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PSYCH 2301 Exam #1 Review [abcd]
Ch. 1, 2 & 4 of Psychology: Concepts and Connections, 9th Ed: [Overview of psychology, Evolutionary/biological psychology, Sensation and Perception]
Undergraduate 1

Additional Psychology Flashcards




1. "Behaviorism" is a theory that:

a. emphasizes the unconscious drives behind our behavior
b. emphasizes the actions that are observable
c. examines the influence social roles and expectations on behaviors
d. examines how you think and feel in a situation
1. Answer: (b) examines how you think and feel in a situation
2. When every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for an experiment, a study is said to have used:

a. case sampling
b. cross sectional sampling
c. stratified sampling
d. random sampling
2. Answer: (d) random sampling
3. Terry and Joe are participants in a research study testing a new medicine for cancer. During an experiment, a researcher puts Terry in a condition where he receives a sugar pill. The researcher puts Joe into a condition that gets the actual medicine for cancer. Based on this scenario, Terry is in the ___ group and Joe is in the ___ group.

a. independent…control
b. control…experimental
c. dependent…experimental
d. experimental…control
3. Answer: (b) control…experimental
4. Which of the following statements is an example of informed consent?

a. Barbara tells her research participants about her experiment before they begin.
b. Jonathan asks permission from the school to conduct his experiment.
c. Gabriel gives his participants money after they are finished with his experiment.
d. Melissa explains the details of her study and her hypothesis after the experiment.
4. Answer: (a) Barbara tells her research participants about her study before they begin.
5. Say that having big lips is a dominant trait and having small lips is a recessive trait. If both a mother and father have small lips, what is the chance of their baby having small lips?

a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 100%
d. 200%
5. Answer: (c) 100%
6. The most common chromosome disease where there is one extra chromosome at site 21 is called:

a. Down's Syndrome
b. Turner's Syndrome
c. Fragile X Syndrome
d. Alzheimer's Disease
6. Answer: (a) Down's Syndrome
7. Which of the following statements is an example of a person using the right hemisphere of their brain?

a. Jacob solves a difficult math problem on his algebra exam.
b. Martha creates a beautiful centerpiece for her dining table.
c. Cedric tries to explain the laws of physics and gravity.
d. Alan teaches business law and decision making skills.
7. Answer: (b) Martha creates a beautiful centerpiece for her dining table.
8. A missing chromosome on site-23 will most likely result in:

a. arm and leg defects during birth
b. mental retardation and poor coordination
c. abnormal development of sex characteristics
d. poor impulse control and hyperactivity
8. Answer: (c) abnormal development of sex characteristics
9. What covers and insulates the long, tail like structure of a neuron? This part of a neuron also helps electrical impulses move faster along neurons.

a. axon
b. dendrite
c. myelin
d. pons
9. Answer: (c) myelin
10. When Amy started classes, she was always annoyed at the traffic noise outside. But after a week, Amy didn't even notice the noise anymore. This is an example of:

a. ignorance
b. concentrated attention
c. mental blocking
d. desensitization
10. Answer: (d) desensitization
11. Which of the following is not a basic phenomenon of perceptual organization?

a. closure
b. nearness
c. similarity
d. proximity
11. Answer: (b) nearness
12. Which of the following is an example of the phi phenomenon?

a. Watching the movement on an electronic scoreboard.
b. Watching a movie or film.
c. Driving equally as fast as the car in another lane.
d. Watching a light move in the dark.
12. Answer: (a) Watching the movement on an electronic scoreboard.
13. Which part of the tongue has most taste buds for sweet things?

a. the tip
b. the sides
c. the back
d. the middle
13. Answer: (a) the tip
14. When riding in a train, Rebecca sees a car driving at the same speed. According to the "motion parallax" illusion, Rebecca will…

a. think the car is bigger than it really is.
b. think the car is moving faster than it really is.
c. think the car is closer than it really is.
d. think the car is farther away than it really is.
14. Answer: (d) think the car is farther away than it really is.
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