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Renaissance and Reformation
Chapter 14 sec 1-5 Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Scientific Revolution
9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards







Began in Italy and was characterized by in an interest in learning Greek and Roman works as well as history, Rhetoric, generally secular education and the arts of painting, sculpture, music, plays,etc that where a general desire to explore the humanity/secular/worldly/practical experience.
Why Italy?
    • Remains of Roman Heriatage
    • Prosperous city-states
    • Wealthy /powerful merchant class
    • Florence the most symbolized the energy and revival with poets, artists, architects, scholors, scientist grew in short period


  • they were many generous people called this by definition where financial supporters of the arts such as Lorenzo who learned their craft financed by him in the Medici palace
  • the Medici family were the wealthiest bankers and merchants and majors supporters and were definiately this term

new world view/how people viewed themselves


  • produced new attitudes toward culture and learning
  • medieval focused on life after death, Big R now thought of richness and variety of secular human life here and now Seize The Day... be talented in many fields
  • Uncle Jeff: cook, philospher, speaks 5 languages, well versed in music, traveller, lover of Mr. Tyler etc.
  • Education would stimulate creative powers
  • a return to this word - study of grammer, rhetoric, poetry, history all based on Greek and Roman texts
  • Books not accepted as absolutes NO! to be studied and questioned in light of one's own experience
  • Petrarch - digger of G & R stuff and makes libraries of original documents to study 
Rules of Perspective
  • during Big R artists created the illusion of depth using these rules in a painting using false sizing of objects in the picture to create this gave the painting a 3D appearance
  • the key was to create an even more realistic painting than the medieval artists
    • great author, BOOK Of THE COURTIER (1503)
    • about how noble people should act - social rules for Gentlemen
    • need to study history, write, play an instrument or sing and sword fight - Big R Man to court a lady
    • Woman should be outerly beautiful and that is sign of inner goodness.
Machiavelli wrote THE PRINCE (1513)
  • Key:  the ends justify the means, that is lie, cheat kill so long as you win in the end...that is power
  • Common people could be manipulated or killed off as you kill rather than losing power.
  • Gov't should be subservent to the prince
  • (BTW scarey as he was Alexander the Great's teacher) 
Renaissance in the North - Northern Europe
  • Unlike Italy N.Europe recovered slowly from the ravages of the Black Death..not until 1450 it it enjoy economic growth
  • It began in Flanders (N.France, Belgium and Netherlands) Spain,France,Germany and England 100 years later in 1500s 
Albrecht Durer, German painter
  • 1494 travelled to Italy to study techniques of Italian masters and returned with methods of painting, especially ENGRAVING
  • Through art and his essays he spread Big R ideas to his homeland and because his interests went beyond art he was called German Leonardo 
The artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid. the artist then uses the plate to make prints. 

Flemish Painters

 Hubert van Eyck

Pieter Bruegel

  • 1400s these artists' religious and secular work used rich, realistic details
  • Eycks invented oil paints and Northern artists used new medium to create strong colors and hard surface to last forever
  • painted vibrant color to portray lively scenes of peasant life
  • KEY: scenes of daily life rather than religious or classical themes shows humanism 
Northern European Humanists DIFFERENCE
Like Italian humanists, they stressed education and classical learning BUT also should bring about religious and moral reform...not just secular
  • Dutch Priest and humanist
  • called for translation of Bible into VERNACULAR - everyday language of ordinary people
  • he was open-minded and of good will toward others
Erasmus' friend Thomas More pressed for social reform and described an ideal society where men and women live in peace and harmony, educated and justice is used to end crime -- --- type of society
N.European Big R enjoyed dramatic tales and earthy comedies demanding new works in the vernacular
  • Rabelais used characters to offer opinions on religion, education and other serious subjects.
  • Shakespeare was a poet and playwright who clearly grasped the human condition wrote 37 plays still performed around the world
  • Cervantes - Big R in Spain 1600 let to the projuction of Don Quixote a tale that mocks medieval chivalry.
Printing Revolution
  • Johann Gutenberg of Germany in 1456 printed the first complete edition of the Bible using the first printing press and printing inks in the West.
  • Yet printed works exposed Europeans to ideas at a fast pace but its also contributed to the religious turmoil in the 1500s
The Protestant Reformation
  • During Renaissance Church came under fire
  • Popes lived lavish lifestyles, patrons of the arts
  • Christians at all levels of society accused clergy of curruption and worldliness
  • SO...the ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin led people th separate from the Roman Catholic Church and form new Protestant churches



one of the abuses of the church during the Big R was the the clergy would sell someone a lessening of time a sould would have to spend in purgatory, a place where sould too impure to enter heaven atoned for sins committed during their lifetimes in exchange for money gifts to the Church
Martin Luther
    • 1517 Church abuses went into full scale revolt led by  this German monk and Theology Prof.
    • priest Johann Tetzel offered indulgences for $ to rebuild St Peters Cathedral in Rome for the person and their dead relatives to go right to heaven - that was it!
95 Theses written by Martin Luther
  • written as arguments against indulgences that had no basis in the Bible, pope had no authority,Christians can only be saved through faith and Luther posted list on Fr. Tetzel's All Saints Church
  • overnight copies everywhere - Church called on Luther to RECANT - to give up his views
  • He urged Christians to reject Rome - if Church would not reformthen it must be reformed by secular aurthorities
Excommunication of Martin Luther by Pope
people against popes ruling that he not be givin food or shelter did help him as a prince hid him for a year and many followers followed his teachings and renounced popes authority
Teachings of Martin Luther
  • rejected the Church doctrine that good deeds were necessary for salvation - just faith alone
  • Bible is sole source of religious truth - not councils or pope
  • rejected idea that priests and Church hierarchy had special powers - instead it was a 'priesthood of all believers"  all people have equal access to God
  • rejected 5 of 7 sacraments as not in Bible
  • banned indulgences, confession, pilgrimages, and prayers to saints
  • Mass empahsized the sermon
  • clergy could marry
Teachings of John Calvin
  • now using Protestant as new name for those who protested papal authority.
  • french priest and lawyer
  • preached PREDESTINATION-God long ago determined who would gain salvation
  • Calvinists the world is divided into two saints and sinners (try to live like a saint but only the saved could live Christian lives)
  • Set up a THEOCRACY - government run by Church leaders - Christian Society in Geneva and it spread
  • stressed hard work,discipline, thrift, honesty and morality
  • punishments for fighting swearing laughing in church and dancing -- closed theaters and frowed on elaborate dress
Reformation Ideas Spread - both Catholic and Protestant and Radical ones

Caltholic Church fought back against the Protestant challenge and took steps to reform itself and restore its spiritual leadership as Protestant ideas continued to spread


 AND even more Radical Reformers cropped up called Anabaptists (no infants babtism because to young to understand) who also required not private property- even Calvinists joined Catholics to stop this threat

The English Reformation - King Henry VIII
  • the break from the Catholic Church was not English clergy but King Henry VIII
  • The King could not get a male heir after 18 yrs marriage and wanted the Pope to ANNUL - cancel his marriage but pope refused
  • took English church from pope and placed it under Henry- Church of England
  • many refused this Act of Supremacy and were executed and later CANONIZED - recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church (fyi the Church is in the process of canonizing Mother Theresa)
  • Henry appointed Thomas Cranmer archbishop who annulled the marriage, had a girl with next wife and four wives later had a son, Edward
King Henry VIII
  • wrote love songs, played tennis
  • Created a new religion so he could divorce
  • married 6 times
  • ruthless to his enemies
  • had dozens beheaded including his 2nd and 5th wives


Elizabethan Settlement
  • Queen Elizabeth's policies were a COMPROMISE - acceptable middle ground- between Protestant and Catholic practices
  • preserved Catholic ceremony and ritual
  • kept heirarchy of bishops and archbishops
  • reaffrimed the monarch as head of Anglican Church
  • restored Book of Common Prayer, allow English to replace latin at mass
  • Catholic Traditions, England was firmly a Protestant nation



Catholic Reformation

Council of Trent

  • Pope Paul III set to end corruption within papacy itself and appointed reformers to key posts in 1530-40s
  • Council of Trent established 1545
  • reaffirmed Catholic views, salvation via good works,  Bible source of religious truth but not only source, stiff penalties for worldliness and corruption amoung clergy, schools for better educated clergy to challenge Protestant teachings
The Inquisition
Church court set up to use secret testimony, torture to root out heresy, and created a list of Forbidden Books including Luther and Clavin

founded by Ignatius of Loyola, this

order was determined to combat heresy and spread the Catholic faith

Teresa of Avila

Incredible spiritual life in the convent was asked to reorganize and reform convents and monasteries thoughout Spain.   After her death she was canonized and made a saint.


RESULT:  Europe Catholic south and Protestant north

widespread persecution
  • Both Catholics and Protestants fostered intolerance and and attacked and killed each other and both attached and killed the Anabaptists
  • Soon Witch Hunts began wherein usually women were seen as agents of the time people believed in magic  and spirits were taken as SCAPEGOATS - blame their problems on when they did nothing at all.  they were often social outcasts
Jews and the Reformation

pressure for Jews to convert as well


by 1516 Venice orderd Jews to live in a separate quarter of the city known as a ghetto

Scientific Revolution
The profound change that took place in science in the mid 1500s pointed ahead toward a future shaped bya new way of thinking about the physical universe using experimentation and observation.
Galileo Galilei
  • made a new lens, creating a telescopeto view the planets, moon, fiery spots on sun...
  • a new view of the universe
  • he realized that the 4 moons of Jupiter moved slowly around Jupiter
Nicolaus Copernicus

HELIOCENTRIC - sun centered - model of the universe

relized the earth moved around the sun


both Galileo and Copernicus were scorned by church because heavens were fixed and this was a heresy

scientific method

state the problem

gather information on problem

form a hypothesis or educated guess

experiment to test hupothesis

record and analyze data

state conclusion

repeat the steps to check accuracy

Bacon vs Descartes

differed in methods

Bacon stressed experimentation and observation to make life better for people by leading to practical technologies


Descartes emphasized human reasoning as road to understanding but left with the doubter had to exist he stated, "I think therefore I am"

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