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Religion Test 4
Ch. 18
Undergraduate 1

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Karl Barth/commentary on Romans
This person was a Swiss Pastor. This person was active in the local labor movement and sympathetic with the socialists. In a radical commentary on Romans, this man argued that everything reflected the biases of Paul and cultural assumptions. This man’s commentary on Romans was published in 1918 and completely revised in 1921 and had an explosive impact on theology. Believe human beings couldn’t reach God, but that God reached Human beings. Didn’t quite believe in “universal salvation”, but did not believe that there was an elect either
Church Dogmatics
This work was written by Karl Barth. In it he attacked all natural theology, all human efforts to understand God. Religion is the ultimate sin, in an attempt to reach up to God like the tower of Babel. We must accept that we can know of God only what God reveals. In the last section of this work the writer attacked infant baptism as contrary to Scripture and destructive to the health of the church.
Barmen Declaration
This document was drafted in 1934. It was drafted by Karl Barth on behalf of the Confessing Church. This was written as a way of disagreeing that the Confessing Church should cooperate with the Nazi’s.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
This person clung to the idea expressed by Barth of separation of Christianity from culture and religion, to its radical conclusion. This person was arrested for a plot on Hitler’s life. He tried to define the possibility of “Religionless Christianity”. He was continually trying to find new ways to preach in a world where all the old assumptions of religion seemed to no longer make sense.
Religionless Christianity
Dietrich thought that religion had come to mean an individualism that turn away from the world to worry about one’s own salvation, a metaphysics that talks about some other realm of reality apart from this world, and a basis for privilege that enable “religious” people to claim that they are better than everyone else. Because of this the idea of Religionless Christianity came to be.
Charles Hodge and Benjamin Warfield
These two were theologians at Princeton. They defined orthodoxy as based on the infallibility of the Bible. One of these men stated that the Bible is a storehouse of facts to a theologian, just as nature is to the man of science.
This group was known for its defense of biblical inerrancy (Infallible). This group also believed in the five points of biblical inerrancy: the virgin birth, the satisfaction theory of the atonement, bodily resurrection, and the miracles of Jesus. The also led a crusade against teaching of evolution. This group summarized a response to nineteenth century theology and its comfortable acceptance of its culture.
Walter Rauschenbusch
This person argued that Christians paid too little attention to social changed and focused on individual salvation too much. This person was inspired by his time as a preacher in Hell’s Kitchen. “Whoever uncouples the religious and the social life has not understood Jesus. For this person salvation was encompassed in changing society.
Social Gospel movement
Was the movement that believed that improving society would lead us to achieve the Kingdom of God here on earth.
Reinhold Niebuhr/political “realism”
This person took charge of a small working class church in Detriot. This person was active in liberal and social politics. The idea of the Social Gospel Movement seemed to simple for him. His most famous work was entitled Moral Man and Immoral Society. His theory of political realism could be summed up like this, “conviction that no party or cause can be unambiguously good.”
Rudolf Bultmann/existentialism
This person initially made his reputation as a New Testament scholar. He was also known as a pioneer in the use of “form criticism”. He believed solid historical evidence of Christianity would destroy faith as a decision/risk/personal commitment. His view of existentialism was inspired mostly by the work of Martin Heidegger. Existentialism- is a complex movement embracing Christians, Jews, and atheists. It traces it roots back to Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and elsewhere. Existentialists believe that we cannot understand a human being the way a biologist understands the natural world.
Taking the uncoceivable, the “myths” that took place in the bible and nullifying/ignoring them, but taking from them the truth about God’s love.
Second Vatican Council
This even tended to define “the church” not as the hierarchy of pope and bishops but as the whole “pilgrim people of God”. It gave the laity and increased role in a variety of ways initiated liturgical reforms- taking the mass out of Latin and so on, which made the whole community’s participation in worship more active. This even also assured Christians (not Catholics) that the Catholic Church accepts them with respect to brothers.
Theology of liberation
This type of theology addresses the problems within society at any given time.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
This person was the most influential person in the 1960’s during the Civil Rights Movement.
Black power
This movement was a move away from Martin Luther King and his nonviolent sit-ins. This movement told the oppressed to forget about asking for help, and instead make headway themselves by whatever means necessary.
Feminist theology
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