Duplechain, school violence, staticits
- One of the major reasons for school shootings is bullying.
- School shootings have over doubled sence 1900.
- From 1760 to 1900 only 25 school shootings were reported
- From 1990 to 2014, 190 school shootings were reported.
Duplechain, school violence, reasons for school violence
- There are seceral behavior and risk factiors of school shooters
- bullying
- atttention deficts
- to harch or to relaxed disciplinary prectices.
- diminished economic opportunities.
- poverty
- illegitmacy and breakdown of families
- domestic violence
Laws and other tools for protecting public health |
- Recongnizing that other factors play a role in crash risk ecposure and by ectension roakway safety out model additionally controlled for variablesthat have previously been used for variables that heve previously been used in motor vehical fatilitly research.
- We describe these factors as generally fgalling under three qrimary headings.
- economic
- legal
- population.
Diplechain, school violence, reasons for school violence contuined.
- drugs
- immigration
- population mobility
- discrimination
- violent culture immagery
- materialism
- competitiveness and high parental execptions.
Duplechain, school violence. creating safer schools.
- points of entry into school or school grounds need ot be limited and controlled, and staffed by an adult trained to determine if potential visitors belong there or not.
- Wireless panic alarms need to be made available in every school. if a situation warranting concern arises, an alarm could be sounded to simultaneously alert the school and local law enforcememt officials.
- Schools need to have strategically placed telephones for making all calls.
- Relationships between school officials and local law enforcement and first resopnder agencies need to be established long before disaster strikes. response protocols should be clear and understood by all parties.
Duplechain, school violence,
- Teacher and studens need to become situationally aware, they need to natice and report any behaviour among their peers that seem concerning or the presence of people who do not belong in the shool at all.
- Parents neeed ot be the main advicateds pushing eduators and elected officals to do whatever is necessary to improve the security of their schools.
Duplechain, shcool vilence
- the saftey protocals are not unknown to most, they just dont use them.
- These protocalls are not confusing to most.
- do they help us rething and reevualuate our school and their enciroments.
- do they help us establish a better relationship with law inforcement.
- These protocalls should help us creat a newer verson and a safer verson of school and student saftey
Dupechain, school violence.
- Other insights are meant to be preventative in nature
- they tell us that htere are actually threee diffrent types or groups of programs that currently exist.
- School managtememn based programs that look within the school itself and its student body these kinds of programs focus on alternative schooling and intergrating law enforcement witin the educational programs.
Duplechain, School Violence.
- school management programs that look eto environmental modifications these kinds of programs basicaly seek to change students social environment, these peograms literally attempt to make schools safer through cameras and metal decectors, they also focus on after school programs and a decrease in school size.
- school management programs that are educational and more curriculum based programs these programs are the least drastic overall, working inside of the existiong curricular framework through violence awareness education and developing appropriate life skills.
Duplechain, School violence.
- there is one other possibality on stoping school shootings.
- this is looked on by many as the best way to do so.
- this is possiable by creating a school shooter profile. it would include ideas and sighns from other students about students who
- wear all black
- are always alone
- dont take much
- fail thir classes
- come form dysfunctional homes
- and were abused even if it was when they were younger.