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Readings for Essay
Womens Studies
Women's & Gender Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional Women's & Gender Studies Flashcards




Women's Brains By Stephan Gould
Women, Like it or not, had smaller brains then men, and therefore could not equal them in intelligence
Sex and the Body By Nelly Oudshoorn
One Sex model- the female body was best understood as a "male turned inside herself", not a different sex, but as lesser version of the male body"
Sex and the BODY by Nelly Oudshoorn
The depiction of the female skull was used to prove that the woman's capacities were inferior to those of men.
Sex and The BODY by Nelly Oudshoorn
The Ovary, did not have a name of its own, but was described as the female testicle, thus referring to the mai organ.

Only the eyes seems to have no sex
Sex and The Body by Nelly Oudshoorn
"Remove the the ovary, and we shall have before us a masculine woman, an ugly half-from with the course and hard form , the heavy bone formation, moustache, rough voice, flat chests mere depenent on her ovaries.
Closing Paragraph- The Sixth Composition By Rassundari DEVI
Praying "Dear God, I can only learn to read and write , if you teach me, who else is there to be my teacher? "
 Closing Paragraph -The Sixth Composition By Rassundari DEVI
an Autobiography of a woman called Devi, who describers her diffuculty that she faced in learning to read and how she deferred learning how to write. Overall, we see her great determination to expand her boundaries of her life through literacy.
Sexual Surgery in the late 19th century
By Ben Barker-Benfield
female circumcision aimed to check what was thought to be a growing incidence of female masurbation, an activity in which men feared inevitably aroused woman's naturally boundless but usually repressed sexual appetite for me.
  Possible add on -    Literature- 19th century- women were seen more frail and weaker than men • Women were incapable of academic endeavors • Functions of the brain took too much energy for reproductive organs • Wealthy white women lived with a corset, can’t breathe to do laborious work • Paul Broka-professor of clinical surgery- to believe brain and body reproductive organs • A women’s central duty – her obligation • Activities/education needed to be monitored to protect her frail body. • Not allowed to do rigorous activities as it was looked at as unfeminine and may not reproduce. • Too much education on a women’s brain could tax the nervous system and be non reproductive • Seen as weak and frail vessels in need of protection • Less strength • Human nature made women weak; therefore women were less than men. • Women were thought of someone with small brains, therefore less intelligent then men
• Needed guidance and control • Women are driven by their uterus Women’s Brains by Stephan Gould- Anthropometry (the measurement of the human body Measure ment of the skull was a favored devise for making comparisons among races, classes and sexes. It commanded the most attention and respect. Paul Broca- Professor of Clinical surgery was the leader. Broco claimed in his scientific studies that because in his studies of brains in autopsies. Mens brained weighed more then female brains, there fore he concluded that men were more intelligent than women. He stated tha” Women, Like it or not, had smaller brains then men, and therefore could not equal them in intelligence. “ He failed to account for men being physically larger then women, which would explain the weight difference.
Exorcising the Midwives
In 1900, 50% of babies born where still being delivered by midwives.
Exorcising the Midwives- turn of 20th century- Western medicine took away power, authority, and a livelihood from midwives and women healers in favor of mostly male physicians.
• Network of women (during childbirth) disappeared with MOC came into effect.
• Doctors were predominately male, therefore wanted the power and money of childbirth.
• Driven by Doctors need for money $
• New doctors in frontier communities campaigned making it illegal for midwives to help with childbirth (parliament)
• Doctors increased instruments in childbirth to hasten delivery, forceps, hooks and probes which resulted in a higher risk of infection.
• Midwives used their hands to aid in the delivery of a child.(less chance of infection)
• There was an absence of pain meds for cesarean sections which resulted in more deaths. Midwives opted to dissect baby (save mom) rather than let mom die. Doctors would take the baby without any pain meds and allow mom to die-but to save baby.
Exorcising the Midwives
• Used by midwives- an effective measure for speeding up labor contractions was to give URGOT of RYE (Rye wheat rust) which was used for centuries by midwives. (It is the equivalent to present drug Oxytocin) • Doctors now used chemically produced Oxytocin to speed and contract. They did not use Urgot of Rye as they did not adopt midwife techniques. • Midwives always used herbal methods to reduce pain.-Doctors used powerful drugs- but felt that women should feel the pain of childbirth • Queen Victoria changed the world- (a picture of her inhaling gas) clorophorm for pain reduction during childbirth. • Professionals and rich to do families could only afford pain reliever’s due to the high cost. • There was a decline in services in women in the 20th century
Exorcising the Midwives- Midwives were "hopelessly dirty, ignorant, and incompetent, relic of a barbaric past.
Between 1900 and 1930, midwives where almost eliminated from the land-outlawed in many states, harassed by local medical authorities in other places.
Exorcising the Midwives
The only roles left for women in the medical system were as employees, customers, or "material".
The medical construction of gender has shown to contribute to the biologically determined ideas about men and women with the portrayal of the following readings that I have chosen to answer this question.
The passage from the Genesis reading suggested it was man who came first and that the women was created as the "helper".
Story of Adam and Eve- EVE was the one who tempted by the fruit and encouraged Adam to eat it. Therefore she was seen as a temptress and Evil.
Indigenous Creation Story- the reading portrayed that it was man who brought evil into the world and that the women was known the be the stronger teacher who would rule the world.
Creation story- women are likely to sin and men need to control our behavior.
Women are choosing education over marriage
Women also have access to birth control, as where the birth rate has declined.
Closing Paragraph - Medicine- physician’s describing women as weaker vessels etc.
Weaker and less incompetent then men.
Was defined as women’s central duty to reproduce. . Made her dependent on others
EXTRA add on -----   VIRGINA WOLF-“in order to write or learn any of the fine arts, one needs a room of ones own “Privacy, time where you are not disrupted, quietness…. how many women have this kind of luxury in the western paradigm. Shakespeare’s sister “From a room of ones own” by Virginia Wolf A wonderful gifted sister called Judith- he learned Latin and elements of grammar.etc.Became a successful actor and became the hub of the universe… practicing his arts. It talked about who his sister had no chance of learning while Shakespeare left to be equated. She was forced to remain home. No access to reading. She was told to mend the socks. She was not sent to school. She was just as imaginative and adventurous as he was. No chance of reading or education. She was to be betrothed, she cried out and left after a beating from her father and headed on foot to London. 17. She wanted to act but the Men laughed. No one She could get no training. At last, men took pity on her. She became pregnant; she killed her self one night and now lies at a crossroad where the bus now stops.
To keep the female body healthy, to ensure the proper development of the reproductive organs. Women had to be monitored in education and physical activity.
Doctors provided literature on this.
Education was taxing on the brain and central nervous system and the reproductive system.
Not to expend too much energy on learning.
Frail bodies of learning could handle, not both education women was considered unwomanly. You cannot be both a good women, education and be able to reproduce. It was looked at as UNFEMININE.
Discredited scientifically
Research indicates that in the classroom - teachers respond differently based on sex.
More interaction with male students. Males are more demanding.
Boys are more likely to answer in class. More confident
Girls received higher grades and outperformed then boys. –Gets harder to be a confident girl as they hit puberty.
Closing paragraph- Even today in our education system, gender orientated programs. I.E engineering, Womens studies, medical etc.
Example with my sister.......
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