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SketchUp for Web
This set covers the Sketchup for web user guide
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How much web storage does SketchUp for Web provide for free?


Storage and backups: Your models are saved to the web by default, and you get 10MB of free storage. (Saving, Opening, and Downloading Models explains how SketchUp for Web handles these basic tasks. ) Also, SketchUp for Web can work with Trimble Connect to keep you work up to date across desktop, web, mobile, and XR software.




What do you need to start using SketchUp for Web?



  • A Trimble ID or Google Account:
  • An Internet Connection
  • A Computer or Chromebook
  • A Recommended Web Browser

What is call out #1



Open Model/Preferences icon: When you click this icon in the upper-left, a sidebar opens where you find an About SketchUp section, your account info, templates for creating new models, your saved in Trimble Connect, a geolocation tool, the Model Info panel, and a link to upload your model to 3D Warehouse.



What is call out #2




Model name: Click Untitled to save your model to Trimble Connect.



What is call out #3




File Operations icon: Click this icon to download the open a new or existing model or save your model as a new file. You also find options for inserting .skp, .jpg, or .png files or downloading your model as an .skp or .stl file.


What is call out #4




Toolbar: This toolbar contains the tools you need to create 3D models. For the most part, these tools work just like their counterparts in the desktop version of SketchUp. In SketchUp for Web, some tools have a flyout menu that holds additional tools. For details about the toolbar and links for more information about using each tool, see Creating and Editing Models


What is call out #5




Status bar: From left to right, you find the Undo/Redo buttons, a link to the Help Center, a language menu, a link to the SketchUp Forums, tips and options for the selected tool, and the Measurements box for modeling accurately.



What is call out #6




Panels: Click these icons to access panels for entity info, the Instructor, components, materials, styles, layers, views, and display. For details about these panels and links to more information about each one, see Creating and Editing Models



If you don't remember what a icon does, what is a simple way to find out while staying in the application?

If you’re not certain what a tool is, hover over the tool and a ScreenTip appears. When you select a tool, a brief note about what it does or the options available for that tool appear in the status bar. You can also find help by opening the Instructor panel.
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