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Renaissance Test 1
Study for Winkler Test 1
Undergraduate 3

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Timeframe for the Renaissance
1350-1600 Although the Renaissance doesn't cross the alps until the 15th Century.
The 13th Century "High Middle Ages"
Often considered one of the most advanced ages of the world. No major wars (about 100 years). Cities without walls. Population is growing dramatically.Economy is changing. Better plows, advanced rotation of the soil to get better crops. Downside is that they are so successful it leads to overpopulation. by 1300 there are not enough resources to supply the population.
Crisis in the Fourteenth Century
A series of famines and plagues that brought progression and growth to a halt. Great famine of 1315, the Black Death 1347-52 (breakouts still occured after this). Climate change "the little ice age." crop failures, over population. Sunspots may have led to climate change.
The Black Death
might have been the Bubonic Plague, not sure if that is exactly what it was. It starts in the China and is brought to Europe through the trade routes. The Plague is used as a type of warfare. Bodies are sent into the city to spread the disease, it comes through people savaging the camp sites and then through the pests that roam the city. It’s not 100% lethal, there is an argument that there are several forms of the plague and some types are more lethal than others. Bubonic plague is spread from black rat to people whether through the bite of the rat or the flea on the rat is really unknown. Anthrax involved?
Human effect of the Black Death
Kills about 1/3 of the population possibly 2/3 in the cities. England keeps the best records so numbers are determined there. Tax records also hold data on population that might be useful. Cities are hit much worse. Religion becomes more important because of how close death is.
Giovani Boccaccio and the Black Death
Wrote the Decameron and in the introduction gave a firsthand account of the Black Death. It then goes into stories told in the villas in the mountains where the Nobles fled each summer.
Social impact of the Black Death
Peasants die in large numbers while nobles are largely protected. Becasue of the lack of a labor force historians argue that peasants gained bargaining power. As for the clergy, the best men stay behind and die for it. This leads to people criticizing the clergy that is left. Those that ran. Decline in art i.e. Dance of Death.
People who whipped themselves to show God that he doesn't need to punish them further. Desperate people.
Medieval Holocaust
People blame the Jews for the Black Death. Persecution follow the course of the Black Death. Jews arrested for conspiracy to murder, burned at the stake. Straussberg, Stripped naked and put into houses to be burned. The young women were violated first. Some Jews converted to Christianity to save themselves but were still killed when the plague still came. Myth of conspiracies and well poisonings. Germany is the worst for persecution of the Jews.
Clement VI (pope 1342-52)
Orders Jewish killings to stop. Is able to stop persecution in Avignon but his power is too weak elsewhere.
Hundred Years War
1337-1453 Issue: Who rules France – why not the king? There is no king, the line has died out. The king of England says he is next in the succession because his mother’s line. France answers to Edward III: If he wants to take the throne, he will have to take over France by force. France is the premiere power in Europe, and the cultural and intellectual leader until the 19th century.
Battle of Crecy
1346 - Edward want Calais which is the closest port to England from France. He is fighting the mercenaries from Genoa who are very good at the crossbow. Edward's longbows are stronger and faster and annihilate the Genoese. The French do not have advanced military tactics and ride their cavalry up the middle of the English instead of surrounding them. The English go for the horses which puts the men on foot and they slaughter them. Huge victory but still haven't won the war.
Edward the Black Prince
Edward III's son. Dies before his father so never gets his chance at the throne. What he does in France is horrific. His strategy is to pillage, plunder and murder. Take what is useful and everything else is destroyed.
1356. French have about half the numbers they did at Crecy so they need new strategy. The French strategy is to form ranks in 3 formations (the Godhead). The French attack in their 3 formation wave and again they are slaughtered because of the long bowmen of the English. Edward (Black Prince) orders all prisoners to be killed instead of ransomed.
Capture of the King of France
Edward Black Heart captures the king. He doesn't kill him and this interrupts the governance of the country. They pay the majority of the ransom, but since not all of it is paid the king, with his chivalrous nature, goes back to captivity and dies. Becasue of the the English get Gascony, a large portion of France.
100 Years War and Black Death effect on France.
100 Years War is a series of battles that go on for over a 100 years, there are times of treaty, but really that doesn’t solve anything and the battles are all part of the same war, not a series of wars. Between the Black Death and the ravages of war, by the 1400s the most populous country in Europe the population has gone down to almost half. It takes its toll on the peasants. They are the ones who, as usual, suffer the most.
Treaty of Bretigny
1360 - Really all it was was the end of the first phase of the war. Also marked the height of England's possession of French land.
Free peasants. They have the right to use weapons. Masters of the Long Bow.
Charles VI of France
Marries Isabeau of Bavaria. He goes insane. It would have been better for France if he had gone completely off his rocker and stayed that way, but this was not the case. He would have lucid times, and then times that he was completely delusional. Isabeau has a reputation of being with a couple of guys and her children’s heritage was questionable.
Henry V of England
1387-1422 This is Shakespear's Henry - about the 100 years war, war of Agnicourt. Shakespear gives Henry a lot of credit, which is not necessarily fact. We are about 70 to 80 years into the 100 Years war. French try to change their strategy but still not really coming up with good ideas. The French believe they have a better system of armor but they are on foot, they decide to dismount. The armor is very advanced, the knights are in good shape, but they are in armor and it’s hot, its heavy. Not a smart strategy.
Battle of Ashen Core
Henry V takes his army against the French. The French use the same battle strategy of the 3 waves and attack up the middle. It’s a bottleneck by the time they get close to the English. The French are waiting for something to happen, the English start attacking with their longbows. And of course the French are easy targets; they trample each other getting into the battle. The English take their prisoners and Henry orders all the prisoners killed. The method of killing is brutal.
Burgundy was a separate kingdom and now the Burgundians are competitors with France and are often allies with England that help to squash the French.
The Treaty of Troyes
1420 - The kingdom is given to the son of Henry V. Henry is married to a daughter of France and his son is destined to rule. By 1429 the most important parts of France are part of England.
Charles the VII
1403-61 He worries about his legitimacy (his mother is loose). He is a weak man and not sure if he is rightful heir.
Joan of Arc
1412-31 Sees visions and thinks she is to lead France. She sees Charles the VII and convinces him to let her lead the armies. She has several solid victories and sees Charles VII crowned at Reims. She is wounded in the leg and captured by the Burgandians. They turn her over to the English and Charles VII does nothing to save her. She is executed by burning. She is a saint in the Catholic church. She is more powerful in death than life as the French beat the English to a retreat.
Concrete Reason the French are able to remove the English
The longbow men were less in number. The skill takes a lifetime to accomplish and there are fewer Yeomen available. By 1400 all countries have gun powder.
Renaissance big advance?
The Renaissance is not a big change. They had music and art in the middle ages. The Renaissance does not change the modern world. We are much more the children of the middle ages than the Renaissance. The Renaissance does not bring Peace. Everyone is fighting each other, there is incessant warfare.
What is the Renaissance?
It is a change in two factors; Art and Literature (painting, sculpture, literature, different forms of literature, a different kind of argumentation.)The Renaissance was religious; the forms of art are paid for by religion and have a religious message.
Enlightenment hates the middle ages
They believed that intellectually Europe is dominated by the Catholic Church. The intellectuals are not religious. Prior to the Renaissance, the church controlled everything. So they hate the middle ages because they hate Christianity and religions, and the control over thinking the church had over people.
Humanists are against scholasticism which is run but by the clerics. They have arguments and work towards destroying the counter argument. You have to look at the counter argument and be able to prove your case against the counter argument. The humanists want something that is not a theological argument.Human centered, Classical ideals – the Renaissance is looking back at Classical literature not religious, the free essay. They want to get it right.
They want to re-examine scripture not to tear it apart but to understand it better. They want the best of all copies, they find ancient texts and work to translate them correctly. The church is going to be more careful in preserving something that is important to them. The romans preserved what was important and there is evidence that the church did destroy things, they also lost those things that weren’t important to them. Now the humanists are coming in to see what can be preserved , they want to get back to the basics and understand more fully.
1307-74 is the first Renaissance writer. . He wants to use latin in church forms but also in literature and he wants to write to emphasis classical latin and he gives deference to Greek. His big work is Africa. Petrarch has a great crush on a woman (Laura) but is too afraid to talk to her, she dies and he fantasizes about her after her death. he writes about her in poetry. The importance isn’t the theme it’s the actual work.
Lorenzo Valla and the Donation of Constantine
1407-57 Looks at language as a historic device itself. He figures that the Donation of Constantine is too convenient for the church in it's wording. Lorenzo claims that the language doesn't fit the time. There are also comments about the pope's dress that don't fit the time. The Donation of Constantine handed secular authority to the pope. Pope can now defend the church (militarily).
Lorenzo Valla and the Vulgate
The Vulgate is Saint Jerome's translation of the Bible into standardized, simplified latin. Valla says that there are many errors in the translation and that there are many ways to translate. This could hurt the church, so what does the church do? Nothing.
1469-1527 Most important political theory writer. Wrote "The Prince". So important because of its continued relevance today. Also wrote "Discourses on Livy".
Paints with depth (instead of flat). The Arena Chapel, he used a lot of blues (which usually fade over time but his staid vibrant.) The Arena Chapel is the life of Jesus.
One of the greatest artists ever. Very advanced depth. Great use of shadows i.e. St. Peter Healing the Sick.
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Known for the Gates of Paradise a Baptistery in Florence it took most of his life. He competed for the job against Brunelleschi. It is done in gold.
Was an architect who was responsible for the Duomo Florence. From above the cathedral looks like a cross.
Leonardo da Vinci
1452-1519 He was a perfectionist. We have found some of his sketchbooks. He is a scientist and cut up bodies to look at muscles to try and paint better. Mona Lisa, The Last Supper (done in wax). Kept the Mona Lisa with him until his death in France.
The Pieta might be his most famous sculpture - (Mary holding Jesus after crucifixion.) Also David, Moses. Painted the Sistine chapel. He was an architect as well. We have a lot of pieces from him because of his need to produce art.
Middle Ages Democracy
Democracy is reinvented in the Middle Ages. People go from slavery -> serfdom -> freedom. Inflation is occurring but peasants don't see it as much. They still pay the nobles the same amount in some cases. They gain more rights and even come up with representative assemblies.
Spain Republic
The kings are powerful but still need the support of nobles. Cortes means courts.
France Republic
Three estates. Clergy, nobles, and then everyone else.
In 1263 ca Simon de Montfort led a rebellion agains King Henry III because he wants a parliament.
Role of the Church in Social Mobility
To become a priest the only requirements were: male, free, and no physical issues. There is a chance for social mobility due to chances of change in rank i.e. priest ->bishop -> archbishop. John 1:9 "True Light, which lighteth every an that cometh into the world."
Council of Constance
Met too end the Great Schism. Exempto - Church representatives say that council is greater than pope. The pope could never call a council and stop them from grabbing power so Frequens was created which required the council to meet on a regular basis.
Pure Democracies
Free peasants and everyone has the power to vote on everything.
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