Shared Flashcard Set


Stats - Hypothesis Testing
Which test do you perform?
Undergraduate 2

Additional Mathematics Flashcards




Random samples of students and staff at a college were asked to specify which of two candidates for the U.S. presidency they preferred. Which statistical method could be used for testing whether students and staff differed significantly in their preferences?
Chi square contingency test
Yates correction
A horse owner kept track of the number of shoe replacements for each of 11 workhorses in the past year. Which statistical method could be used to test whether the average number of shoes required by these 11 horses differed significantly from 12 shoes per horse?
Single sample t-test
A duck hunter sometimes went hunting by himself and sometimes with one or more friends. Each time, he recorded the size of the hunting party and the number of ducks brought home. Which statistical method could be used to test the significance of the relationship between the size of the hunting party and the number of ducks brought home?
T-test for correlation coefficient df=#hunts-2
A sample of 200 college students were cross-classified according to hair colour and eye colour. Which statistical method could be used to test the significance of the relationship between the two variables?
Chi square contingency test
df=(#hair colours-1)(#eye colours-1)
A sample of 10 individuals took the same physical fitness test both before and after a course in Tae Kwon-Do (Korean art of self- defense). Which statistical method could be used for testing whether there was a significant change in the average fitness score?
Paired samples t-test
Twenty female volunteers were randomly assigned to one of two conditions in a study of the effects of caffeine. Subjects in one condition drank a cup of coffee and those in the other condition drank a cup of tea. The change in resting pulse rate that accompanied (within five minutes) the drinking of the tea or the coffee was recorded for each subject. Which statistical method could be used to test whether there was significantly greater variability in the pulse-rate changes for one of the beverages?
F test
A sample of 15 students who classified themselves as smokers reported the number of cigarettes they each smoked in a typical day. Which statistical method could be used to test whether the average number of cigarettes reported by these students differed significantly from 20 cigarettes.
Single sample t-test
The numbers of students pictured with and without eyeglasses were counted separately for males and females in a high school yearbook. Which statistical method could be used to test whether males and females differed significantly with respect to wearing glasses for their yearbook photograph?
Chi square contingency test
Yates correction
A commercial green house compared two methods of germination of flower seeds by planting a dozen flats according to each method and counting the number of marketable seedlings obtained from each flat. Which statistical method could be used to test whether the two methods differed significantly in the variability of the number of seedlings produced.
F-test df=11,11
Eight male college students reported their height to the nearest tenth of an inch for subsequent verification by actual measurement. Which statistical method could be used to test whether the students had a significant bias to say that they were taller than they actually were?
Paired samples t-test
As part of a study comparing Catholic and Protestant lifestyles, samples of students claiming Catholic or Protestant religious backgrounds reported on a questionnaire as to whether they now 'attend church regularly' or 'do not attend church regularly'. Which statistical method could be used to determine whether reported church attendance differed significantly between Catholics and Protestants?
Chi square contingency test
remember Yates correction
As part of a study comparing Catholic and Protestant lifestyles, samples of students claiming Catholic or Protestant religious backgrounds reported the size of the family (that is, the number of children) in which they grew up. Which statistical method could be used for testing whether average family size is different in relevant Catholic and Protestant populations?
Independent samples t-test
df= total N -2
A hatchery received a shipment of eggs from each of three different suppliers. Each batch was incubated for three weeks under the same conditions, and the number of live chicks that hatched from each shipment was recorded, along with the number of eggs that failed to hatch from the shipment. Which statistical method could be used to test whether the three suppliers differed significantly with respect to the percentage of eggs successfully hatched?
Chi square contingency test
Ten houses with natural gas heating were randomly selected from the same neighborhood. The total floor area of each house was measured (in square feet) and the amount of natural gas consumed in the previous month was recorded. Which statistical method could be used to test the significance of the relationship between floor area and natural gas consumption?
T-test for correlation coefficient
Ten subjects were randomly assigned to each of two conditions in a memory experiment. The subjects in one condition were each given three minutes to study a photograph of a busy fairground scene, while those in the other condition each had three minutes to study a paragraph describing the same scene in detail. Subjects in both conditions were then allowed up to 20 minutes to write down as many items from the scene as they could remember. Which statistical method could be used to test whether the average number of items recalled differed significantly between the two conditions?
Independent samples t-test
A large aircraft manufacturer has records of the number of airplanes ordered each month for the past eight months. Which statistical method could be used to see if it is reasonable to suppose that the observed distribution might have been generated by an underlying discrete uniform probability distribution?
Chi square goodness of fit test
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