Shared Flashcard Set


Recent American History
Test # 3
Undergraduate 1

Additional History Flashcards




Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck wrote about the dustbowl
those who have, will help those who don't have
Hawley-Smoot tariff
purpose was to help farmers.  When this bill finally emerged it was very different from the original proposal.  Seventy-five imported agricultural products were taxed.  But nine hundred and twenty five industrial products were also taxed.  It raised the average tariff by 50%.  We were already producing excess in the 1920s, and with the new consumer crisis we really can’t buy these products and come to rely upon foreign products.  However, the tariff causes these foreign countries to close their doors to trade with us.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation

·         an effort on the part of Hoover’s administration to pump money into big business.  They poured 1½ billion dollars into railroads and other big enterprises to try to jumpstart the economy.  The problem is that the people at the bottom need the money, not the big ones on the top.  Trickle-down economics: it takes time for the money on top to trickle down to the bottom.  This did not give help to those who needed it most in a timely manner.

Bonus Bill
a bill to make pensions available to veterans of the First World War.  This was debated in the spring of 1932.  The government had set aside money to be distributed to veterans.  These payments were scheduled to begin in the 1940s.  But these veterans needed the money now.  The bill attempted to make it available immediately. 
Bonus bill army. 
Veterans showed up to give support of the passing of this bill.  They pitched tents in Washington.  They were known as the Bonus bill army.  Bu the bill was defeated by congress.  Half of these veterans packed up and went home.  The other half went on a rampage and riot broke out in Washington D.C.  It terrorized Hoover so much that he calls out the army led by D. MacArthur.  Veterans are in combat with the own army they once served.  They were put down ruthlessly.  Those who had already lost confidence in the government became even more critical.
* Al Smith
wanted to give him a second chance since his first nomination was ruined by the media
John Nance Garner
the speaker of the House of Representatives.  Came from Texas.  He was a political professional. 
Franklin Delano Roosevelt,

But once the delegates arrived in Chicago, there were questions.  Garner was perceived as having too many enemies.  Smith wasn’t favored either.  The delegates from California were the first to suggest looking from someone else.  They suggested Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the governor of New York State.  He had shown some real ability to get things done in helping the people of his state.  His cousin had also been successful.  He won the nomination.  Immediately, it was clear that he was wholly new kind of politician.  It was tradition that nominees never attended conventions.  But Roosevelt personally flew to Chicago to accept the nomination because he wanted to speak to his party and the American people.  He talked about giving the American people a New Deal.  This term becomes attached to his presidency.

New deal
was a series of economic programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1936. They involved presidential executive orders or laws passed by Congress during the first term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The programs were in response to the Great Depression, and focused on what historians call the "3 Rs": Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is, Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression.[1]
21st amendment
repeal prohibition
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
Henry David Thoreau
The Emergency Banking Act
closed all the banks in the country for four days.  He wanted to know what banks were dependable and which ones weren’t.  He knew the unhealthy banks would not be able to recover from four days of closure. 
Fireside Chats

·         a series of radio programs broadcast by Roosevelt.  The real brilliance was not his speaking to the nation but the name itself and the images it conjures up: evening, winter, snowing, living room, overstuffed chair, comfy clothes, slippers, pipe, brandy, etc.  Gives hope, confidence, humanness, personal connection.  Chat is laid back.  Talk is serious.  It gives the picture that we are going to fix this thing together: don’t worry.  On top of this he acts.

Federal Emergency Relief Administration
(F.E.R.A.)  a half billion dollars are distributed to the states who will distribute it to the people in need.  It is direct to the people who need help.  The man who directs this is Harry Hopkins.  He was a questionable man: a womanizer, gambler, and chain smoker.  Hopkins wants to know if the money is available now and where his office is going to be.  Hopkins accepts.  He leaves his meeting and walks the two blocks to the federal building to the second floor where his office will be.  He begins to grab objects from different rooms, pulls them into the hallway, sits down, lights an unfiltered cigarette, and gives away 5 million dollars in the next two hours.  He did more in two hours than Hoover did in his entire presidency.  This didn’t end the depression although it helped.  Roosevelt has a back up plan.
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Harry Hopkins. 

·         He was a questionable man: a womanizer, gambler, and chain smoker.  Hopkins wants to know if the money is available now and where his office is going to be.  Hopkins accepts.  He leaves his meeting and walks the two blocks to the federal building to the second floor where his office will be.  He begins to grab objects from different rooms, pulls them into the hallway, sits down, lights an unfiltered cigarette, and gives away 5 million dollars in the next two hours.  He did more in two hours than Hoover did in his entire presidency.  This didn’t end the depression although it helped.  Roosevelt has a back up plan.


The Fallback Plan: Alphabet Agencies. 


All of these were established in the first one hundred days of Roosevelt’s presidency, although they were not all functional immediately at the time.  Keep in mind that these were created to work hand in hand with each other, not alone.

Civil Works Administration

·         CWA)– proposed by Harry Hopkins.  Put four million unemployed Americans in emergency jobs between Nov. 1933 and April 1934.  In Arkansas, the government paid unemployed people to rake leaves into a pile, some others to put them in a boxcar, others to take it to the next city, and others to take it to the next city and put it back on the ground so others can rake them up again.  This is the most brilliant plan because:

·         It puts money back in the hands of people.

·         It gives back a sense of self-respect and renewed pride to the people.

·         It provided an immediate job market instead of waiting to create productive jobs.

Civilian Conservation Corps
CCC)– Reflected Roosevelt’s interest in the environment.  Created a grant of 300 million dollars to put three hundred thousand unemployed men to work.  They will be involved in reforestation, flood control, mosquito control, etc.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
AAA)– Because people didn’t have money to buy there were surpluses.  This act helped those who produced wheat, corn, rice, tobacco, cotton, as well as those who raised pigs and cattle and were dairy farmers.  The government pays farmers to cultivate less acreage.  This cut down productivity.  For the livestock they had kill programs.  The pig program had six million pigs killed, including 220,000 sows about to give birth.  These pigs were scrawny because the farmers have no way of feeding them.  They took what meat they could off of them and then the carcasses were dumped in a pit and burned.  The flaw was that it creates unemployment.  Cultivating less meant less people needed to be hired. 
National Recovery Administration

·         NRA)– they create the idea of minimum wage (although not a law yet).  It was an agency that created codes that will be described as fair wages: 35-40 cents per hour.  They also created a maximum workweek: 35-40 hours a week depending on the industry.  There was pressure for businesses to conform to these codes.  The NRA held a campaign.  Businesses that conformed to these codes displayed a blue eagle in their window and the media promoted their businesses.  Those who didn’t were considered traitors to the cause.

Tennessee Valley Authority

·         TVA)– the Tennessee valley was historically the most impoverished area of the US.  It suffered from serious flooding problems.  Farmers were unproductive.  It didn’t have access to electricity.  (In the 1920s there are revolutions that occur concerning the quality of life that revolved around electricity: first electric refrigerator, iron, washing machine, etc.)  The river valley could not be a part of the modern age.  The TVA created a public corporation that was authorized to buy the dams that were already in existence and to build new ones.  These dams had two purposes: (intended to be permanent)

·         Provided hydro-powered electricity

·         Controlled flooding

Public Works Administration

·         (PWA)– another idea of Harry Hopkins.  Puts an average of 2.1 million people to work between 1935 and 1941.  The government planned projects and gave those projects to various companies (contractors).  They built or rebuilt six hundred airports in this country, one hundred and ten thousand public buildings, bridges, and the sewer system of Chicago.   They also built two aircraft carriers: the Enterprise and Yorktown.  At this time Harold Ickescontrols the PWA.  This was because Roosevelt was concerned about the prospect of war, but Roosevelt masked that by the need for jobs.

Works Progress Administration

·         WPA) – Directed by Hopkins.  Put the same numbers of people to work as the PWA.  The difference was that the government became the planner and the contractor.  They built public buildings, hospitals, libraries, sewer lines, etc.  The lasting greatness of a civilization is its culture (art, literature, etc.).  But the first thing that gets cut in America when things get hard is art and education. 

Therefore, Roosevelt paid journalists to interview former slaves.  We would have lost a large section of history without this. 

·         He pays musicians and composers to collect folk songs. 

·         Unemployed artists are paid to illustrate guidebooks for various states. 

Frances Townsend
dentist from California didn’t think that the elderly were cared for.  He wanted them to received two hundred dollars a month, which had to be spent. (Socialism)
Huey Long
Share Our Wealth” – wanted the government to provide every American family with a house, a car and 2500 dollars a year.   The only thing that saved America was his assassination.  He would have won a presidential election.  (Extremist)
Charles Coughlin
established Christian Front, an agency responsible to attach the Jews and establish nationalism in industry.  He was also called the “Radio Preacher”.  In 1939 he had received more fan mail than anyone else.  (Fascism)
aircraft carrier
aircraft carriers
Social Security Act
protected woman, children, people who are unemployed, and provided retirement for the working class.
Northern provinces of China  that the Japanese started to invade at the beginning of WWII


·         – it is a dictatorship that embraces capitalism for the profit of the state rather than the individual.  Central government should own and operate the big industries in their country (nationalization).  Savage style of government in  which not political opposition was tolerated.

First emerged in Italy.  Led by Benito Mussolini.  His party was the Fascisti Party.


Benito Mussolini


He led  the Fascisti Party. Their slogan was “we are going to make the trains run on time.”

·         Mussolini was elected and does restore order, but it comes at a high price because he quickly moves against opposition.  He was determined to crush criticism.  He becomes a model that is followed even more dramatically in Germany.


Adolph Hitler


·         He was the son of an Austrian official.  There was an elite private school in northern Austria that Hitler’s parents sent him to.  They scraped the money for the tuition, but they couldn’t provide him the lifestyle to make him fit.  He was bullied and picked on, especially by one group of students led by a Jewish boy.  Possibly the roots of the anti-Semitic feelings.


·         Charismatic - “Triumph of the Will” a movie made by Leni Reifenstahl, Hitler’s official propagandist.  Demonstrates the charisma that Hitler possessed.  He is incredibly powerful in presenting himself.  Good at using gestures and pauses in his words.


·         Extraordinary ability – very smart


·         Not German – born in Austria-Hungry.  He comes to represent German nationalism:


·         Aryanism – the purity of the German race.  He redefines nationalism.  To him it was not borders, but what a people share, especially language.


·         He fought in the First World War under the German military.


·         Talented with military.  He never rose above the level of corporal only because he was injured in battle.  This injury was from a poison gas attach that changed his voice from high to low. 


·         He was imprisoned for a while.  He was involved in a failed conspiracy to overthrow the government of Germany in the 1920s.  He wrote a book then called:


·          Mein Kampf, my struggle.  It told what he intended to do, but no one took it seriously or bothered to read it.


·         He was Time Magazine’s man of the year – because of the Autobahn (highway) that was built by Hitler and the Nazis.  He built it with a military method, so come the war the shovel just needed replaced with the gun.  He developed the Volkswagen; he wanted everyone to have access to a car.


·         Targeted for assassination several times.  In the end he committed suicide.  When Russia invaded Germany, he an his wife, Eva Braun, and the aids and the children all drank rat poison in a bunker.


·         19 33- Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany


·         He then creates his own political party- National Socialist (NAZI)


National Socialist
In 1936 Hitler invades a strip of land called the ____, an area given to France after WWI. 

·         Next he demands an area of Czechoslovakia called the _________, nearly a third of the country.  Hitler claimed they spoke German, but in reality this was not true. 

Munich Conference
Britian and France finally call a meeting to discuss Hitler’s demands for the Sudetenland
Axis Pact
brtitian and France have recently signed an alliance called the
Eduard Deladier
Premier of France
Neville Chamberlain
Prime minister of Great Britian
used on Hitler. Give a child what he wants in hope he will stop asking.
In December of 1937, Roosevelt sends a ship on a fact-finding tour.  It drops anchor in the Yangtze River in China
Walter Millius

wrote: "Road to War: American 1914-1917" – NY Journalist – questioned the reasoning for why we went to war.  Claim: America didn’t go into the war for principle (to make the world safe for democracy), but for profit.

  Other books began to emerge:" One Hell of a Business"; "Merchants of Death."

Nye Committee

·         Chaired by Gerald Nye- was a Senate committee was created to investigate whether these claims were right and valid.  The committee will report that Millius is right.  This makes the already hesitant people more hesitant to get involved in the world.  They don’t trust government justification and will not support Roosevelt when he needs it.

American Student Union
is an organization that emerges on college campuses as an anti-war union.  The members went on strike, not going to class, to vie for peace. 
Neutrality Acts: 
They are passes with the belief that we cannot legislate ourselves out of a war.  They prohibit an American citizen, business and government from providing any kind of assistance (financial, material, etc.) to nations at war.  The problem is that it doesn’t distinguish between victims and aggressors.  The neutrality acts prevented American from even giving humanitarian help.  Roosevelt eventually breaks the law and declares war for this reason.
Louis Ludlow
proposed the Ludlow Amendment – before the United States could go to war there must be a national referendum, a popular vote.  This would have taken way too much time, not to mention the uninformed nature of the people.  The government has no way of giving the people all the information either because it would compromise intelligence.  The amendment was defeated by a personal intervention on the part of the president.
Dorthy Thompson
 journalist who had a syndicated column – she tried to warn her readers that Adolph Hitller and the Germans posed a real threat not just for world peace but also American interests.  She had been kicked out of Germany.  She had seen the Nazis first hand.  No one listened.
Howard Mumford Jones

·         Ivy league English professor – he was concerned about the repression that was happening in Germany (free speech prohibited, burning of books, etc) – he believe Hitler and his ideas posed a threat to freedom of speech and basis civil liberties.  No one listened.

Billy Mitchell

·         the only one who seemed to realize that war with Japan is inevitable.  He is significant because he is the leading advocate for air power.  He believed this was the weapon of the future when no one else did.  He convinced Roosevelt that we would probably go to war with Japan and that the only way we could defeat them was with a plane that flew long distances and could drop a heavy load.  The B-29is developed, the plane that drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 

the union of Germany and Austria
Berlin Olympics
in 1936.  The city has been rebuilt as the most modern city in the world at the time.  Hitler wanted to show this as well as German’s athletic superiority.  But they end up being dominated by a black American athlete named Jesse Owens.  He ties and sets three world records and wins four gold metals.  He humiliates Hitler because Hitler is racist
Jesse Owens
But they end up being dominated by a black American athlete named ___.He ties and sets three world records and wins four gold metals.  He humiliates Hitler because Hitler is racist.
Joe Louis
In 1938 World champ boxer. His challenger was a German named Max Schmelling.  He lays Schmelling out.  Hitler tires to use every opportunity to demonstrate superiority, and America thwarts him in these two instances.
Max Schmelling
German boxer vs. Joe Louis
Non-aggression Pact
This is not an alliance.  It is a promise of no war.  It means that Stalin and Germany can pursue what they want without having to worry about a response from the other country.  It means that now, Hitler has the opportunity to go ahead with his aggression without having to worry about what the Soviet Union will do in response.  This leads immediately to a German invasion of Poland on Sept. 1, 1939.  He didn’t expect anybody to respond to this, but this is the mark of the outbreak of world conflict. 
lightning war
German Airforce
Hans Bartram

films the entire event  at Warsaw for use as intimidation.  Psychological intimidation.



Winston Churchill 

Prime minister of Britian and leader of the Army
Battle of Britain,

·         it will be a siege that nearly becomes the end of Britain.  It begins in the fall and goes through the spring of 1941.  Strategy: bomb the air bases to prevent supplies from coming in.  They are also defeating the moral and confidence of the people.  To restore this, Churchill makes an extraordinary decision that changes the course of history.  He decides to demonstrate that his country is still capable of fighting. 

·         He orders the British air force to attack Berlin.  Physically is does not do much damage, but it does psychologically.  Hitler has promised the German people that Berlin will never be attacked, and now that happens.  Hitler is furious.  He wants to make the British pay.  Now the German’s primary target becomes British cities, civilian centers.  The loss of life is extraordinary. 

was a program that shipped supplies from the US to the British (a violation of the neutrality act).  Now this lend-lease is extended to the Soviets. 
Tripartite Pact:
created an alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan in September 1941. 
Burke-Wadsworth Bill(1940
the first peacetime act.  This was to prepare for the inevitability of the war, but the people hate this.  The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940
Fraces Perkins
 and the first woman appointed to the U.S. Cabinet. As a loyal supporter of her friend, Franklin D. Roosevelt, she helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition. She and Interior Secretary Harold L. Ickes were the only original members of the Roosevelt cabinet to remain in office for his entire presidency
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