Shared Flashcard Set


Psych 1
Ch 13 Midterm Review
Undergraduate 2

Additional Psychology Flashcards




What are traits? How are they measured?
traits are personal attributes or qualities that influence behavior across situations. traits are measured by three traits, cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary traits. Cardinal traits are traits around which a person organizes his or her life. Instead, central traits are traits that represent major characteristics of a person, such as honesty or optimism. Secondary traits are spe-cific personal features that help predict an individual’s behavior but are less useful for understanding an individual’s personality.
What are the “BIG 5”?
descriptive personality system that maps out the relationships among common traits, theoretical concepts, and personality scales; informally called the Big Five.
How did Walter Mischel’s critique of personality traits change the field of personality?
The observation that personality ratings across time and among different observers are consistent while behavior ratings across situations are not consistent.
What is temperament? What evidence is there that temperament is innate? What evidence that it
is influenced by experience?
In Freud’s psychodynamic theory, what are the two drives that motivate people to do what they
do? How do defense mechanisms work?

According to psychoanalytic theory, at the core of personality are events within a person’s mind ( intrapsychic events) that motivate behavior.


Discuss Freud’s developmental model and its stages.
  • Freud believed that the physical source of sexual pleasure changed in this orderly progression.
  • It goes from the oral stage at ages 0-1 where the child weans for food.
  • Anal stage from ages 2-3 ehn the child begins toilet training.
  • Phallic from 4-5 with the oedipus complex.
  • Latency from 6-12 with the learning of defense mechanisms.
  • Genital from 13-18 with mature sexual intamacy.




Describe Freud’s idea of the Oedipus complex and how it relates to development.
The theory that every young boy has an innate impulse to view his father as a sexual rival for his mother’s attentions.
Id Ego & Super ego

The id acts according to the "pleasure principle", seeking to avoid pain or displeasure aroused by increases in instinctual tension

The ego acts according to the reality principle; i.e. it seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bringing grief.

The superego is the storehouse of an individual’s values, including moral attitudes learned from society. The superego corresponds roughly to the common notion of conscience.

 What are some of the problems with Freud’s theory and other psychodynamic theories?

does not reliably predict what will occur; it is applied retrospectively— after events have occurred.

psychoanalytic concepts are vague and not operationally defined; thus much of the theory is difficult to evaluate scientifically.

What are Life-history models of personality?
How do Cognitive-Social-Learning models differ from Psychodynamic models of personality? 

Jerome Bruner: Personality = practices learned over time through social means

•  Development occurs through participation in storytelling and other practices that are valued by our communities!

•  In telling our personal stories, listeners help us to construct and reconstruct our personality!

–  Similar to idea of reconstructive memory from cognitive part of course.

Describe the "self-theory" approach to personality.

-self concept= ( how we think of ourselves) self esteem and self presentation.


Cultural Construction of Self


- Markus & Kitayama "independent" and "interdependent" construals of self-related to "individualistic" and collectivist cultures. (also Kaiping Peng).


-Catherine Cooper= bringing multiple selves (not an either/ or situation).

Discuss the research findings regarding personality and culture. What are some issues that come up when considering personality across cultures?

Jerome Bruner Personality: practices learned over time through social means.


- development occurs through through participation in storytelling and other practices that are valued by our communities. 


- in telling our personal stories, listeners help us to reconstruct our personality.


- Similar to idea of reconstructive memory from cognitive part of course.

Discuss the research on adolescent identity- is this another way to think about personality?
Carl rodgers stresses the importance of unconditional positive regard when raising children. By this, he meant that children should feel they will always be loved and approved of, in spite of their mistakes and misbehavior, because that plays an important role in their development of personality
Why can the internet be an interesting place for people to explore their identity?
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