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Reformations and Religious War
AP Euro Chapter 14
12th Grade

Additional History Flashcards





(anti chruch stuff)


provoked by....


-poorly educated priests that could hardly understand the latin sermons they were giving


-priests and babies


priests in fancy clothes


pluralism- one priest is assigned to twent parishes, and never sees nineteen of them


priests being exempt from defending towns and doing other civic duties, but still holding a lot of property




Martin Luther


(early life)


went to school and got a masters


then got scared in an oak grove and devoted his life to God (had to run away from home because his dad would never stand for it.)


Got a doctorate and a proffesorship, and used them to justify his work.


Came to the conclusioin that "faith alone" was all a devout Christian needed.

Protestant ideology

"Faith alone"


church does not grant salvation, only the Word (that's God or the Bible)


Luther and Zurich are the big protestant hot shots


Protestants used to just mean Lutherian, but came to also mean "not catholic"


All callings, both secular and monkish, could serve God equally (no more nuns!)


The Church is made of people, not an invisible brotherhood nor fancy pantsy walls.


 Communions's a little different (they call it Eucharist) Is God actually in the bread and wine? Is that the priest's doing? Is it just a memorial?

Cool points for Protestants

Scripture is key


Priests aren't necesarry


celibacy is not really necessary


statues of lay people


extra money for city treasuries


catechisms are printed


catchy cool sunday hymns (Luther wrote a lot of them himself)


New testemant is in German!


Luther has Obama's speaking skills


Luther likes seperation of church and state


Kings are converting to Protestantism (goes smoothly in Denmark, other places aren't so easy going)



Those Radicals

Anabaptists and others form own ideolistic cliques


Only in because of choice, not baptism (hence the name)




varried from religeous toleration to ostracism



The German Peasant's War



Peasants have already revolted many times within the last century, and crop failures exacerbate the problem.


Swabian peasants write up the Twelve articles, and expression of grieviences (sounds suspiciously like the 95 thesises or American Revolutionary whiners)


First Luther is all "yeah, those prissy nobles are all selfish"


And then Luther said "WHOA! No guns! Nothing justifies that! Don't kill anyone!"


Peasants: "hah! God is on our side,  it says so, write here in Luther's teachings. Rabble rabble rabble"


Luther: "You Murderous Thieving Hordes of Peasants! No, down with the church, but yall' still gotta obey secular society".


Rebellion was moderate, success... common land was restablished.


Pastor's Family


Both Zurich and Luther marry and suddenly "oh! well maybe marriage ain't so bad after all".


marriage both spiritual equality and secular hierarchy


still, women kept firmly out of church going ons.


Protestants view marriage as an agreement, and if one person doens't uphold their end of the agreement divorce can happen as well as remarriage (take that you Catholics!) HOWEVER, protestants still don't like prostitutes


Women are wives, not cool educated nuns. Pooh!

Habsburg Dynasty

Starting w/ Frederick III, the Hapsburgs continue to marry into money and land, accumulating wealth over the years.


This peeved other nations, who fought hard to keep the lands they had and whose lands also fell into dispute when it came to inhieriting.


Finally Charles V gets Spaine and the Habsburg conglomerate.

Protestants and Political Impact

Some political peeps went with the flow of protestantism, others fought it


First religeous war was 1520 in Switzerlan, and went on until a peace treaty announced Switzies would be neutral, and tey haven't changed much since.


Protestants submit the Augsburg confessions [of faith] to Charles V. Charles gets peeved and says that everyone is either exocmunicated or worse. The Protestants form military alliances. Charles had no army available to counter so he had to eventually accept the Augsburg confessions.

England and Ireland

Catherine of Aragon can't give Henry VIII a son, can't get a divorce because of the churhc, so he locks her in a tower, flips the church the bird, and then converts everyone to protestantism so he can get a divorce.


Supremacy act: King rules the church


Act in Restraint of Appeals: King is KING


While going through wives, Henry VIII decides to liquidate all monasteries and wealth. More even wealth distribution.


Ireland had been opressed by England for a long time, and they really didn't like it when England said that now everyone was Protestant. More ethnic and social tensions flared.


Then Bloody Mary comes and tries to re-Catholicize everything.


Then wise ole' Elizabeth takes over.


Thirty Nine Articles: basic quips on the English Church.


Calvin came up with the idea of predestination


Genevan Consistory exerts powerful conservative rule. No cards, no drinking, no gambling.


Very strict




Scotlands political pool weak


New reforms modeled after calvanism in geneva.


Presbyterians are created!


 book of common order is church rule book.


Catholic church reforms


no more church offices for sale


no more abusive priests


no more unintelligible sermons


no more luxerious palaces for popes


Holy Office: Jurisdiction over the roman inquisition


More reading censorship


Roman Inquisition contunues to use Cheney-worthy interogation strategies



Council of Trent

a council of Lutherians, Calvinists, and Catholics that tried to work out their differences


Pope didn't want to lose any more subjects.


repressed pluralism


forbid indulgence sales


preaching standards raised (potential priests had to be aproved, you couldn't just show up to class and say "i want to be a priest")


reconciliation with the protestants was not achieved


Still MORE New Religious Sects


Ursuline oder of nuns educated women under the hopes that they would raise their future children right. But those crazy Catholics made it difficult for them to continue their ministry


Ignatius Loyola forms the Jeuits (society of Jesus). their work focused mainly on saving souls (converting people). Ends can justify the means.

Frenchies go to WAR!!!!

After the Habsburg-Valois Wars, France is out of money and they decide to raise taxes and sell alliances to the papacy and public job openings.


France was mostly Catholic until about half the nobles converted, and then the bloodshed bagan.


Huguenots were french protestants.


Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre: Protestant wedding guests were slaughtered, and it sparked a 15 year civil war.


then the politiques step in and say "Whoa! France is falling apart. We need a good monarch to reverse the slide to anarchy. You! Get to it Henry IV!" Henry IV was Protestant.


Henry IV publishes the Edict of Nantes, allowing Protestants to pray in public.


Netherlands reform


Calvinism seeps into Netherlands.


Catholics try to stop Pros from worshiping. Riots ensue. civil war breaks out.

Te Union of Utrect (alliance between the northern Netherland places) forms, seperates from Spaine.


Prots and Catholics alike seek out witches.


for the first time, witches are actually in league with the devil.


witch trials were secret, executions were public.


new legal systems took liability off the accused.


however the big generic inquisitions hadly executed any witches at all.


witch panics: big witch hunts.


the trend later changed so that witches were actually derranged, not evil.

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