney Xi cleft points are on the foot.


Remember:  Xi cleft points are good for MODERATING ACUTE CONDITIONS.


(if it is on a yin channel, also good for acute blood related conditions).


1. What are Deadman's actions for Liangqiu (Ridge Mound)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Liangqiu?


1. Deadman's actions for Liangqiu (ST 34) include:


*Harmonises the Stomach and alleviates pain

*Moderates acute conditions (Bc its the xi cleft point!!!)


2.  CAM's indications for Liangqiu include:

Pain and numbness of the knee, gastric pain, mastitis, motor impairment of the lower extremities


1.  Where is Dubi (Calf's nose) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Dubi (ST 35) is located with the knee flexed, at the lower border of the patella in the depression lateral to the patellar ligament.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.7-1.0 cun


3.  nope!


1. What are Deadman's actions for Dubi (Calf's nose)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Dubi?


1.  Deadman's actions for Dubi (ST 35) include:

*Dispels wind-damp and reduces swelling

*Activates the channel and alleviates pain


2.  CAM's indications for Dubi (ST 35) include:

Pain, numbness and motor impairment of the knee, beriberi


1.  Where is Zusanli (Leg Three Miles) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


1.  Zusanli (ST 36) is located 3 cun below Dubi (ST 35), one finger-breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.5-1.2 cun


3.  Nope.


What special point categories is Zusanli (Leg Three Miles) in?

Zusanli (ST 36) is in the following point categories:

*He-Sea and Earth point of the Stomach channel

*Gao Wu Command Point of the abdomen

*Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point

*Point of the Sea of Water and Grain (remember, the other point of Sea of Water and Grain is ST 30- Qichong)


1. What are Deadman's actions for Zusanli (Leg 3 Miles)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Zusanli?


1. Deadman's actions for Zusanli (ST 36) include:

*Harmonises the Stomach

*Fortifies the Spleen and resolves dampness

*Supports the correct qi and fosters the original qi

*Tonifies qi and nourishes blood and yin

*Clears fire and calms the spirit


*Revives the yang and restores consciousness


2. CAM's indications for Zusanli (ST 36) include:

Gastric pain, vomiting, hiccup, abdominal distension, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, mastitis, enteritis, aching of the knee joint and leg, beriberi, edema, cough, asthma, emaciation due to general deficiency, indigestion, apoplexy, hemiplegia, insomnia, mania

*NOTE: apoplexy = sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain.


1. Where is Shangjuyu (Upper Great Void Located)?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any Cautions?


Bonus: What point on the Large Intestine Channel does this point mirror in location?


1. Shangjuyu (ST 37) is located: 6 cun below Dubi (ST 35), and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia.


2.  Perpendicular, 0.5 - 1.2 cun


3.  None


Bonus: This point mirrors Shang Lian (upper angle) LI -9.

What special point categories is Shangjuxu (Upper Great Void) in?

Shangjuxu (ST 37) is the LOWER he-sea point of the Large Intestine.  Typically, the points of the arm yang channels (LI, SI, and San Jiao) do not have strong correspondences to their fu; and thus,  we use the Lower He sea points to treat the organ disorders.....


Shangjuxu is also a point of the Sea of Blood


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Shangjuxu (Upper Great Void)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Shangjuxu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Shangjuxu (ST 37) include:

*Regulates the intestines and transforms stagnation

*Clears Damp heat and alleviates diarrhea and dysentery

*Regulates the Stomach and the Spleen



2. CAM's indications for Shangjuxu include:

Abdominal pain and distension, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, enteritis, paralysis due to stroke, beriberi


1.  Where is Tiaokou (Lines Opening) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?




1. Tiaokou (ST 38) is located 8 cun below Dubi (ST 35) and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia.


2. Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 cun


3. Nope.

What is Tiaokou (Lines Opening) the empirical point of?
Tiaokou (ST 38) is the empirical point of the SHOULDER!
How many cun between Dubi (Calf's nose) and the prominence of the lateral malleolus?
16 cun.  Note: Tiaokou (ST 38) is on the halfway mark between these two anatomical locations :)

1. What are Deadman's actions for Tiaokou (Lines Opening)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Tiaokou?


1.  Deadman's actions for Tiaokou (ST 38) include:

*Expels wind-damp and alleviates pain

*Benefits the shoulder


2. CAM's indications for Tiaokou include:

Numbness, soreness and pain of the knee and leg, weakness and motor impairment of the foot, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder, abdominal pain.


1. Where is Xiajuxu (Lower Great Void) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Xiajuxu (ST 39) is located 9 cun below Dubi (ST 35) and one finger breadth (middle finger) from the anterior border of the tibia.


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 cun


3.  Nope


What special point categories is Xiajuxu (Lower Great Void) in?



What point on the Large Intestine channel does Xiajuxu mirror?


Xiajuxu (ST 39) is the Lower He-Sea point of the Small Intestine.


Xiajuxu (ST 39) on the leg mirrors Xia Lian (Lower Angle) LI 8 on the forearm.


1. What are Deadman's actions for Xiajuxu (Lower Great Void)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Xiajuxu?


1.  Deadman's actions for Xiajuxu (ST 39) include:

*Moves Small Intestine qi and transforms stagnation

*Regulates and harmonises the intestines and clears damp-heat



2. CAM's indications for Xiajuxu include:

Lower abdominal pain, backache referring to the testis, mastitis, numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities.


1. Where is Fenglong (Abundant Bulge) located?  What other point is it level with?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Fenglong (ST 40) is located 8 cun superior to the tip of the external malleolus, lateral to Tiaokou (ST 38) about 2 finger-breath lateral to the anterior border of the tibia.


2.  Perpendicular 0.5-1.0 inch


3.  Nope.

What special point category is Fenglong (Abundant Bulge) in?

1.  Fenglong (ST 40) is the Luo-connecting point of the Stomach channel




1. What are Deadman's actions for Fenglong (Abundant Buldge)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Fenglong?


1. Deadman's actions for Fenglong (ST 40) include:

*Transforms phlegm and dampness

*Benefits the chest

*Clears phlegm from Lungs and alleviates cough & wheeze

*Clears phlegm from the Heart and calms the spirit



2. CAM's indications for Fenglong (ST 40) include: Headache, dizziness and vertigo, cough, asthma, excessive sputum, pain in the chest, constipation, mania, epilepsy, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain, swelling or paralysis of the lower extremities.


1. Where is Jiexi (Stream Divide) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Jiexi (ST 41) is located on the dorsum of the foot, at the midpoint of the transverse crease of the ankle joint, in the depression between the tendons of m. extensor digitorum longus and hallicus longus, approximately at the level of the tip of the external malleolus.


2. Perpendicular 0.5-0.7 cun


3. The anterior tibial vessels and nerve lie deep to this point

What special point category is Jiexi (Stream Divide) in?
Jiexi (ST 41) is the Jing-River and Fire point of the Stomach channel.

1. What are Deadman's actions for Jiexi (Stream Divide)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Jiexi?


1. Deadman's actions for Jiexi (ST 41) include:

*Clears heat from the Stomach channel and fu

*Calms the spirit



2. CAM's indications for Jiexi include:

Pain of the ankle joint, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis of the lower extremities, epilepsy, headache, dizziness and vertigo, abdominal distension, constipation.


1. Where is Chongyang (Rushing yang) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any Cautions?


1. Chongyang (ST 42) is located on the dome of the instep of the foot, between the tendons of long extensor muscle of the great toe and long extensor muscle of toes, where the puslation of the dorsal arter of foot is palpable.


2.  Perpendicular 0.3 - 0.5 cun


3. Yes.  Care should be taken not to puncture the dorsalis pedis artery which lies beneath this point.

What special point category is Chongyang (Rushing yang) in?

Chongyang (Rushing yang) is the yuan - source point of the Stomach channel


*Remember that on all yang channels (except the gall bladder), the yuan source point is always the fourth point up from the fingers or toes)


On yin channels, the yuan source point is always the third point up (same as the shu-stream point)


ALSO: ST 42 is the EXIT point of the Stomach channel. From this point, a branch runs and then terminates at the medial corner of the big toe to connect with the Spleen Channel -Spleen 1.


1.  What are Deadman's actions for Chongyang (Rushing Yang)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Chongyang?


1. Deadman's actions for Chongyang (ST 42) include:

*Clears heat from the Stomach channel

*Harmonises the Stomach fu

*Calms the spirit



2. CAM's indications for Chongyang include:

Pain of the upper teeth, redness and swelling of the dorsum of the foot, facial paralysis, muscular atrophy and motor impairment of the foot.


1. Where is Xiangu (Sunken Valley) located?


2.  What is its insertion depth and angle?


3.  Any cautions?


1. Xiangu (ST 43) is located in the depression distal to the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones.


2. Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Nope.

What special point category is Xiangu (Sunken Valley) in?
Xiangu (ST 43) is the Shu-Stream point of the Stomach channel

1. What are Deadman's actions for Xiangu (Sunken Valley)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Xiangu?


1. Deadman's actions for Xiangu (ST 43) include:

*Regulates the Spleen and dispels edema

*Regulates and harmonises the Stomach and intestines.


2.  CAM's indications for Xiangu include:

Facial or general edema, abdominal pain, borborygmus, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot.


1. Where is Neiting (Inner Courtyard) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Neiting (ST 44) is located in the depression distal to the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones.


2.  Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun


3.  Nope

What special point categories apply to Neiting (Inner Courtyard)?

Neiting (ST 44) is the Ying-Spring and Water point of the Stomach channel.


It is also a Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point


1. What are Deadman's actions for Neiting (Inner Courtyard)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Neiting?


1. Deadman's actions for Neiting (ST 44) include:

*Clears heat from the Stomach channel and alleviates pain

*Harmonises the intestines and clears damp-heat

*Calms the spirit


2. CAM's indications for Neiting include:

*Toothache, pain in the face, deviation of th mouth, sore throat, epistaxis, gastric pain, acid regurgitation, abdominal distension, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, febrile diseases.


1. Where is LiDui (Strict Exchange) located?


2. What is its insertion depth and angle?


3. Any cautions?


1. Lidui (ST 45) is located on the lateral side of the 2nd toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.


2. Subcutaneous, 0.1 cun (Deadman, 0.1-0.2 cun perpendicular  or oblique directed proximally or prick to bleed)

What special point category is Lidui (Strict Exchange) in?
Lidui (ST 45) is the Jing-Well and Metal point of the Stomach channel

1. What are Deadman's actions for Lidui (Strict Exchange)?


2. What are CAM's indications for Lidui?


1. Deadman's actions for Lidui (ST 45) include:

*Clears heat from the Stomach channel

*Clears heat, calms the spirit and restores consciousness


2. CAM's indications for Lidui include:

Facial swelling, deviation of the mouth, epistaxis, toothache, sore throat and hoarse voice, abdominal distension, coldness in the leg and foot, febrile diseases, dream-disturbed sleep, mania.

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