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Sanford - Cholesterol and Bile
Cholesterol and Bile Acids

Additional Biology Flashcards




What are the major sources of liver cholesterol?

Dietary cholesterol


De novo synthesis in liver


cholesterol synthesized in extrahepatic tissues

What are the major routes by which cholesterol leaves the liver?

Conversion to bile acids/salts


Free cholesterol secreted in bile


Secretion of HDL and VLDL

What is the regulated step in cholesterol synthesis?

3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG CoA) converted to mevalonate


The enzyme is HMG CoA reductase (as opposed to HMG CoA lyase which is used in liver mito. to make ketone bodies)


Reaction occurs in the cytosol of liver cells


Requires 2 NADPH


It is the rate-limiting and committed step


Irreversible rxn


HMG CoA reductase is the target of a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins

What is the basic sequence of cholesterol synthesis? (starting from HMG CoA)

1) HMG CoA converted to mevalonate by HMG CoA reductase - regulated step which is committed and rate-limiting


2) mevalonate (a 5C compound) is converted to isopentyl pyrophosphate (a 5C compound) which is considered a building block for cholesterol


3) isopentyl pyrophosphate (IPP) isomerizes to 3,3-dimethyallyl phosphate (DPP) and the DPP condenses with another IPP to form geranyl pyrophosphate (a 10C)


4) GPP condenses with another IPP to form farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP, 15C)


5) Two molecules of FPP combine and release pyrophosphate and form squalene (30C)


6) Squalene is converted to lanosterol in a series of reactions


7) Lanosterol (30C) is converted to cholesterol (C27) in a series of reactions

Which steps in cholesterol synthesis use ATP?

1) Phosphorylation of mevalonate to phosphomevalonate


2) Phosphorylation of phosphomevalonate to pyrophosphomevalonate


3) Decarboxylation of pyrophosphomevalonate to isopentyl pyrophosphate (ATP is used as energy to drive the rxn, no phosphorylation occurs)


Since 6 isopentyl pyrophosphates are used to make one molecule of cholesterol, 18 ATP's are required. Cholesterol synthesis is very energy intensive!

What steps in cholesterol synthesis require NADPH?

1) Conversion of HMG CoA to mevalonate uses 2 NADPH - the committed and rate-limiting step


2) Combining of two farnesyl pyrophosphates (15 C) uses 1 NADPH


Because 6 HMG CoA's are used for one molecule of cholesterol (remember 6 isopentyl pyrophosphates), 13 NADPH is required

What is the primary way HMG CoA reductase is regulated in the short-term?

HMG CoA reductase is inhibited by phosphorylation - the inactive form of the enzyme is phosphorylated


AMP-dependent kinase phosphorylates HMG CoA reductase to inactivate the enzyme


HMG CoA reductase phosphatase removes the phosphate group to activate it


These two enzymes are regulated by things like AMP and ATP, glucagon and EPI, and insulin

How does a low energy level regulate cholesterol synthesis?

low energy (high AMP) --> low synthesis


A high AMP/ATP ratio inhibits HMG CoA reductase - cells do not want to synthesize cholesterol if they do not have enough energy


AMP activates AMP dependent kinase


AMP dependent kinase inactivates HMG CoA reductase through phosphorylation

How does insulin regulate cholesterol synthesis?

Insulin increases cholesterol synthesis


insulin activates protein phosphatase 2C which deactivates AMP dependent kinase and keeps HMG CoA reductase in its active dephosphorylated state


insulin also activates phosphoprotein phosphatase which deactivates phosphoprotein inhibitor 1 (PPI-1)


PPI-1 inhibits HMG CoA reductase phosphatase from activating HMG CoA reductase so decreased PPI-1 leads to increased HMG CoA reductase phosphatase which leads to increased activated HMG CoA reductase and thus increased cholesterol synthesis

How do glucagon and EPI regulate cholesterol synthesis?

Glucagon and EPI decrease cholesterol synthesis


They cause increased levels of cAMP which lead to increased PKA activity


PKA activates PPI-1


PPI-1 inhibits HMG CoA reductase phosphatase


This keeps HMG CoA reductase in its phoshphorylated inactive state


Thus cholesterol synthesis is decreased

How are the two ways the liver eliminates cholesterol?

1) conversion to bile acids (secreted in feces)


2) secretion into bile as free cholesterol (transport to intestine)


REMEMBER the ring structure of cholesterol is not metabolized

What are the primary and secondary bile acids?

Primary bile acids

1) cholic acid

2) chenodeoxycholic acid


Secondary bile acids

1) deoxycholic acid

2) lithocholic acid


These four bile acids can be conjugated with either glycine or taurine thus there are 4 types of primary bile acids

What is the rate limiting step of bile acid synthesis?

The introduction of a hydroxyl group at C7 of the cholesterol to form 7-alpha-hydroxycholesterol


The enzyme is 7-alpha-hydroxylase


The reaction uses NADPH and O2 and requires Vit C as a co-factor


Product inhibition occurs with the bile acids - the bile acids decrease the level of 7-alpha-hydroxylase by inhibiting the transcription of its gene

Give a basic overview of bile acid synthesis

Cholesterol converted to 7-alpha-hydroxycholesterol by 7-alpha-hydroxylase - rate-limiting step


7-alpha-hydroxycholesterol converted to Choyl CoA or Chenodeoxychoyl CoA in several steps


The CoA's can be conjugated with glycine or taurine to form primary bile acids


Primary bile acids undergo deconjugation and reduction in the small intestine to form secondary bile acids

How is bile acid synthesis regulated?

Bile acids decrease the level of 7a-hydroxylase by inhibiting the transcription of its gene.


increased liver cholesterol levels will induce 7a-hydroxylase gene transcription while decreasing HMG-CoA reductase activity.


Bile acids decrease HMG-CoA reductase activity.


Bile acids are physiological ligands for the nuclear bile acid-binding receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR).


When the bile pool increases, FXR is activated and transcription of 7a-hydroxylase is repressed through induction of small heterodimer protein (SHP‑1).


Thyroid hormone, insulin, glucagon, and glucocorticoids regulate the expression of 7a-hydroxylase.

Explain the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids

0.3 - 0.5 grams of cholesterol (from the blood and de novo synthesis) per day is converted to bile acids in the liver, forming the bile acid pool


15 - 30 g/day of bile acids is secreted to the small intestine through the bile duct


Some of the primary bile acids present undergo reduction and deconjugation to form secondary bile acids


0.3 - 0.5 g/day of primary and secondary bile acids is excreted as feces


15 - 30 g/day of primary and secondary bile acids is reabsorbed by the liver through the portal vein (thus the bile acid pool is primary and secondary)

Explain gallstones

Gallstones form when bile stored in the gallbladder hardens into stone-like material. The size of gallstones varies from a grain of salt to golf-ball size. A person can develop a single stone or several hundred.


In fact, gallstones often cause no symptoms and require no treatment. But some people with gallstones will have symptoms such as nausea and an intense, steady ache in their upper middle or upper right abdomen. In some cases, the pain can be severe and intermittent.


Gallstones that obstruct bile ducts can lead to a severe or life-threatening infection of the bile ducts, pancreas, or liver.


Gallstones affect as many as one in 12 Americans.


Two types - cholesterol stones and pigment stones

Explain cholesterol stones

Cholesterol stones form when bile contains too much cholesterol, not enough bile salts, or when the gallbladder does not empty as it should. Normally, your bile contains enough bile salts and lecithin to dissolve the cholesterol excreted by your liver. But if your bile contains more cholesterol than can be dissolved, the cholesterol may form into crystals and eventually into stones.


Cholesterol in your bile has NO relation to the levels of cholesterol in your blood, and cholesterol-lowering drugs don't help prevent gallstones.

Explain pigment stones
Pigment stones tend to develop in people who have cirrhosis, biliary tract infections, and hereditary blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia. The causes of these stones are uncertain.
How are gallstones treated?

1. surgical removal of the gall bladder (cholecystectomy) - must be followed by strict restriction of fat intake


2. oral intake of bile acids (ursodeoxycholic acid or chenodeoxycholic acid)


3. direct perfusion of gall bladder with organic solvents (methyl t-butyl ehter)


4. fragmentation by lithotripsy - using shock waves to break up the stones into smaller fragments

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