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Spanish Direct/Indirect Object Pronouns
1234 Spanish Direct/Indirect Object Pronouns
Language - Spanish

Additional Language - Spanish Flashcards




te las pienso buscar cuando tenga suficiente tiempo.
I will look for them when I have enough time.
Ella se (les) los entrega
(She) Delivers them to you/them
The indirect object "te" precedes the direct object "lo" and both come before the verb.

(Él) se la dio.
(Él) ___ ___ dio. (d.o. la; i.o. le)
He gives it to him.
El camarero nos las lleva.
El camarero ___ ___ lleva. (i.o. nos; d.o. las)
The waiter brings them to us.
(Yo) se los digo a ellos.
(Yo) ___ ___ digo a ellos. (i.o. les; d.o. los)
(I) tell them.
Te lo juro.
___ ___ juro. (d.o. lo; i.o. te)
I swear/promise (to you)
Diego ___ ___ debe explicar (d.o. lo; i.o. me)
Diego me lo debe explicar (d.o. lo; i.o. me)
Diego must explain it to me
El regalo se lo dio a nuestro vecino.
El regalo ___ ___ dio a nuestro vecino. (d.o. lo; i.o. le)
He gave it to our neighbor.
Yo te lo escribo.
I'll write it down for you.
Se la voy a mandar por carta.
___ ___ voy a mandar por carta. (d.o. la; i.o. les
I’ll send it to you (fml/them) by letter.
(Ellos) me lo cuentan a carcajadas.
(Ellos) ___ ___ cuentan a carcajadas. (d.o. lo; i.o me)
(They) tell me out loud.
(Vosotros) se los pusisteis en la cartera.
(Vosotros) ___ ___ pusisteis en la cartera. (d.o. los; i.o. les)
(You) Put them in their wallet.
No quiero decirselo
No quiero decir___ ___ (d.o. lo; i.o. les)
I don't want to tell (it, to) you/them
(Yo) se lo traigo tan pronto como sea posible.
(Yo) ___ ___ traigo tan pronto como sea posible. (d.o. lo; i.o. les)
(I) bring it to you/them as soon as possible.
Vamos a comprarsela .
Vamos a comprar___ ___ . (d.o. la; i.o. les)
Let's buy it
Juan y Paco te lo dan.
Juan y Paco ___ ___ dan. (i.o. te; d.o. lo)
Juan and Paco give it to you.
(Nosotros) os lo ponemos en la cartera.
(Nosotros) ___ ___ ponemos en la cartera. (d.o. lo; i.o. os)
(We) put it in your wallet.
Quiero escribirsela .
Quiero escribir___ ___ . (d.o. la; i.o. le)
I want to write it to you/her/him.
The indirect object "le" precedes the direct object "la" and both come before the verb. Because both pronouns begin with "l" the first changes to "se." Object pronouns are attached to the end of infinitives.
Quiero escribirsela .
Quiero escribir___ ___ . (d.o. la; i.o. le)
(Ellas) me los dan.
(Ellas) ___ ___ dan. (i.o, me; d.o. los)
(They) give them to me.
(Nosotros) os los devolvemos el próximo mes.
(Nosotros) ___ ___ devolvemos el próximo mes. (d.o. los; i.o. os)
We will return them to you next month.
Yo le mando dinero a Juani.
I send money to Juani.
Juani (indirect object)
money (direct obect)
Yo le di un carro a ella
I gave her a car
her = indirect object
car = direct object
1. Le mando
2. Le mandamos.
3. Les mando
4. Les mandamos
5. Le manda
6. Les manda
1. I send it to him.
2. We send to him.
3. I send to them.
4. We send to them
5. He sends to him/her
6. She/he/you sends to them
1. Le explico
2. Le explicamos
3. Le explica
4. Les explico
5. Les explicamos
6. Les explican
1. I explain to her/him
2. We explain to her
3. He explains to her/him
4. I explain to them
5. We explain to them
6. They explains to them
1. Le hablo
2. Le hablan
3. Le hablas
4. Les hablo
5. Les hablan
6. Les hablas
1. I speak to him
2. They speak to him
3. You speak to her
4. I speak to them
5. They speak to them
6. You speak to them
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:
In Spanish the Prepositional Phase (a + noun/subject pronoun) and the Indirect Object are always present.

e.g. 'le' still remains.
1. Yo 'le' hablo - I talk to him
2. Yo 'le' hablo a Pedro - I talk to Pedro
In English is different, and only does one or the other.
e.g. I talk to him or I talk to Pedro
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:
1. Luisa le prestará dinero
2. Luisa le prestará dinero a Sergio
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:
1. Luisa will lend him/her/you money.
2. Luisa will lend Sergio money.
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:
1. Les mandamos ropa
2. Les mandamos ropa a las vñictimas del huracán.
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:
1. We send them/you clothes
2. We send clothes to the hurricane victims.
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions: When using me, te, os, nos the noun is usually clear so when the Prepositional Phrase (with noun or subject pronoun) is used it is used for emphasis.

1. No me hables
2. No me hables a mí
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions: When using me, te, os, nos the noun is usuall clear so when the Prepositional Phrase (with noun or subject pronoun) is used it is used for emphasis.

1. Don´t talk to me.
2. Don´t talk to me (with emphasis)
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions: When using me, te, os, nos the noun is usuall clear so when the Prepositional Phrase (with noun or subject pronoun) is used it is used for emphasis.

1. Papa nos dará las llaves.
2. Papa nos dará las llaves ´a nosotros´
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions: When using me, te, os, nos the noun is usuall clear so when the Prepositional Phrase (with noun or subject pronoun) is used it is used for emphasis.

1. Dad will give us the keys.
2. Dad will give us the keys (with emphasis)
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions: 1. Conmigo 2. Contigo 3. Consigo mismo 4. Consiga misma
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions: 1. With me 2. With you 3. With himself 4. With herself
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:

1. Sergio nunca habla contigo.
2. Ven conmigo
3. Él chico juega fútbol consigo mismo.
Indirect object pronouns with prepositions:

1. Sergio never speaks with you/talks to you.
2. Come with me.
3. The boy plays soccer by himself/alone.
1. Le dije
2. Lo dije
1. I told (it to) him
2. I told/said it.
Indirect Object Pronouns:

1. me
2. te
3. le
4. nos
5. os
6. les
Indirect Object Pronouns:

1. (to) me
2. (to) you
3. (to) him/her/you (formal)
4. (to) us
5. (to) you (plural familiar)
6. (to) them/ you (plural)
Double Object Pronouns:

1. I lent José the car
2. I lent him the car
3. i lent it to him
Double Object Pronouns:

1. No object pronouns
2. Indirect object pronoun (to) him
3. Direct object pronoun ´it´ and indirect object pronoun ´(to) him´

Double Object Pronouns:


1. José compró el carro para nosotros

2. José nos compró el carro

3. José nos lo comrpó


Double Object Pronouns:


1. José bought the car for us (no object PN)

2. José bought us the car (IOPN ´nos´)

3. José bought it for us (Both a IO + DO Pronoun)

Placement of double object Pronouns:

le + las
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1st Indirect Object Pronoun + 2nd Direct Object Pronoun
Indirect object pronoun:

1. me
2. te
3. le -> se
4. nos
5. os
6. les -> se
Direct Object Pronouns:

1. me
2. te
3. lo, la, los, las
4. nos
5. os
6. lo, la, los, las
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1. Yo le presté el carro a José
2. Yo se lo presté
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1. I loaned the car to José
2. I loaned it to him/her/you.
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1. Silvia les mandó una carta a sus padres
2. Silvia se la mandó
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1. Silvia sent her parents a letter
2. Silvia sent it to them.
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1. le + lo =
2. le + la =
3. le + los =
4. le + las =
Placement of double object Pronouns:

1. se lo
2. se la
3. se los
4. se las
Placement of double object Pronouns: Single and double Object Pronouns (me, te, lo) are put on the end of an ´affirmative command´. Note that the written accent mark indicating that the noramlly stressed syllable is retained.

1. Mándemlo mañana.
Placement of double object Pronouns: Single and double Object Pronouns (me, te, lo) are put on the end of an ´affirmative command´. Note that the written accent mark indicating that the noramlly stressed syllable is retained.

1. Send it to me tomorrow.
Placement of double object Pronouns: Object pronouns can either proceed the conjugated verb or be tacked onto the end of the present participle or the infinitive.

1. No puedo mandártelo mañana
2. No te lo puedo mandar mañana
Placement of double object Pronouns: Object pronouns can either proceed the conjugated verb or be tacked onto the end of the present participle or the infinitive.

1. I can´t send the money tomorrow.
2. I can´t send the money tomorrow.

Gustar: Singluar and Plural 1. Me gusta la carne 2. Me gustan las empanadas


Note. The article (el/la) goes before the noun.

Gustar: Singluar and Plural 1. I like meat 2. I like empanadas
Gustar: Singluar and Plural

1. Me gusta la paella
2. Me gustan las verduras
Gustar: Singluar and Plural

1. I like paella
2. I like vegetables
Gustar: Singluar and Plural. When talking about liking an action (to work/trabajar) the verb or action is usually treated as a singluar subject.

1. Me gusta trabajar
2. No me gusta volar en avión
Gustar: Singluar and Plural. When talking about liking an action (to work/trabajar) the verb or action is usually treated as a singluar subject.

1. I like to work
2. I don´t like flying by plane.
Gustar: Indirect Object Pronouns:

1. Me gusta/ Me gustan
2. Te gusta/ Te gustan
3. Le gusta/ Le gustan
4. Nos gusta/ Nos gustan
5. Os gusta/ Os gustan
6. Les gusta/ Les gustan
Gustar: Indirect Object Pronouns:

1. I like
2. You like
3. He/she/It/You(fml) like/s
4. We like
5. You(pl,infml) like
6. They/You (pl,fml) like
Gustar: Singluar and Plural

1. Le gusta el teatro
2. Le gustan las películas
Gustar: Singluar and Plural

1. He likes the theatre
2. He like films
Clarifying Gustar:

1. Le gusta la comida peruana.
2. A Juan le gusta la comida peruana.
Clarifying Gustar:

1. He likes Peruvian food
2. Jaun likes Peruvian food
Clarifying Gustar:

1. Le gusta la comida peruana.
2. A usted le gusta la comida peruana.
Clarifying Gustar:

1. He/she/you likes Peruvian food
2. you likes Peruvian food
Clarifying Gustar:

1. A Juan le gusta la comida peruana, pero a mí me gusta la comida mexicana.
Clarifying Gustar:

1. Juan like Peruvian food, but for me, I like Mexican food.
Prepositional Phrases with Gusta

1. a mí me gusta/ a mí me gustan
2. a tí te gusta/ a tí te gustan
3. a él le gusta/ a él le gustan
4. a ella le gusta/ a ella le gustan
5. a usted le gusta/ a usted le gustan
6. a Juan le gusta/ a Juan le gustan
7. a Julieta le gusta/ a Julieta le gustan
8. a mi abuela le gusta/ a mi abuela le gustan
Prepositional Phrases with Gusta

1. (for me) I like
2. (for you) You like
3. (for him) He likes
4. (for her) She likes
5. (for you) you like
6. (for Juan) he likes
7. (for Julieta) she likes
8. (for my grandmother) she likes
Prepositional Phrases with Gusta

1. a nosotros/as nos gusta/ a nosotros/as nos gustan
2. a vosotros/as os gusta/ a vosotros/as os gustan
3. a ellos les gusta/ a ellos les gustan
4. a ellas les gusta/ a ellas les gustan
5. a ustedes les gusta/ a ustedes les gustan
6. a Juan y José les gusta/ a Juan y José les gustan
7. a mis padres les gusta/ a mis padres les gustan
8. a Julieta y Juantita les gusta/ Julieta y Juantita les gustan
Prepositional Phrases with Gusta

1. (for us) we like
2. (for you (pl,infml)) you like
3. (for them) they like
4. (for them) they like
5. (for you (pl,fml)) you like
6. (for Juan y José) they like
7. (for my parents) they like
8. (for Julieta y Juanita) they like
Clarifying Gustar: The prepositional phrase with ´a´ can go at the end of the sentence

1. Le gusta la comida Peruana a Daniel
2. No le gusta beber soda a Miriam.
Clarifying Gustar: The prepositional phrase with ´a´ can go at the end of the sentence

1. Daniel likes Peruvian food.
2. Miriam doesn´t like to drink soda.

Recognizing the direct object: When using a verb that acts upon a direct object that is a person or a pet, add ´a´ before it. Add ´a´ only for people and not things. 1. Quiero a mi marido 2. Marta despierta a su amiga 3. Acariciamos al perro 4. Tenemos tres perros


Except before the verb tener.


Recognizing the direct object: When using a verb that acts upon a direct object that is a person or a pet, add ´a´ before it. 1. I love my husband 2. Marta wakes up her friend 3. We pet the dog. 

4. We have three dogs.


Except before the verb tener.


Recognizing the direct object: When using a verb that acts upon a direct object that is a person or a pet, add ´a´ before it. Add ´a´ only for people and not things.

1. ¿Llamamos a Juan?

2. Ellos miran la película.

3. No conozco al señor Cristarella (you always add el before a man or job, e.g. el señor, el medico, thus a + el = al)

4. Llevo a mi amiga a la fiesta. (I´m taking my friend to the party)

5. El jefe va a despedir a cinco personas.


Recognizing the direct object: When using a verb that acts upon a direct object that is a person or a pet, add ´a´ before it. Add ´a´ only for people and not things.

1. ¿Llamamos _ Juan?

2. Ellos miran _ la película.

3. No conozco __ señor Cristarella

4. Llevo _ mi amiga a la fiesta. 

5. El jefe va a despedir _ cinco personas.

Possessive Pronouns - ADJECTIVE (not Pronoun)

1. mi, mis (la mía, mine is different)
2. tu, tus (la tuya, yours is different)
3. su, sus (la suya, his, hers, yours is different)
4. nuestro/nuestros, nuestra/nuestras (la nuestra, ours is different)
5. vuestro/vuestros, vuestra/vuestras (la vuestra, yours is different)
6. su, sus (la suya, yours, theirs is different)
Possessive Pronouns - ADJECTIVE (not Pronoun)

1. my
2. your
3. your, their, his, her
4. our
5. your
6. your, their
Possessive Pronouns - Pronoun (not Adjective)

1. el mío, los míos, la mía, las mías
2. el tuya, los tuyos, la tuya, las tuyas
3. el suyo, los suyos, la suya, las suyas
4. el nuestro, los muestros, la nuestra, las nuestras
5. el vuestro, los vuestros, la vuestra, las vuestras
6. el suyo, los suyos, la suya, las suyas
Possessive Pronouns - Pronoun (not Adjective)

1. mine
2. yours
3. yours, his, hers, theirs
4. ours
5. yours
6. yours, theirs
Possessive Pronouns - Adjectives to Pronouns

1. mi libro es mío
2. tu imaginación fue la tuya
3. su llave son la suya
4. nuestras hijitas son nuestras
5. sus calcetines son los suyos
Possessive Pronouns - Adjectives to Pronouns

1. My book is mine
2. Your imagination is yours
3. His/her/your key is yours
4. Out little girls are ours.
5. Your/their socks are theirs.
Possessive Pronouns - Adjectives to Pronouns

1. mi libro es el tuyo (el is left for emphasis)
2. tu imaginación es suyo
3. sus llaves son las mías
4. nuestra hija es vuestro
5. su preo fue el suyo
Possessive Pronouns - Adjectives to Pronouns

1. My book is yours
2. Your imagination is his
3. His/her/your keys are mine
4. Out girl is yours.
5. Your/their dog is yours/his/hers.
Possessive Pronouns:

1. Es mi libro o el tuyo?
2. You no tengo imaginación, pero la tuya es muy vívida.
3. Yo tengo mi llave. La suya está allí.
Possessive Pronouns:

1. Is this my book or yours?
2. I don´t have any imagination, but yours is very vivid.
3. I have my key. Yours is over there.
Possessive Pronouns:

1. Sus ideas son más interesantes que las nuestras.
2. Aquellos calcetines son suyos.
3. Éstos son míos
Possessive Pronouns:

1. Your ideas are more interesting than ours.
2. Those socks are yours.
3. These are mine.
Possessive Pronouns: When used directly after the verb ´ser´ the article (el, la, los, las) is usually dropped:

1. Este libro es mío
2. Ese libro es tuyo

Or it can be used for emphasis:
1. La mejor idea fue la mía, no la tuya.
Possessive Pronouns: When used directly after the verb ´ser´ the article (el, la, los, las) is usually dropped:

1. This book is mine
2. That book is yours.

Or it can be used for emphasis:
1. The best idea was mine, not yours.
Possessive Pronouns: El suyo can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. de él
(this is the same for all related nounds, i.e. el, la, los, las)

2. El Mercedes es suyo (The Mercedes is his)
3. La mesa es la suya (la for emphasis) (The table is his)
3. Los gatos son los suyos (The cats are his)
Possessive Pronouns: El suyo can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. his
(this is the same for all related nounds, i.e. el, la, los, las)

2. El Mercedes es de él
3. La mesa es de él
3. Los gatos son de él
Possessive Pronouns: La suya can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. de ella
(this is the same for all related nouns, i.e. el, la, los, las)

2. El Mercedes es suyo (The Mercedes is hers)
3. La mesa es la suya (la for emphasis) (The table is hers)
3. Los gatos son los suyos (The cats are hers)
Possessive Pronouns: La suya can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. de ella
(this is the same for all related nouns, i.e. el, la, los, las)

2. El Mercedes es de ella (The Mercedes is hers)
3. La mesa es la de ella (la for emphasis) (The table is hers)
3. Los gatos son de ella (The cats are hers)
Possessive Pronouns: La suya can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. de ellos/ellas
(this is the same for all related nouns, i.e. el, la, los, las)

2. El Mercedes es suyo (The Mercedes is hers)
3. La mesa es la suya (la for emphasis) (The table is hers)
3. Los gatos son los suyos (The cats are hers)
Possessive Pronouns: La suya can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. de ellos/ellas
(this is the same for all related nouns, i.e. el, la, los, las)

2. El Mercedes es de ellas (The Mercedes is theirs)
3. La mesa es la de ellas (la for emphasis) (The table is theirs)
3. Los gatos son de ellos (The cats are theirs)
Possessive Pronouns: La suya can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. de él
2. de ella
3. de ellos/ellas
4. de usted
5. de ustedes
Possessive Pronouns: La suya can mean his, hers, yours, theirs to clarify you can use (de + the article). Remember the initial article is usually dropped when used after the verb ´ser´

1. his
2. hers
3. theirs
4. yours (singular, fml)
5. yours (plural, fml)
Direct Object Pronouns

1. me
2. te
3. lo
4. la
5. nos
6. os
7. los
8. las
Direct Object Pronouns

1. me
2. you (informal)
3. him, it (masc.) you (formal)
4. her, it (fem) you (formal)
5. us
6. you (plural, informal)
7. them (masc) you (plural)
8. them (fem) you (plural, fem)
Direct Object Pronouns - Are used instead of nouns in order to avoid repetition

1. Oye, qui'en tiene me cartera?
2. Yo la tengo. La quieres?
3. Sí, la quiero, por favor.

+ Use ´la´ because la cartera is a feminine noun. Here la means it.
Direct Object Pronouns - Are used instead of nouns in order to avoid repetition

1. Oye, qui'en tioene me cartera?
2. Yo tengo tu cartera. Quieres tu cartera?
3. Sí, quiero mi cartera, por favor.
Direct Object Pronouns - In affirmative statements, negative statements and questions, the direct object pronoun goes before the verb.

1. No recomiendo este libro
2. No lo recomiendo.

+ Here, lo replaces a masc. singular noun.
Direct Object Pronouns - In affirmative statements, negative statements and questions, the direct object pronoun goes before the verb.

1. I don´t recommend this book.
2. I don´t recommend it.

+ Here, lo replaces a masc. singular noun.
Direct Object Pronouns - In affirmative statements, negative statements and questions, the direct object pronoun goes before the verb.

1. Pongo las maletas en el salón
2. Las puse en el salón

+ Here, las replaces a female plural noun.
Direct Object Pronouns - In affirmative statements, negative statements and questions, the direct object pronoun goes before the verb.

1. I´m putting the suitcases in the living room.
2. I´m put them in the living room.

+ Here, las replaces a female plural noun.

Direct Object Pronouns - When DO is a person.

1. La invité. (I invited her)

2. La maestra las felicita. (The teacher congratulates them)

3. El hombre los ve? (Does the man see them?) 


Direct Object Pronouns - When DO is a person.

1. Invité a Gabriela (I invited Gabriela)

2. La maestra felicita a las niñas. (The teacher congratulates the girls)

3. El hombre ve a los muchachos? (Does the man see the boys?)


Direct Object Pronouns - Examples using me, te and los

1. Él me llamó ayer
2. Te veo todos los días
3. ¿Nos van a esuchar bien?
Direct Object Pronouns - Examples using me, te and los

1. He called me yesterday
2. Te veo todos los días
3. ¿Nos van a esuchar bien?
Direct Object Pronouns - with commands (the imperative) the direct object pronoun are tacked onto the end of the verbs for affirmative commands and placed ´before´ the verb in negative commands.

1. Llámalo mañana
2. No las toque
Direct Object Pronouns - with commands (the imperative) the direct object pronoun are tacked onto the end of the verbs for affirmative commands and placed ´before´ the verb in negative commands.

1. Call him tomorrow
2. Don´t touch them.
Direct Object Pronouns - with present participles and infinitives the pronoun can precede the auxilary (conjugated) verb, or be tacked onto the end of the present participle or the infinitive.

1. Lo vamos a llamar mañana
2. Vamas a llamarlo mañana.
Direct Object Pronouns - with present participles and infinitives the pronoun can precede the auxilary (conjugated) verb, or be tacked onto the end of the present participle or the infinitive.

1. We are going to call him tomorrow.
2. We are going to call him tomorrow.
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns:

1. Prefiero este vestido
2. Prefiero éste. (see the accent over the ´e´)
Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns:

1. I prefer this dress.
2. I prefer this one.
Demonstrative Adjectives (THIS/THESE)
1. este camarero
2. estos camareros
3. esta galleta
4. estas galletas
Demonstrative Adjectives (THIS/THESE)

1. this waiter
2. this cookie
3. these waiters
4. these cookies
Demonstrative Adjectives (THAT/THOSE) No.1 - Something that is close to the person spoken to, but not to the speaker.

1. Ese cuchillo
2. Esos cuchillos
3. Esa cuchara
4. Esas chucharas
Demonstrative Adjectives (THAT/THOSE) No.1 - Something that is close to the person spoken to, but not to the speaker.

1. That knife
2. Those knives
3. That spoon
4. Those spoons
Demonstrative Adjectives (THAT/THOSE) No.2 - Something that is far away from both the speaker and the person spoken to.

1. Aquel restaurante
2. Aquellos restaurantes
3. Aquella ciudad
4. Aquellas ciudades
Demonstrative Adjectives (THAT/THOSE) No.2 - Something that is far away from both the speaker and the person spoken to.

1. That restaurant
2. Those restaurants
3. That city
4. Those cities
Demonstrative Adjectives - Examples:

1. ¿Dónde compraste esos zapatos?
2. Estos caramelos son mis favoritos.
3. Aquella ciudad es demasiado peligroso
Demonstrative Adjectives - Examples:

1. Where did you buy those shoes?
2. These candies are my favorites
3. That city is too dangerous.
Demonstrative Pronouns: The only difference is where the accent marks are.

Singular masculine/ feminine
1. éste/ ésta
2. ése/ ésa
3. aquél/ aquellá

Plural Masculine
1. éstos/ éstas
2. ésos/ ésas
3. aquéllos/ aquéllas
Demonstrative Pronouns: The only difference is where the accent marks are.

Singular masculine/ feminine
1. this one (here)
2. that one (there)
3. that one (over there)

Plural Masculine
1. these ones (here)
2. those ones (there)
3. those ones (over there)
Demonstrative Pronouns - Replaces a noun

1. ¿Prefieres este vino a ése?
2. Prefiero étse.
3. Aquél es bueno.
Demonstrative Pronouns - Replaces a noun

1. Do you prefer this wine, or that one (near you)?
2. I prefer this one (next to me)
3. That one is good.
Demonstrative Pronouns - Demonstrative pronouns are often used in conjunction with demonstrative adjectives

1. Me gusta este reloj, per prefiero aquél.
2. Aquella playa es bonita, pero ésta es más tranquila.
3. Voy a ese restaurante, pero no voy a aquél.
Demonstrative Pronouns - Demonstrative pronouns are often used in conjunction with demonstrative adjectives

1. I like this watch, but I prefer that one (over there)
2. That beach is beautiful, but this one is more relaxing.
3. I go to that restaurant (near you), but I I don´t go to that one (over there).
Demonstrative Pronouns - Gender neutral pronouns, esto, eso, o aquello used to refer to something when the gender is not known. These words never have a written accent and are not used to refer to people, except in a derogatory way.

1. Esto es un rollo
2. Esto es para tí
3. Eso es!
4. Por eso
5. No me gusta aquello
6. Aquello es bueno.
Demonstrative Pronouns - Gender neutral pronouns, esto, eso, o aquello used to refer to something when the gender is not known. These words never have a written accent and are not used to refer to people, except in a derogatory way.

1. This is a drag
2. This is for you.
3. That´s it!
4. That´s why.
5. I don´t like that one over there.
6. That one over there is good.
Indefinite Pronouns

1. alguien (people)
2. algo
3. alguno(s)
4. alguna(s)
5. cualquiera
6. nada
7. nadie (people)
8. ninguna
9. ninguno
Indefinite Pronouns

1. someone/somebody/anyone/anybody
2. something
3. some/somebody
4. some/somebody
5. anybody
6. nothing
7. no one/nobody/anyone/anybody
8. none/nobody
9. none/nobody
Indefinite Pronouns - Alguien and Nadie refer to people. Use Alguien for affirmative statements and Nadie for negative ones.

1. Alguien está llamando.
2. Hay alguien en la cocina?
3. Alguien quiere salir?
4. Nadie está llamando.
5. No, no hay nadie en la cocina
Indefinite Pronouns - Alguien and Nadie refer to people. Use Alguien for affirmative statements and Nadie for negative ones.

1. Someone is calling
2. Is there anyone in the kitchen?
3. Does somebody want to go out?
4. No one is calling.
5. No, no one is in the kitchen
Indefinite Pronouns - Algo and nada refer to things. Use algo with affirmative and nada with negative statements.

1. Tienes algo en el ojo.
2. Estás haciendo algo?
3. No tengo nada en el ojo.
4. No, no estoy haciendo nada.
Indefinite Pronouns - Algo and nada refer to things. Use algo with affirmative and nada with negative statements.

1. You have something in your eye.
2. Are you doing anything?
3. I dont have anything in my eye.
4. No, I´m not doing anything.
Indefinite Pronouns - alguno/os, alguna/as used to talk about people and sometimes things in affirmative statements and questions.

Ninguno/a are used in negative statements. They are always singular. Both stand alone and are used in place of nouns.

1. Ninguna está casada.
2. Algunas son buenas.
Indefinite Pronouns - alguno/os, alguna/as used to talk about people and sometimes things in affirmative statements and questions. Ninguno/a are used in negative statements. They are always singular. Both stand alone and are used in place of nouns.

1. None of them (f.sing) are married
2. Some ( are good
Indefinite Pronouns - alguno/os, alguna/as and Ninguno/a. Can be used with ´de´ to say none of them or any of them.

1. Ninguna de ellas está casada.
2. No conozco a ninguno de los dos.
3. Quieres alguno de éstos?
4. Alguno de ustedes quiere salir?
Indefinite Pronouns - alguno/os, alguna/as and Ninguno/a. Can be used with ´de´ to say none of them or any of them.

1. None of them are married.
2. I don´t know either of them
3. Do you want any (one) of these?
4. Do any of you want to go out?
Indefinite Pronouns - Cualquiera is used before a ´singular verb´ to say anybody.

1. Cualquiera puede cocinar.

Cualquiera can also be used before ´de´ to say either of them or any of them. Notice the verb following cualquiera is always singular.

1. Cualquiera de los dos es bueno
2. Cualquiera de ustedes puede venir
Indefinite Pronouns - Cualquiera is used before a ´singular verb´ to say anybody.

1. Anyone can cook.

Cualquiera can also be used before ´de´ to say either of them or any of them. Notice the verb following cualquiera is always singular.

1. Either of them is good.
2. Any/either of you can come
Placement of reflexive pronouns - They can go before the auxiliary verb or be tacked on to the end of the infinitive or present participle.

1. Me voy a vestir (I´m going to get dressed)
2. Me tengo que ir (I have to go)
3. Se están divirtiendo (They are having fun)
Placement of reflexive pronouns - They can go before the auxiliary verb or be tacked on to the end of the infinitive or present participle.

1. Voy a vestirme
2. Tengo que irme
3. Están divirtiéndose (accent added)

+ Adding reflexive pronoun at the end, may create need for accent
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