Shared Flashcard Set


servant as a person
final exam study
Religious Studies

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards





know the significance of Pleroma (fullness) as it relates to God's nature and thus impacts one's concept of personhood and personal fulfillment

•Pleroma – is the demonstration of the overflow nature of our relational God as seen in the gifts of the Godhead.

•Matt. 3:15,  Col. 2:9; Eph. 1:23; 3:19;  Eph 4:10, 13.

•John 1:16  “And of His fullness (pleromatos) we have all received, and grace for grace . 

•Rom. 15:13  May the God of hope fill (pleroma) you … so that you overflow (hupo-ballou) with hope by the power of the H. S.


God’s Nature Expounded

•It’s the shared love between three Persons, Father, Son and Spirit.  The activity with the Three and toward the world is motivated by love—the one driving nature is love.

•We understand the nature of God through the personal activity of God toward us—through the relationship

•“Ek” = out.  “Stasis” = way of Being.  Hence the essence of God, is a way of being that goes out in personal, communal, and self-giving love.


 pleroma-  fullness --- infinite nothing can contain Him 


know the concept of Perichoresis as a word coined by

the Early Church Fathers to describe the nature and dynamic of the Trinity


Perichoresis -refers to the mutal inter-penetration and indwelling within the threefold nature of the Trinity

the circle dance


•The Perichoresis, or mutual indwelling, a reciprocal intermingling participation in each other that stops just short of the three persons being swallowed up by each other, co-mingled, or confused.

•“Through the communion of the Holy Spirit, the eternal Spirit of the Father and the Son, the Church was drawn into the circle of God’s revealing of Himself and He shares even how He knows Himself.”[1] 

Early Church Greek theologians used the word perichoresis, first to describe how the divine and human natures of Christ could be united without one dissolving into the other – then to speak of how the three persons of the Trinity interpenetrate and co-inhere in an eternal act (motion) of mutual love—each emptying himself into the other in an act of self-giving seen fully in Jesus Christ.

be ready to explain why the idea of the 

"circle dance" is significant to one's understanding of God

(especially in the context of "servant as person")


-relational dance going on in heaven is exactly what we should be doing on earth


servant as person - expanding the Kingdom through community.. "Your will on earth as it is in heaven"


relational nature of God's work and our lives in cooperation with 

finding our identity in Him

THEN: cooperation/ relation with people


Some of the ways God's relational nature

is seen in nature include...


•Material universe: solids, liquids, gases

•Chemistry: Parts of an atom = 3 (electrons, neutrons, protons)

•Art: Basic colors = 3 (red, blue, yellow)

•Music: Basic melody = 3 chords, 3 notes to a chord

•Space: Basic dimensions = 3 (line, plane, cube)

with regards to how one relates to God, what is the point Jesus wants to make via the parable of the Prodgal Son?

sonship vs orphanship

"With God"

lookingthrough the lense of Jesus we are welcomed as sons the Father runs toward us no matter what 

its who we are not what we do


in the parable of the prodigal son,

the prodigal relates to his father in which of the five perspectives discussed in class




He wanted the Blessings from the Father without the relationship


In the parable of the prodigal son, how does the elder brother relate to his father?


in what perspective?


how does this differ from the younger brother?


elder brother life FOR GOD He is trying to earn his blessing and favor through works a servant

younger brother wants it without working

neither brother wants realtonship


what is the point of "offering one's studies up to God in worship"?

He blesses it


everything we do should be worship


(AND we dont Do for God we BE for God)

The Apostle Paul speaks of three kinds of men.  Know the three and which of the three understands the ways of God.

the spiritual man- saved and walking with God

1cor. 2:14-1cor3

carnal man- saved but walking after the desires of the flesh

the natural man- not saved not going afer things of God 


Know the difference between the characteristics of the Sonship and the Orphan Spirit

sonship has sense of belonging

do not have to perform

personhood is rooted in sense of sonship

have a home

feel like they can be themselves

Father knows me better than i know myself & He loves me

because i am a son i have an inheritance

orphan spirit trust others to meet their needs not God

seek to control/manipulate and take from anyone who displays sonship

live in a sense of guilt/shame/homelessness

w/o inheritance i must grab for everything now

i earn my way into a family

i dont know who my Father is


From Dallas Willard's Spirit of the Disciplines Explain the Author's concept of "The Secret of the Easy Yoke"and

be ready to explain how you see this applying to

and impacting your life 


it is the intelligent, informed, unyeilding resolve to live as Jesus lived in all aspects of his life, not just in the moment  of specfic choice or action


living in constant relationship to Father through Holy Spirit as Jesus did

From Robert Morris' Book The God I Never Knew, be ready  to explain the "three baptisms" biblically

1john 5:7 (101)This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one. (I John 5:6-8 NKJV)


 repent:Baptized into Jesus (salvation) Blood

be baptized:Baptzed in Water 

 receive the gift of Holy Spirit Baptized (by Jesus) in the Holy Spirit

eph 2:8,9

What are the by-products of servant leaders who lack an inside-out, ontological approach to life and ministry?


leading sheep astray




pastor's leave the ministry


List the primary spiritual exercizes for developing

one's spirit man (pneuma)


spiritual language -singing,praying in the spirit

(1 cor. 14:14-15)

meditate on the Word

act on the Word

 chew the CUD


what are the primary "spirits" that are at work

in the world?


orphan spirit

spirit of sonship 

list the eight "Benifits of Spiritual Language"
  1. Spiritual language accelerates one's awareness of Sonship.
    1. Rom. 8:14-17, 19, 22
    2. Gal. 4:4-7
    3. Gal. 4:19
  2. Spiritual language enables communication with God that bypasses the limits of my mind.
    1. 1 Cor. 14:2
    2. Romans 8:26, 27
    3. Eph. 6:18
  3. Spiritual Language is a primary way that God downloads His will and purposes for my life.
    1. Rom. 8:27
    2. 1 Cor. 14:2 (mysteries)
    3. 1 Cor. 2:9-12, 13
      1. Pray it out. 1 Cor. 14:2,4.
      2. Play it out. Do what is in front of you.
      3. Say it out. Declare what He has said about you and to you.  
  4. Spiritual Language energizes supernatural rest and peace from the inside-out.
    1. John 14:26, 27
    2. Is. 28:11, 12
  5. Spiritual language produces psychological wholeness, resistance to depression and a sense of God's indwelling presence and abundance…
    1. Rom. 14:17
    2. Jn. 7:37, 38
  6. Spiritual language allows the Holy Spirit to strengthen me with every king of strength I need in my inner man.
    1. 1 Cor. 14:4
    2. Eph. 3:16
    3. Jude 20
  7. Spiritual language will increase our love for others
    1. Rom. 5:5
  8. Spiritual language releases Ministry reservoirs:
    1. Rivers of revelation 
    2. Rivers of communication
    3. Rivers of demonstrations
      1. Jn. 7:37, 38
      2. 1 Cor. 2:4, 5, 20
      3. 1 Cor. 12:6-8

what is the best analogy from nature to explain the process of Meditating on the Word of God

and explain the process


chewing the cud- muliple stomachs (chew.swallow.repeat)

get the Word in your MOUTH and HEART

murmur, mutter, growl, sigh, moan


reflect and process God's word speaking in me


•God speaks out of his own depths and, speaking as a man, he discloses at the same time the depths of man. Christian meditation can begin only where God reveals himself as a man and, consequently, where this man reveals God to his very depths. 10

•1 Cor. 2:12  Probing God’s depths


Be able to discuss the three meanings of Hebrew 'pagah' discussed in class illuminating the meaning of

intercession in the NT 


to carry out the will of the King

  to fall upon, to light upon as if by chance 

reaching to or pressing out to predetermined boundries -intercession reaches this place, laying hold of God's promises(carrying out the will of the King)

enemy wants to limit your boundaries with lie-based thinking, and shrink us with small-fear based thinking through traumatic events. 


expanding God's truth VS enemy shrinking with lies


Picture of Jesus inviting us in to conquest with Him

Rom. 15-16 our heal is on the devil's neck


Holy Spirit destroys these lies He carries them away

He gives you health and abundance

what passage of Scripture reveals the relational nature of fasting and how does this compliment  the nature of God (and man as the image of God) in contrast to the more traditional approaches to fasting?

isaiah. 58

1.  loose the chain of injustice & untites the chords of the yoke o muliple level

2. set the opressed free & breaks every yoke

3.share ones food with the hungry

4. provide shelter for the homeless

5. clothe the naked

6. take care of family first

Ecc. 4:1-3 


Be able to describe the impact of a resurgent Tinitarian theology upon the practice of spiritual disciplines

(think inside-out  vs.  inside-in)


perichoresis- the relational nature

living inside out as a son.. finding your identity in Him




the way we strenghten our inner man before we go out


Explain the significance of Skye Jethani's four ways one can wrongly relate to God and how those four can be corrected with a relational view



Life FROM God: values God's blessings and gifts;but not interested in spending time with God Himself (expand MY territory..bless ME..) a consumer

Life FOR God: values a significant life as one expended accomplishing great things in God's service---a servant

Life UNDER God: values the simple cause-and-effect promise & rewards approach; our goal is to discover what pleases/displeases God & work to remain in those boundries  a sinner

Life OVER God: values the order of the universe, the scientific approach. proven principles and natural law...leaves no room for/need for God or a realtionship with Him. the way to reduce fears & maintain control is to understand naturallaw; sciectific method is king. manager

the way to correct the improper views relationally is

Life WITH GOD:Values the collaberative environment where Creator and creatures work togeather to bring all creation backinto relationship with Creator and extend His infinite outflowing nature of love in shalom

Holy Spirit carries the bond of love between Father Son and believer. Restorer and Renewer..carry the presence of God on our shoulders .. Jesus life is the model of knowing and being known (john 14-17) the Kenetic, Perichorectic, Triune God is center of the universe.. and He desires relationship with His sons and daughters 

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