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Reviewing the Effects
Reviewing the Effects of Major Euro Events
12th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




Effects of the Reformations SM
The Reformation was the direct cause of several factors Europe. The questioning of religious authority led to the development of other religious practices such as Anglicanism,Anabaptism, and Calvinism. All of these practices were part of a greater religious entity that developed due to the Reformation, Protestantism. It effectually aided rising monarchial powers in opposing the comlete control of the papacy. All of this resulted in Catholic Reformation. The world experienced a revived papacy that was more critical towards Protestants than previously. One of their reforms, the Forbidden Books, was an index of protestant literature that was banned by the Church. A meeting to discuss the religious differences during that time, known as the Council of Trent, resulted in several papal changes such as the prohibition of indulgences. All of these effects led to the destruction of religious unity, which would eventually develop into religious wars that would dominate Europe from around 1560 to 1650.

What were the effects of the age of Absolutism?

JG and MZ

"Paris is worth a Mass" Henry of Navarre-political stability

"Mercantilism" references the need for economic stability, system run by the absolutist government

Relies on Large Army to enforce Absolute rule

begins to weaken power of Vatican in European affairs
For example, Henry VIII begins his own refornmation without any concern for Vatican response

England was resistant to this change because members of parliament who owned land, did not believe any monarch should have that much power.

Leads to Glorious Revolution of 1688

Long Term Effects
American Revolution
French Revolution
Creates Balance of Power Argument at Congress of Vienna

Also, sets the framework for forms of centralized government throughout the rest of history.
Nation States can't survive without a federal government.

What were the effects of the English Civil War?

by Chris Pillion

Short Term Effects:

A country torn into pieces and divided

Long Term Effects:

It ushered in the Glorious Revolution and stability for England that despite the immense change and revolution happening around them, enabled them to deal with problems among the people. It allowed for a type of political system that did not dissolve into chaos and revolution like France did. It was able to adjust to the situation on the ground. This constitutional monarchy and system allows for a stable balance for this political unit called England that has lasted to this day (i.e. the balance of power among Parliament and monarch with Parliament being more powerful than the monarch).
What are the effects of the unification of Italy and Germany? (AI, BE)
-World War I, because Germany became fixated upon exapansion which was started by Bismark, and Kaiser Willam II
-Over nationalistic feelings which went as far as to think of themselves as better than the rest of Europe
-Corupt politics, and dictatorships that ensued
-Militaristic tendiencies and leaders; the idea that military strength equaited to power in asserting public policy
-Creating other nations, motivating them to seek unification and independence (ie Poland)
-A strong and emotionally volitile Europe that was run with emotions
-Less reliance on alliance systems, more reliance on militarism
-Competition inbetween European countries for supremacy and to be a top power
-Long term, the creation of the European Union, instead of weaker alliance systems
-Establishing balance of power in Europe
Effects of the Industrial Revolution; MG
The immediate effects of the Industrial Revolution included an increase in production and availablility of goods, lowering prices. Because cities grew around industrial areas, thousands flocked to the cities for jobs, but were unpleasantly surprised to find the living conditions and working conditions were less than favorable. Women and children especially were forced to work long hours in unsanitary conditions.

While some moved to the cities for job opportunities others lost theirs. Due to technology and machinery the Luddites tried to destroy the machines that were taking their jobs in the factories.

With the increase in city size, industrial problems, and unfavorable conditions, labborers formed together more than ever to form unions. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, these workers lobbied for better wages and working conditions.

William Wordsworth-romantic poet wrote of destruction of the countryside during revolution
Luddites, working conditions, socialism, unions

The Effects of the French Revolution



The afforementioned causes resulted in the French Revolution, invovling various phases which ended with the execution of Robespierre. Shortly afterwards, the constitution of 1795 was created. This set up a laissezz-faire economic system and created a National Legislative Assembly consisting of two chambers. Napolean abused this system to come to a position power. He created a people's army based on nationalistic purposes which was very large in compared to armies of the past. This became a common trend in wars after this event. Also, his short-term occupation of much of Europe spread French ideas of nationalism and citizens of each nation developed a stronger sense of identity in resistance to France. This played a major role in future wars such as World War I.

Key Vocab
Civil Code
What were the effects of the Age of Exploration? (NL)
Short Term-
-Portugese fleets desired to conquer spice industry; go as far as tariffs,blockades, and war with the Turks and Arabs
-Rise of the Conquistador
-Spanish and Portugese empires established;many European nations soon follow
-Many upper-middle class men and women move to the new world for a new life
-Gold and other minerals resulted in the revitalization of the Spanish economy
Long Term-
-the rise and spread of Christianity
-Disease and war ravaged the native populations, leading to a titanic decline in their numbers
-Rise in the intensity of rivalries between nations
-Europe on its way to becoming an organized nation, first by trade

Key Vocab-
Encomienda-system of taxation in which the native peoples would work and pay tribute to their conquerors in return for pay,protection and spiritual supervision. This system-and the corruption it entailed-was protested by the friar Bartolome De Las Casas
Viceroy-chief civil and military adisor to the king. One in Lima and another in Mexico City.
Audiencias- advisory groups(also acting as supreme judicial bodies)for a viceroy.

What were the effects of the Enlightenment?


By Christian Ruhl

Short Term Effects (England):
- the emergence of first major Enlightenment figure Thomas Hobbes, who caused great controversy with the release of his provocative treatise Leviathan (1651)that showed people were self-serving and preoccupied with the gathering of a limited number of resources and a single monarchy was best
- The emergence of John Locke promoting the opposite type of government—a representative government—in his Two Treatises of Government (1690).
- In 1688, English Protestants helped overthrow the Catholic king James II and installed the Protestant monarchs William and Mary. In the aftermath of this Glorious Revolution, the English government ratified a new Bill of Rights that granted more personal freedoms.

Long Tern Effects (France):
- New philosophes developed, though varying in style and area of particular concern, generally emphasized the power of reason and sought to discover the natural laws governing human society.
- The Baron de Montesquieu tackled politics by elaborating upon Locke's work, solidifying concepts such as the separation of power by means of divisions in government.
- Voltaire took a more caustic approach, choosing to incite social and political change by means of satire and criticism.
- Denis Diderot, unlike Montesquieu and Voltaire, had no revolutionary aspirations; he was interested merely in collecting as much knowledge as possible for his mammoth Encyclopédie. The Encyclopédie, which ultimately weighed in at thirty-five volumes, would go on to spread Enlightenment knowledge to other countries around the world.

- the development of Romanticism as a reaction to the rather empirical philosophies of Voltaire and others, Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote The Social Contract (1762), a work championing a form of government based on small, direct democracy that directly reflects the will of the population.
- the development of Skepticism, where skeptics questioned whether human society could really be perfected through the use of reason and denied the ability of rational thought to reveal universal truths. Their philosophies revolved around the idea that the perceived world is relative to the beholder and, as such, no one can be sure whether any truths actually exist.
- Immanuel Kant, working in Germany during the late eighteenth century, took skepticism to its greatest lengths, arguing that man could truly know neither observed objects nor metaphysical concepts "Dare to Know!"

Effects of Imperialism


Europe's imperialism is believed to of been what lead to the modernization of the rest of the world. Some positive effects were that education was spreading to places that had never been offered such high education, as well as the raw materials from colonies boosted the European economies and added to their power and influence. however many negative effects came out as well- mainly in africa- such as the literacy rates were low and infant mortality rates were very high in Africa and other colonized countries. In general, there was injustice for the African people. Africa was controlled by European powers who never took quality of life for African citizens into consideration; their only thought was for personal gain, to increase their influence. Even after African territories gained independence, the governments were anything but stable, and war broke out all over the continent.
What were the effects of the Russian Revolution? by Chris Pillion
1. Last of the Romanov Tsars were deposed and then shot to death.

2. Formed Russian Provisional Goverment, then the Communist Goverment, and then led to the Russian Civil War (White v. Red Russians).

3. The White Russians (anti-Bolshevik factions) v. the Red Russians (Bolshevik factions), and the Bolsheviks won, paving the way for the USSR.

Without this revolution, which has been compared to the French Revolution, there would never have been the Soviet Union-it was the soviets, or local worker's councils, that organized the overthrow and opposition to the Provisional Goverment when it decided to stay involved in World War I. The Bolsheviks ended Russian involvement in the War with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
What are the effects of World War II? (AI)
-A thirst for Soviet vengence: they were abandoned in the war, attacked by those they made peace with, militarily and economically exhausted, were racist and had a general mistrust of Germans which resulted in the Rape of Berlin
-The formation of a defensive league (NATO) to ensure that countries that have been attacked have defensive allies (this resulted in the formation of the Warsaw pact)
-The separation of East and West Germany from the democratic allies and the communist allies who wanted to take Germany in different directions
-A long term effect is the Cold War because the actions taken by the Soviets caused the U.S. to mistrust them; tensions grew over the division of Germany and the fear over the further spread of Communism
-The use of diplomacy rather than war; countries who lost many troops wanted to avoid war and realized the importance of diplomacy and employed it when looking to resolve Europe
-Extension of the Soviet Union into Eastern Europe and the formation of many countries into Soviet satalites
-Power of nuclear weapons and technology, the dangers of irrational and powerful leaders, in reference to the atomic bombs dropped on Japan
-The masses can turn a blind eye to brutalities in the voice of a strong leader and will be silent; awareness of the psychological impacts of World War II
-Racism in the United States against the Japanese (Executive Order 9066), racism too against the Germans by both Americans and allies and especially the Soviets, racism against the French for allowing Germany into Paris (the butt of many jokes, even today)
What were the effects of the collapse of the soviet union? (AV)
Due to the demise of the soviet union, the power vacuum left america as the "police of the world". Peace seeking governments gained power throughout the world seeking to reduce world tension.
Effects of the war in Bosnia.
Between 100,000 ans 110,000 people were killed and 1.8 million people were displaced. Many Serbs Bosniaks Croets were indicted with crimes of genocide, inhumanity, rape, and ethnic cleansing.
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