Shoulder Musculature
Latissimus Dorsi |
Origin - Spinous processes of T7-T12. Iliac crest of the pelvis. Thoracolumbar fascia. Ribs 9-12.
Insertion - Inferior angle of the scapula. Intertubercular groove of the humerus.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates shoulder extension, adduction, and internal rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates shoulder flexion, abduction, and external rotation. Eccentrically decelerates spinal flexion. Isometrically stabilizes the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex and shoulder.
Shoulder Musculature
Serratus Anterior |
Origin - Ribs 4-12.
Insertion - Medial border of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates scapular protraction.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates dynamic scapular retraction. Isometrically stabilizes the scapula.
Shoulder Musculature
Rhomboids |
Origin - Spinous processes C7-T5.
Insertion - Medial border of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically produces scapular retraction and downward rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates scapular protraction and upward rotation. Isometrically stabilizes the scapula.
Shoulder Musculature
Rhomboids |
Origin - Spinous processes C7-T5.
Insertion - Medial border of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically produces scapular retraction and downward rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates scapular protraction and upward rotation. Isometrically stabilizes the scapula.
Shoulder Musculature
Lower Trapezius |
Origin - Spinous processes of T6-T12.
Insertion - Spine of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates scapular depression.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates scapular elevation. Isometrically stabilizes the scapula.
Shoulder Musculature
Middle Trapezius |
Origin - Spinious processes of T1-T5.
Insertion - Acromion process of the scapula. Superior aspect of the spine of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates scapular retraction.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates scapular elevation. Isometrically stabilizes the scapula.
Shoulder Musculature
Upper Trapezius |
Origin - External occipital protuberance of the skull. Spinous process of C7.
Insertion - Lateral third of the clavicle. Acromion process of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates cervical extension, lateral flexion, and rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates cervical flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation. Eccentrically decelerates scapular depression. Isometrically stabilizes the cervical spine and scapula.
Shoulder Musculature
Levator Scapulae |
Origin - Transverse processes of C1-C4.
Insertion - Superior vertebral border of the scapulae.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates cervical extension, lateral flexion, and ipsilateral rotation when the scapulae is anchored. Assists in elevation and downward rotation of the scapulae.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates cervical flexion and contralateral cervical rotation and lateral flexion. Eccentrically decelerates scapular depression and upward rotation when the neck is stabilized. Stabilizes the cervical spine and scapulae.
Shoulder Musculature
Pectoralis Major |
Origin - Clavicular: Anterior surface of the clavicle. Sternocostal: Anterior surface of the sternum, cartilage or ribs 1-7.
Insertion - Greater tubercle of the humerus.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates shoulder flexion (clavicular fibers), horizontal adduction, and internal rotation.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates shoulder extension, horizontal abduction, and external rotation. Isometrically stabilizes the shoulder girdle.
Shoulder Musculature
Pectoralis Minor |
Origin - Ribs 3-5
Insertion - Coracoid process of the scapula.
Isolated Function - Concentrically protracts the scapula.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates scapular retraction. Isometrically stabilizes the shoulder girdle.
Shoulder Musculature
Deltoid -
Anterior, Middle, and Posterior |
Origin - Anterior: Lateral third of the clavical. Middle: Acromion process of the scapula. Posterior: Spine of the scapula.
Insertion - Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.
Isolated Function - Anterior: Concentrically accelerates shoulder flexion and internal rotation. Middle: Concentrically accelerates shoulder abduction. Posterior: Concentrically accelerates shoulder extension and external rotation.
Integrated Function - Anterior: Eccentrically decelerates shoulder extension and external rotation, isometrically stabilizes the shoulder girdle. Middle: Eccentrically decelerates shoulder adduction, isometrically stabilizes the shoulder girdle. Posterior: Eccentrically decelerates shoulder flexion and internal rotation, isometrically stabilizes the shoulder girdle.
Shoulder Extension
Biceps Brachii |
Origin - Short head: Coracoid process of the scapula. Long head: Tubercle above glenoid cavity on the humerus.
Insertion - Radial tuberosity of the radius.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates elbow flexion, supination of the radioulnar joint, and shoulder flexion.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates elbow extension, pronation of the radioulnar joint, and shoulder extension. Isometrically stabilizes the elbow and shoulder girdle.
Shoulder Musculature
Triceps |
Origin - Long head: Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula. Short head: Posterior humerus. Medial head: Posterior humerus.
Insertion - Olecranon process of the ulna.
Isolated Function - Concentrically accelerates elbow extension and shoulder extension.
Integrated Function - Eccentrically decelerates elbow flexion and shoulder flexion. Isometrically stabilizes the elbow and shoulder girdle.