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Spring Final Exam EQ's
Respess History 9 Spring Final EQ's
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





1. Islam’s ethical code, as a response to 7th century Arab culture
a) Old days in Arabia
 People called Bedouins lived as desert nomads
 They had sheep and goats; lived in tents
 There was no “upper class” - nobody had great wealth

 People called Bedouins lived as desert nomads
 They had sheep and goats; lived in tents
 There was no “upper class” - nobody had great wealth
1. Islam’s ethical code, as a response to 7th century Arab culture
b) What was disturbing Muhammad
 Rising gap between rich and poor
 In the Bedouin tribes, orphans were always adopted
 In Mecca, widows, orphans, and poor people were not taken care of
1. Islam’s ethical code, as a response to 7th century Arab culture
c) Islam’s ethical response
 Rising gap between rich and poor
 In the Bedouin tribes, orphans were always adopted
 In Mecca, widows, orphans, and poor people were not taken care of
 Islam’s ethical response
 Zakat –one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Money must be given to the poor
 Do not try to cheat people in business deals
 If a man has several wives, he must be able to take care of them
 Surah 107 in Qur’an says people should show their religion in their actions: by taking care of orphans and poor people
2. How these rulers brought change to their empires
a) Askia Muhammed
 Conquered more land
 Songhai Empire
 Introduced Islam to more people, sometimes by force
 Restored Timbuktu
 At Sankore Mosque in Timbuktu, there was a university where they studied math, medicine, music, astronomy, and literature
2. How these rulers brought change to their empires
b) Charlemagne
 Carolingian Empire
 Conquered additional lands in Europe
 In Saxony, he forced Christianity and cut down their sacred tree
 When he conquered Saxony, he moved into a part of Europe that didn’t know about Christianity
 Armies forced Saxons into the river to be baptized as Christians
 Believed a king had responsibility in religion
 Brought monks from England and Ireland to teach reading and basics
a) How Charlemagne ruled
 Used missi Domenici to report to him about things happening
b) Big event of Christmas Day, 800
 Charlemagne went to Rome, where the Pope was being threatened by the men of Rome
 Pope crowned Charlemagne as “emperor of the Romans”
 It wasn’t the Roman Empire, it was a new civilization, combining Roman culture (including Latin language), Germanic culture, and Christianity
c) Carolingian Renaissance
 He wanted literacy for his people
 Told monks to teach school
 Monks made copies of books
 90% of the Latin literature we have today came from Carolingian monks
 As they wrote the monks developed a new improved handwriting, called Carolingian minuscule, which was easier to read, with fewer copying mistakes
3. New technologies brought changes to Europe and the world
a) Printing Press
 Books didn’t have to be copied by hand
 Books were more available
 Also – shorter things – political cartoons
 More motivation to learn to read
 Ideas could spread fast (important in the Protestant Reformation)
 Books encouraged research
3. New technologies brought changes to Europe and the world
b) New ship technology – the Carabel
 Combination of square and triangular sails – can sail against the wind, thus can go more places
 Size of ships – can carry more food and water, which means they could go farther.
 Also, they could carry more trade goods, which meant world trade became possible
 Can have heavy cannons, which meant Europeans could dominate other cultures
 New navigation instruments: compass and astrolabe (tells latitude), made it possible to cross oceans
3. New technologies brought changes to Europe and the world
c) Guns
 Soldiers with muskets will win
 Cannons could knock down city walls (walled cities no longer protect you) and be placed on ships
 Only the rich countries could afford the new weapons, which gave them more power
 Non-Europeans had no protection against the “deadly combination of ships and guns”
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
a) Louis XIV
a) Louis XIV and religion
 Believed his power would be greater if all French people were Catholics
 Destroyed Huguenot churches and schools
 Cancelled the Edict of Nantes, making Huguenots an illegal religion
 200,000 Huguenots left France, taking their skills with them
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
a) Louis XIV
b) How he weakened nobles
 Nobles off the royal council
 Told nobles to come live at Versailles, where their minds will be distracted by pleasures
 Ceremonies like levee: king at center of attention
 At Versailles: dancing, gambling, hunting
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
a) Louis XIV
c) Louis XIV and the economy
 Named Colbert as finance minister
 Colbert worked to bring mercantilism, so France will have a favorable balance of trade
 Government encouraged industries and trade with:
 Subsidies to new industries
 Improved transportation with roads and bridges
 High tariffs to keep out foreign manufactured goods
 Colonies developed as source of raw materials (Haiti for sugar)
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
a) Louis XIV
d) Louis XIV as absolutist: how he used Versailles
 King’s residence
 Government offices
 Place people came to ask king for jobs or favors
 Many nobles lived there
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
a) Louis XIV
e) Louis XIV and war
 As absolutist, he decided which wars to have
 He had 4 wars – expensive
 400,000 men in his army
 Had to raise taxes to pay for it all
 His advice for the next king: “Try to have peace with your neighbors. I have loved war too much.”
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
b) Peter the Great
a) Peter changes Russia’s military
 Brings in officers from outside to show new ways
 Peasants forced into army
 Army increased to 210,000
 Created 1st Russian navy
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
b) Peter the Great
b) Peter changes Russia’s economy
 Starts expanding value of exports (for favorable balance of trade)
 Subsidies from government to new industries
 Developed iron mines
 Raised taxes to support army and industry
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
b) Peter the Great
c) Peter gains control of Russian Orthodox Church
 Abolished office of patriarch (had been head of church)
 Created office of Procurator of the Holy Synod, to be appointed by Peter
 This gave Peter control of how the church was led
 Peter wanted to keep Old Believers (men must have beards, geometry is a sin) out of power
4. Examples of 17th century absolutism
b) Peter the Great
d) Peter the Great and St. Petersburg, his new capital
 Chose the place for his new capital on the coast of the Baltic Sea (also for trade and navy)
 Called St. Petersburg
 His goal: better connections with more modern countries of Western Europe
 Told nobles to build town houses there and spend part of year there (they will be exposed to new ideas)
5. For industrial workers in Britain
a) The good
 Higher pay compared to farm work
 Work was year-round (unlike farm work)
 Little or no skill involved
5. For industrial workers in Britain
b) The bad
 The 14-hour day
 Machines can be dangerous
 Coal mines caught on fire
 Factories had dust in air
6. China in the 19th century
a) Reforms proposed by Taipings, “Self-Strengthening”, Boxers
 Taipings
 Land re-distribution, peasants get equal amounts
 Treat women as equals. Women served in Taipings’ army. They promised women could compete for government jobs on an equal basis if Taipings succeeded
 No more private property. Property owned by group
 No alcohol or tobacco
 End footbinding
 Self-strengthening
 Qing dynasty emperor’s plan
 They were trying to adopt Western technology, but keeping Confucian values
 Example: Kang Youwei’s “One Hundred Days” was his attempt to bring massive reform, following Western ideas about education and government
 Boxers
 2 main concerns were poverty and blamed foreigners for the bad things going on in China
6. China in the 19th century
b) Why the reform ideas failed
 Taipings
 British and French armies helped the Qing dynasty crush the Taipings
 Why British and French wanted to keep Qing dynasty in power: so Europeans can get what they want out of China. Weak ruler in China means easier for Europeans to get what they want
 Self-strengthening
 Empress Cixi had the young emperor imprisoned, which was the end of his attempts at reform
 Boxers
 Started killing all “foreigners” (Christians)
 Killing foreigners led to 9 countries attacking China; raiding Beijing
 This invasion stopped the Boxers
 Weakened the Qing dynasty because it made it clear the Qings could not protect China form foreign powers
7. Tokugawa Shogunate
a) Achievements: “The Great Peace”
 No more samurai wars
 Daiymos kept under control through hostage system
 Samurai were strictly forbidden to kill each other (they could still kill lower class people)
 Peace allowed trade and culture to flourish
7. Tokugawa Shogunate
b) Achievements: Trade
 265 years of peace were great for trade
 But all trade was within Japan (Tokugawa shoguns had policy of isolation)
 Handcraft industries (Tea and silk)
 With trade, Japan got a middle class
 With a middle class, cities grew (Edo was world’s biggest city)
7. Tokugawa Shogunate
c) Achievements: Culture
 Rising middle class wanted books, theater, art
 Saikaku was a bestselling author (Five Women Who Loved Love)
 Kabuki was a new kind of theater (Plots were violent and tragic; actors didn’t wear masks; no women allowed on stage)
 Prints weren’t expensive and appealed to rising middle class (Hokusai’s Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji)
d) Why Tokugawa Shogunate ended
 Satsuma and Chosun clan leaders overthrew the shogun (Sat-Cho rebellion)because they saw that Japan needed new technology and contact from outside world
8. Meiji Japan
a) Industrialization
 Land tax was used to pay for:
 Subsidies to start new industries (weapons, shipbuilding, sake)
 Training programs
 Foreign advisors brought in
 New educational systems, emphasizing science
 Improvements in transportation: roads, harbors
8. Meiji Japan
b) Imperialism (up to 1912)
 Compared to Europe, Japan was small, crowded, and lacking in resources
 Manchuria was good for resources and China was too weak to defend
 Arguments made in favor of imperialism: all countries operate according to the “law of the jungle”
 U.S. and Europe are gaining control of Africa, and Asia will be next
 We should be looking at China and Korea as backward and ready to be exploited
8. Meiji Japan
c) Imperialism; how?
 In war with China, Japan got Taiwan
 In war with Russia, Japan got the Liaodong Peninsula, which was the gateway to Manchuria had coal, iron, and market, which Japan eneded
 In 1910, Japan got Korea
9. Mexico
a) Mexican Revolution
 Madero, a liberal landowner, forced Diaz from power
 New government not getting enough change to help Mexico
 The next wave was led by Zapata
 Peasants were acting, and the goal was land reform
 Got money for guns around 1910-1915 for border raids
 Zapata’s army called guerillas
 Constitution of 1917:
 Created republic
 Set up a strong presidency
 Land reform stated as goal
 Established limits on foreign investors’ ownership of Mexico’s resources and businesses
 Set an agenda to help the workers
9. Mexico
b) Cardenas
 Distributed 44 million acres of land to landless Mexican peasants, which made him very popular with them
 Took a strong stand with the U.S. over oil, which Mexico had a lot of
 After a dispute with the foreign oil companies, nationalized (seized control of) the oil fields and the property of the companies
 They did eventually pay for the property that was taken, and then set up PEMEX, an national oil company, to run the oil industry
 FDR refused to send Marines because of the Good Neighbor Policy
 With profits from PEMEX, Cardenas built rural schools, piped water to remote villages, and sent teachers to help people learn better farming methods
9. Mexico
a) 1950s-late 1970s
 In late 1970s, vast new reserves of oil were discovered in Mexico, and the sale of oil abroad increased, which made the government very dependent on oil reserves
 By 1970s, Mexico was the fastest-growing economy in Latin America because of steady economy growth and wages were going up
 Irrigation expanded
 New industries: chemicals, steel, electrical appliances, and tourism
 By 1970, 25% were in middle class
9. Mexico
b) 1980s
 When world oil prices dropped in the 1980s, Mexico was no longer able to make payments on its foreign debt, which had reached $80 billion in 1982.
 The government was forced to adopt a policy of privatization (sale of state companies to private companies)
 In 1988, the PRI’s choice for president won the vote with only 50.3%
 Big trouble (also for Texas) because of the drop in world price of oil
 PEMEX can’t fund all its projects, which meant unemployment went up
 Mexico went into debt (inflation)
9. Mexico
 A free trade agreement with the U.S. and Canada
 North American Free Trade Agreement
 3 countries will not tax products coming in from other 2
 Helps industry in Mexico
 Hurts Mexico’s farm producers because they can’t compete with U.S. farm prices, since U.S. government gives subsidies to farm production
10. Nicaragua
a) Who was Sandino?
 Led guerilla raids in the 1920s against United Fruit offices and U.S. Marine bases
 Leader of Sandinista rebellion
10. Nicaragua
b) Somoza family as rulers
 Was corrupt and ruthless
 Ruled for a long time
 Made millions at expense of the state
10. Nicaragua
c) Sandinista rebellion
 Formed a guerrilla army
 Took their name from Sandino
 They were backed by Cuba, Mexico, and Costa Rica
 Succeeded in overthrowing the Somoza government
10. Nicaragua
d) Sandinista government and Daniel Ortega
 Major land reform; about half of the rich people’s land was redistributed
 Had a big literacy program
 Limits on freedom of political parties and press
 Economy didn’t improve
 Miskito Indians were removed from their tribal lands
 Middle and upper classes opposed Ortega
 U.S. actions hurt them when they cut off trade and aid
 Even worse, U.S. decision to help the Contras
10. Nicaragua
e) The Contra war in Nicaragua
 In Spanish, “contra” means “against”
 They were fighting to overthrow the Sandinista government
 The U.S. sent aid but not troops
 They sent the CIA
 CIA mined a major port on the west coast
 These mines were illegal, since the U.S. was not in a war with Nicaragua
10. Nicaragua
f) Why U.S. cut off aid to the Contras
 Fear the war could develop into another Vietnam
 Anger at the CIA, which had done illegal things
 Shock at the brutality of the Contras
10. Nicaragua
g) End of Nicaragua’s Contra War
 U.S. Congress voted to cut off aid to the Contras
 Cuba cut off aid to the Sandinista government, because the USSR, the source of Cuba’s funds, was falling apart
10. Nicaragua
h) 1990 election
 Ortega lost
 Violeta Chamorro was elected as Nicaragua’s president
 She promised honesty in government and reduction of the military
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