An SAU detective shall be called out 24 hours a day when: |
1. An arrest is made on an SAU warrant or when a suspect is in custody for a felony sex crime, aggravated child abuse, or aggravated elderly abuse; 2. A victim sustains significant injury, such as broken bones, serious lacerations, or any other injury likely to cause permanent disfigurement; 3. There is a burglary related to the incident; 4. The incident appears to be part of a pattern or series; 5. The incident involves another serious crime such as robbery, kidnapping, etc. where a sexual battery or attempted sexual battery was also part of the crime; 6. A kidnapping or attempted kidnapping of a victim 17 years of age or younger in which the victim has been recovered and the motivation for the kidnapping cannot be determined; or 7. Anytime a supervisor determines a detective can significantly help the investigation. |
Florida State Statutes (F.S.S.) 960 |
Victim’s Rights, adult victims of sexual battery are not required to make a police report in order to receive a forensic exam |
For adult victims, if any type of penetration occurred within the preceding ? hours, the victim should be taken to SAFE at 403 West 10th Street on the second floor of the Victim Services building. |
If the victim is under the age of ?, obtain information for the General Offense Report from an adult rather than interviewing the child; |
Officers shall advise the suspect of his or her Miranda Warning. TRUE OR FALSE |
FALSE Suspects will be advised of the Miranda Warning by the Special Assault Unit detective. |
The first sexting offense is classified as criminal or non-criminal (civil).? |
A second offense could be classified as a misdemeanor and will be followed up by a detective in the Special Assault Unit. Officers shall: |
(1) Generate a General Offense Report (titled Sexting) documenting the incident and route the report to the Special Assault Unit; (2) All electronic devices with contraband photographs and/or videos will be seized and submitted to the Property & Evidence Facility as evidence. List the seized electronic devices in the Property Section of the General Offense Report; and (3) If the owner of the electronic device is willing, have him or her sign a Consent to Search form for the device and document the password(s) necessary to access the device. |
Child Abuse “means any willful act or threatened act that results in any physical, mental, or sexual injury or harm that causes or is likely to cause the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired. |
Child Neglect “means that the parent or other person responsible for the child's welfare fails to supply the child with adequate food, clothing, shelter, or health care, although financially able to do so, or although offered financial or other means to do so. |
F.S.S. 827.03(2)(a)(b)(c) |
Aggravated Child Abuse” occurs when a person: (a) Commits aggravated battery on a child; (b) Willfully tortures, maliciously punishes, or willfully and unlawfully cages a child. (Maliciously means, “Done from ill will, hatred, spite, or an evil intent.” Officers shall refer to F.S.S. 39 for more specific definitions of abuse and neglect when developing probable cause and investigating a case of child abuse); or (c) Knowingly or willfully abuses a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child. |