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Roman Empire
The Gracchi to Domitian
Undergraduate 3

Additional Classics Flashcards




Tiberius Gracchus 163 - 133 BC
- Tiberius Gracchus was elected tribune in 133
- Tiberius introduced land redistribution to veterans after the Punic wars, made it so the wealthy didnt ave it all
- Tiberius was killed in 133 but the law passed
- got support from populares
Gaius Gracchus 154-121 BC
- became tribune in 123
- extended Tiberius' land reform and also pushes for grain distribution
- tried to offer citizenship to other cities in Italy
- committed suicide 123 BC
- the social wars start because of his ideas
- allies rise against Rome
- got support from populares
Gaius Marius 157 - 86 BC
- fought in social war against Italian allies with Sulla
- Marius become consul and greatly increases the size of the army
-begins land redistribution
- Marius bribes senate to let him lead an army
- got support from populares
Lucius Cornelius Sulla 138 - 78 BC
- fought in social war against Italian allies with Marius
-Sulla begins to gain favor of the senate
- Sulla, with the support of his troops, marches against Rome
- Sulla is victorious, but begins killing off senators who opposed Marius
- became first dictator in over 100 years
- institutes a lot of reforms, then resigns
- got support from optimates
- besieged Pompey in the social war
Gaius Julius Caesar 100- March 15, 44 BC reign 49-44
- from a patrician family, but gained power by appealing to lower classes
- As the nephew of Marius, he was persecuted by Sulla
- become consul in 59
- forms informal first trivirate with himself, Pompey and Crassus
- campaigns in Gaul and is recalled by Pompey
- Marches on Rome and defeats Pompey in civil war
- named dictator twice
- assassinated by Pompey sympathizers
- got support from populares
- wrote on the gallic war and civil war
- written as sources to later compose a bibliography
Cleopatra VII 69-30 BC
- pharaoh of Egypt
- lover of Caesar
- gave birth to Caesar's son Caesarion
- has relationship with Antony
- battle of Actium 31
- runs to Alexandria and Antony follows
- commits suicide days after Antony
Marc Antony 83-30 BC
- general to Caesar
- seen as the next leader
- assumed control after Caesars death
- gave Caesars eulogy and forces conspirators out of Rome
- doesnt deal with realities of the Roman people
- fell out of favor while on campagin in the east
- delayed releasing Caesars money to citizens (Octavian sells most inheritance to cover the cost)
- part of second triumvirate (military)(formal legal pact)
- controlled Gaul and the East
- after Lex Pedius, convinces triumvirate to kill Cicero
- his army is very loyal to him
- battle of Philippi 42
- married to Octavia
- begins relationship with Cleopatra and has children with her
- marries cleopatra before divorcing Octavia
- triumvirate over in 32
- battle of actium 31
- troops start defecting because of hunger/disease and Antony with cleopatra
- Cleopatra tries to escape sea battle and Antony abandons troops and follows to Alexandria
- commits suicide
Marcus Junius Brutus 85-42
- the leader of the conspiracy against Caesar
- pursued by Octavian and Antony
- battle of Philippi 42
- defeated in open battle and kills self (end of the Republic)
Gaius Cassius Longinus 85-42 BC
- co-conspirator against Caesar
- pursued by Octavian and Antony
- Battle of Philippi 42
- 1st battle of Philippi kills self because he thinks Brutus has been killed
Marcus Tullius Cicero 106-43 BC
- a novus homo and optimate
- wanted to go back to old republican ways
- after Caesars death, beings campaigning to diminish Antonys power and increase Octavian's
- killed in 43
- Cicero's head and hands cut off and brought to the rostrum in the forum
- wrote a number of political, philosophical and rhetorical works
Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus 63-14 BC/AD reign 27-14 BC/AD
-Octavian is Caesars nephew (son of Atia, Caesars niece)
- not from a well known family
-gained favor of Caesar in Spain
-always sickly, not the hero - but knows the people
- stood out for intelligence
- had little fighting experience
-sails from Greece to Brundisium and finds he is Caesars heir
- sells most of his inheritance to give Caesars promised money to citizens
- Cicero helps him become consul in 43
- co-consul with Quintus Pedius (marched on Rome together)
- part of second triumvirate (consul)(formal legal pact)
- controlled Italy
- proscribes Cicero's land and kills him
-his army is very loyal to him
- battle of Philippi 42
- Perusine war against Antonys brother Lucius, runs him out of Rome and doesnt punish him because Antony doesnt step in
- creates treaty of Misenum with Pompey Magnus 39
- treaty breaks down within a year and people defect to Octavian
- divorces Pompeys daughter Scribonia after she gives birth to Julia
- forces livia drusilla to marry him - her sons tiberius and drusus
- receives an oath of loyalty from all of Italy
- triumvirate over in 32 now officially a senator but still very popular
- declares war on Cleopatra
- battle of actium 31
- leads ground troops
- Antony runs to Alexandria and Octavian follows
- Antony commits suicide in 30 and Octavian left sole ruler of Rome
- Actium ends one centruy of civil war
- all Italian allies have become citizens
- rebuilds temples - evidence of divine power
- starts to receive relgious and political honors for his role as a peace maker
- begins to establish thought that only he can keep peace and make Rome prosper
- 17 Lepidus dies and Augustus become pontifex maximus
- expands temple of vestal virgins
- livia is put in charge of sacred flame
- pater patriae
- ceremoniously relinquishes material control
- co-consul with Agrippa
- augustus' power legally granted by the senate
- imperator means leader not emperor
- princeps means #1
- dictator after grain shortage
- holds Ludi Saeculares games in 17 BC
- drastically reduces size oft he army
- voluntary enrollment for the army with a substantial payment at the end
- adds Galatia and Judea to empire
- reclaims the standards that Crassus had lost to Parthia
- dealt with uprisings in Germany, Dalmatia, and Panonia
- told Tiberius not to expand the empire any further
- controlled all politics
- commissioned major building projects civil and religious
- Curia Julia, Temple of Mars Ultor in Forum of Augustus and Ara Pacis
- house large but partly public - Romans liked public not private wealth
- 23 become seriously ill
- adopts Agrippa and Julia's sons Gaius and Lucius
- Gaius and Lucius die early
- starts plans for mausoleum as early as 32 bc
-Maecenas, Agrippa, Gaius and Lucius, buried there
- res gestae placed there
- dies in 14 AD
- immediately deified
- created empire that saw no major changes for 3 centuries
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa 63-12 BC/AD
- born around same time as Octavian
- was a close friend of Octavian
- managed campaigns for Octavian
- later Tribune of the Plebs, Aedile and Consul
- responsible for many public building projects
- built the Pantheon (rebuilt 100 years later)
- defeats Pompey Magnus with Octavians and Antonys troops 36
- battle of actium 31
- leads navy
- co-consul with Augustus during Augustus' reign
- 21 forced to marry Augustus' daughter Julia - they have gaius and lucius
- dies in 12
Quintus Pedius
- fought for Caesar
- another heir of Caesar, but gave share to Augustus
- the two marched on Rome together to gain co-consulship
- wrote the Lex Pedius which condemned Caesars killers
Marcus Aemilius Lepidus 89-17 BC
- part of second triumvirate (financial support)(formal legal pact)
- controlled Africa
- tries to take over Sicily 36 but Octavian drives him out and takes his troops
- 17 Lepidus dies
Gaius Valerius Catullus 84-54 BC
- Neoteric Poet
- enemy then friend of Caesar
- much of his poetry considered lewd
- becomes a model for augustan poets
Gaius Sallustius Crispus (Sallust) 86-35 BC
- wrote on corruption of Roman leaders and appealing to the crowd
- wrote on: the Catilinarian Conspiracy and the Jugurthine War
- Caesar appointed him governor of Africa but removed because of corruption
Publius Vergilius Maro (Vergil) 70-19 BC
- circle of Maecenas
- 3 major works: Eclogues, Georgias and the Aeneid
- difficult to interpret writings because Vergil stayed in politics
- "dark reading" of the Aenied
Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Horace) 65-8 BC
- circle of Maecenas
- composes Carmen Saeculare for the Ludi Saeculare
- latin lyric, lambic, other poetic letters, celebrations
- joins Maecenas while he is governing Rome
- themes: retreat from the masses, carpe diem, wine, "poetic immortality"
- may have been subversive in writings
Sextus Aurelius Propertius 50-15 BC
- circle of Maecenas
- wrote love elegies
- writings centered around fictional lover cynthia
- also composed dedications for temples
Gaius Cilnius Maecenas 70-8 BC
- well educated but not senatorial
- in charge of Rome after Philippi
- good friend and advisor of Augustus
giant villa in Tibur
- great patron of the arts
Tiberius Julius Caesar 42-37 BC/AD reign 14-37 AD
- son of Augustus wife Livia
- from the claudian family
- raised in the public eye
- forced to marry Julia after Agrippa dies
- disliked Julia and regretted having to divorce Agrippina
- gets tribunicia potestas in 6 BC
- forced to adopt Germanicus
- left Rome and lived in Rhodes because politics were too stressful
- goes back to Rome for he fears of people starting to turn against him
- adopted son on Augustus
- wins military victories in Illyrium and Germany
- considered slow and methodical
- very cautious about receiving public honors
- second emperor
- over time becomes more and more reserved
- when Livia starts to demand to be co-ruler, begins spending time in Sperlonga
- leaves Rome to live in Capri
- estranged from family
- abuses Germanicus
- goes crazy at villa
- publicly punishes anyone associated with Sejanus from Capri
- Rome continues with little guidance
- dies in 37, ashes put into mausoleum of Augustus
- people happy to see him go
- Caligula appointed heir
- lost much of the territory he had conquered by bad diplomacy
- consolidated older parts of the empire
- emperor during Christ
- praetorian guard becomes more powerful
- fiscally conservative
- refused to be named pater patriae
Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) 43-17
- writer
- aquired patronage of aristocrat
- composed highly stylized love, exile poetry, and others
- exiled to the black sea in 8 AD
- a poem and a mistake
- died in exile in 17 AD
Germanicus Julius Caesar 15-19 BC/AD
- son of Drusus (grandson of Livia) and Antonia the younger (daughter of Agrippa and Octavia)
- brilliant military commander
- campaigns in Dalmatia and Teutoburg forest
- Tiberius' adopted son
- crushed a rebellion in Germany by soldiers who tried to make him emperor
- 3 sons, Nero (dies), Drusus (dies) and Gaius (Caligula)
- leaves Rome to live in Capri
Lucius Aelius Seianus (Sejanus) 20-31 BC/AD
- claims power and becomes consul when Germanicus and Tiberius leave Rome
- prefect of the praetorian guard (guard formally created by Augustus)
- rose to power during reign of Augustus
- seduced wife of Tiberius' son Drusus and they poison him
- Tiberius arranges for his arrest and execution when he claims Rome for himself
- body thrown into the Tiber
Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Caligula) 12-41 AD reign 37-41
- son of Germanicus
- little military boot
- summoned to Capri by Tiberius
- elected emperor by general consensus
- autumn 37 falls ill - makes him crazy?
- reversal of Tiberius' government
- 4 wives, no legitimate children
- assassinated in 41 by Praetorian guard
- showed early promise
- restored elections of magistrates to the people
- moved mint to Rome
- restored senatorial prestige
- published imperial budget
- deposed and executed Ptolemy of Mauretania
- dethroned king of Armenia
- granted public recognition of cults of Isis and Serapis
- paid out all bequests made by Tiberius and gained popularity
- dedicated the temple of augustus
- built a lighthouse and canal to ease communication between provinces
- built aqueducts
- completed repairs on the Theatre of Pompey
- constructed his Circus
- also built a bridge of boats across the bay of naples
- insisted his statue be put into the temple in Jerusalem
- erratic behavior estranged him from the public
- deification during lifetime: statues, sacrifices, demanded public worship
- emptied coffers in 9 months
- private wealth = bad
- incest with his sisters?
- deified sister Drusilla
- conspiracy against him 39 fails
- Agrippina Minor (mother of Nero) banished
- wife and daughter executed
- when he died, people thought it was a ploy to see how people would react
- when they found out he really was dead, they killed his wife and daughter, destroyed all statues
- assassinated on the last day of the games
- life more sensational than important
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 10-54 BC/AD reign 41-54
- physically disabled
- tutored by Livy, very well educated
- survived Caligula's rule by acting like a fool
- wrote a history of Rome to 44 and a linguistic history of the Etruscans
- found behind a curtain after Caligula's assassination and (jokingly?) declared emperor
- appearance is everything in Rome
- Praetorians well paid for their loyalty, 100 sesterces on the anniversary of his rise to power
- elected princeps after a lengthy debate as Caligula had named no heir
- much more hands on but considered to micro-manage
- elected senators from western provinces
- consults with freedmen rather than senators
- fixes a number of problems caused by Caligula by appointing new military leaders
- 43 invades Britain
- temporarily fixes problems in Jerusalem by appointing Agrippa I as leader
- named imperator 27 times
- history unkind to him because he was too progressive
- senate hated him
- creates a number of successful programs, like a finance ministry, correspondence ministry and a petitions ministry
- grain distribution carefully run
- building renovations
- very unsuccessful with women
- Brittanicus with third wife
- 4th wife was niece Agrippina Minor who convinced him to adopt her son Nero
- Agrippina secures Nero's position over Brittanicus'
- Agrippina poisons him when he starts to reconsider
- Seneca's Apocolocyntis (pumpkinification)
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus 37-68 AD reign 54-68 AD
- still very young when Claudius dies
- first speech to senate written by Seneca
- Agrippina arranged for him to be tutored by Seneca and Sextus Afranius Burrus
- Agrippina holds tight control over his life
- 55 poisons Brittanicus after Agrippina starts to show him favor
- begins affair with Poppea, wife of Otho and Agrippina disapproves
- 59 kills Agrippina in a staged shipwreck
- beings to go crazy
- begins to withdraw from public duties
- 60 Boudicca and the Druids revolt
- 62 inflation and financial crisis, Seneca exiled, Nero divorces Octavia and marries Poppea
- 63 poisons Burrus and appoints Ofonius Tigellinus as Prefect
- 64 great fire of Rome and Domus Aurea
- great fire 6 days 7 nights
- looters added to confusion
- claimed the christians set it
- took charge of cleanup but demanded heavy compensation
- built house on confiscated lands after fire (was public land turned private)
- close to the forum
- included colossal statue of self
- persecution of the christains included killing apostles peter and paul
- christians crucified, eaten, burned etc
- christians gained sympathy from the populace
- 65 Pisonian conspiracy
- plan to overthrow Tigellinus and kill Nero by many senators
- Seneca, Lucan and around 40 senators are executed or forced to commit suicide
- 66 Tiridates crowned in Rome as king of Armenia - peace between Armenia and Parthians
- regains public favor
- 66 first Jewish revolt
- 68 sightseeing in Greece while Gaul revolts
- Vindex aided by Roman general Galba
- returns, but spends most of the time in the senate talking about a new instrument
- continues to disregard public affairs and denounced as a public enemy by the senate
- 68 commits suicide (what an artist dies with me)
- wanted to be loved by the people
- active in public life
- damnatio memoriae
- first emperor to need someone to write for him
- put rome into great debt
Lucius Annaeus Seneca 4-65 BC/AD
- moral philosopher, orator, writier
- stoic
- themes of stoicism, supreme, transcendent, divine good and lifes goal is to pursue this
- temporal desires are a distraction from this pursuit
- writes on neros interaction with artists and scholars
Herod Agrippa (Agrippa I) 10-44 BC/AD reign 41-44
- friend of Julio-Claudian emperors
- educated in Rome
- convinced caligula not to place his statue in the temple
- made king of Judea by Claudius
- favored by Jews but not by Christians
Agrippa II reign 48-100
- son of Agrippa I
- roman educated and tended to side with them
- gains several kingdoms in the area
- culturally Roman
- first Jewish revolt
- 66 he and Roman forces are overrun and flee to Rome
Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus 9-79 AD reign 69-79
- general from Claudius' campaigns, is one of the Roman leaders
- 67 appointed to handle the revolt
- 68 retaken most Jewish settlements
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus
- 69 year of the 4 emperors
- holds the largest army and is very popular
- son Titus left to finish war
- 71-75 completes templum pacis
- built with spoils from the jewish war
- established the flavian dynasty
- stabilized the empire and restored the city
no military strong enough to threaten him
- defeated Vitellius at Cremonia
- my sons will follow or no one will
- 69 lex de imperio full legal power of an emperor granted by law upon his investment by the senate
- precedent for new dynasties
- rebuilt the senate with titus
- military reforms
- considered self a second augustus
- left paying for much of neros debt
- began construction on new massive amphitheater with spoils from jerusalem
Servius Sulpicius Galba Augustus 3-69 BC/AD reign 69
- 69 year of the 4 emperors
- no julio claudian connections
- old when took power
- proclaimed emperor by the senate after neros death
- didnt use same luxuries as nero
- slaughter of the mariners upon arrival to rome - death without trial
- discharged all germanic soldiers without compensation
- planned to revitalize treasury
- lost popularity because people were used to living rich
- allows self to be controlled by staff
- german legions refuse to swear loyalty
- decides to choose Lucinanus over Otho for heir
- challenges Otho
- he and all favorites killed
Marcus Salvius Otho Caesar Augustus 32-69 AD reign 69
- 69 year of the 4 emperors
- 36 at time of succession
- known for his extravagance and femininity
- friends with nero earlier in life
- sent to be governor of Luisitania
- restored statues of nero
- put 50 million sesterces into the domus aurea
- took cognomen nero
- coinage demonstrated kindness - grain supply
- situation in germania understood by him
- fought battles with those legions
- committed suicide 69
Aulus Vitellius Germanicus Augustus 15-69 AD reign 69
- 69 year of the 4 emperors
- had experience in politics
- known for gluttony and cruelty
- troops declared him emperor in january - senate in april
- defeated at second battle of cremonia
- mid july forces declared vespasian as emperor
- attempted to hide when he gave up the throne
- tortured
- vespasian sympathizers also killed his brother and son
Titus 39-81 reign 79-81
- left to finish to in Judea
- 70 continues to lay siege to Jerusalem
- starts breaking down walls around the city and invades it
- massive fighting within city walls
- 1 million dead in the siege?
- the temple was destroyed
- returns to Rome and receives triumphal procession
- expansion of the forum romanum including triumphal arch depicting capture of jerusalem
- develops west into campus martius
- took throne without issue after his fathers death in 79
- short reign but eruption of vesuvius in 79 and opening of the flavian ampitheatre
- died suddenly in 81
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus 70-130
- writes on the 12 caesars
- the Christians under Claudius - expelled from Rome
- Christians under Nero
- the great fire - new and maleficent superstition
- no real difference between judaism and christianity at this time
- talks of nero playing the violin during the great fire
- claims nero set fire openly
- writings included the gossip and rumors of the julio claudians
Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus 56-123 AD
- annals book 15 cp 44
- the great fire of rome
- torture of the christians
- "hated for their shameful acts"
- claims nero had no part in setting the fire
- criticized for misrepresenting the jews also of the emperors
Cassius Dio 150-235 AD
- historia romana
- persecution under domitian
- talks of nero playing the violin during the great fire
- claims nero set fire secretly
Pliny the Elder 23-79 AD
- died during eruption of vesuvius
- writer during time of nero
- scared to be persecuted by nero if he wrote about him
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus 39-65 AD
- friend of nero
- eventually became more popular than nero
- forced to commit suicide in 65
Domitian 51-96 AD reign 81-96
- became emperor without much experience
- went to war personally against chatti and campaigns in the north and east
- his general julius agricola had succesful campaigns in Britain
- improves defensive infrastructure to help fight against the parthians
- wanted to be referred to as dominus et deus
- no regard for senate or elite
- raised pay of the army
- hosted many games at the flavian ampitheatre
- not necessarily a bad emperor in terms of getting things done
- after a small rebellion (defeated by Trajan) becomes paranoid of all conspiracies
- tries and executes a number of senators
- eventually assassinated by his wife, and the praetorian prefects
- had only 1 son who died in infancy
- mixed legacy - hated by senators and historians, but reviewed positively by some authors (Statius)
- promoted memorial architecture
- cancelleria relief
- improved circus maximus
- built stadium to self
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