Conner Arnott
What are teen sleep patterns like?
- Teens need from 8.5 hours-9.25 hours of sleep a night to remain healthy-National Sleep fondation
- Most teens stay up late doing homework or talking to friends, but wake up late in the morning.
- Teens get a hormone every night which makes them feel tired an hour later than children.
- More than 90% of teens do not get the amout of sleep they need to be healthy.(10% said they dont even get 6 hours of sleep)
Conner Arnott
What are teen sleep patterns like? |
- Trying to catch back up on sleep during the weekend can only hurt teen sleep patterns by messing up their internal clock.
- Teens usally tend to fall asleep with their tv on which can also make their night sleep terrible because their body won't fully be asleep.
- Many teens suffer from treatable sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, insomnia, restless legs syndrome or sleep apnea.
Conner Arnott
How will changing school start times affect Teachers?
- Teachers can plan their day in the morning before school starts so their schudule wont be affected.
- Teachers can find extra time outside of school to exersise if the time was pushed back.
- Teachers can get more sleep--> more alert and energetic in the class room and handle problems better.
- Little impact for teachers who coach.
Conner Arnott
What are some advatages to changing the school start time? |
- Teens attend school more often.
- Teens don't show up late to class as much.
- Teens become healthier because of getting more sleep and eating breakfast.
- More homework completed.
Conner Arnott
What are some advatages to changing the school start time? |
- Teens more alert in class.
- Teens have fewer behaivor problems
- Better Grades for teens.
- Less car accidents for driving teens.
Conner Arnott
What are some disadvantages of changing the school start time? |
- Less time for after school activities
- Get home from school later
- Conflicts with jobs
- Conflict with transportation
- Conflict with parent and teacher schedules